Part 47

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Last part dedicated to; real_kristy69
Part Forty Seven.

Kellins POV

I stepped in and a gasp escaped my mouth the moment I saw Jess, unconscious on the floor. "Hello Kellin" the kid who I'm assuming is Russell snarled. "What the fuck have you done to her!" I yelled, causing the people stood behind me to step back slightly at my angry tone. "I'll tell you, once we're alone" he said, looking at the group of people behind me. "No way man!" Vic called out. "Vic, just- do what he says" I replied meekly, knowing this was probably a mistake. "Kellin, we could take him!" he replied; I knew he was right, but I didn't know what was wrong with Jess, so I couldn't take that risk. "Please" I said before they told me they would be just outside. "So then... You're the famous Kellin Quinn I've heard so much about" he snarled. "And you must be Russell, the kid who seems to be making mine and Jess' life hell" I replied blankly. "The one and only. So tell me, why take pity on such a little piece of shit" he spat, kneeling down beside Jess. Right now I wanted to hit him, he knew nothing about her because he just treated her like crap, and she's the love of my life and I would do anything for her. "She's much better than you make out to be, she's wonderful and deserves someone who loves her" I replied, glaring at him, watching his every move. "Oh, and you're that person are you?" he questioned, humour showing in his voice. "Well, I love her more than anything, so yeah" I replied. His smirk dropped to an angry expression before he stood up and walked to a chair across the room. "So you're probably wondering why I'm doing this" he laughed, shaking his head as he looked down at the object he had just picked up from the floor. "Obviously" I replied in a sarcastic tone. "Well. I couldn't have you steal Jess away from myself... or Oli... or her real family" he said, pausing before looking up and laughing. "And I couldn't have someone else that isn't me hurting her" he snarled. "How am I hurting her!" I yelled. "You haven't... not yet anyway. But how long until that changes? How long until you see her for who she is?" he spat, standing back up. "You're just messed up in the head. No one should be hurting her! Not even you" I hissed. "Well, you say that, but the current situation shows that she is lying on the floor unconscious by my hands. I think I'm winning here" he laughed. "So this is some sort of sick game to you!" I yelled, the anger not making an attempt to hide in my voice. "Pretty much. It's just like a good old game of cat and mouse, I lured you here using her, and now I have you where I need you" he said with a smirk. "What the fuck is that suppose to mean?"

Vic's POV

"I'm getting worried now" I said, fidgeting on the spot. "So am I, but Kellin would shout if he needs us" Justin smiled half heartedly. I nodded knowing he was probably right. "So this is some sort of sick game to you!" I heard Kellin shout. "Why don't we just go in there, beat the shit out of that kid, grab Jess and go?" I questioned. "Because, you know that wouldn't help the situation" Justin said, clearly thinking the same as me. "But we could end this now" I said meekly. "Lets just do as Kellin says. Nothing bad can come out of this because we can hear what's going on" Jesse added. "Fine" I sighed, not liking the idea.

Kellins POV

'What the fuck is that suppose to mean?' I asked through gritted teeth. "I'm surprised you don't know" he smiled sarcastically. "Well, I can't steal Jess back or give her to Oli with you still in the picture. No, that would be too difficult. Instead, Jess will wake up and I'll tell her how I saved her from you, which will be why you're lying on the floor in a puddle of your own blood, or why you just left her here to die but I had a change of heart, or why your friends had to drag you out of here because you gave up on her. The possibilities are endless" he shrugged. "She knows I would never give up on her, I wouldn't be here otherwise" I replied back harshly. "But she doesn't know you're here, and soon, you won't be here. She should wake up in about ten minutes, and if she doesn't then I don't know when she will. She's still breathing though, so you don't need to worry your poor little heart" he said, sounding slightly fed up. "She knows I would have found her" I continued, trying to ignore what he was saying. "Oh Kellin, you don't seem to understand. 'Let the show begin'. I don't plan on letting you leave here without showing you how I feel about how you've corrupted Jess" he laughed. "Well for her, I'd put up a pretty good fight" I replied. "Well you're going to need to" he replied, showing me what was in his hands; he was holding a baseball bat, where the fuck did he get that from? "You won't get away with this" I said bitterly, standing up straighter, ready for him to dart towards me. "I might not, but that doesn't bother me much" he laughed. "Perhaps you should get some professional help, it sounds like you need it" I laughed. I instantly regretted that when he stood up and slowly made his way towards me, but he stopped about 6ft away. "That's exactly the same thing my mother said. And now, well, she doesn't speak at all, not to me, not to anyone. I made sure of that". What was he implying here? Is he that twisted that he hurt his own mother? "You're just a sick child who needs to sort his life out" I spat, shaking my head. "I don't deny that. Once you're out of the picture though, my life will sort itself out" he smiled. He threw the bat over his shoulder and smiled at me, raising an eyebrow. "For the record though, I am sorry. Not for your sake, for your friends and Jess' sake" he smiled before swinging the bat at me. Luckily I managed to dodge it and I ran around to the other side of Jess. "Vic! Justin! Jesse! Get in here!" I yelled, hoping they could hear me. They ran in and stopped when Russell turned to face them. "Take one more step and I'll make sure she doesn't wake up" Russell spat. They looked at me cautiously and I put my hand up, indicating for them to stay there... for now. "For fucks sake Russell just let us go and we can forget about this whole fucking thing!" I yelled angrily. "I can't do that man, I'm sorry" he laughed, taking another swing which I barely dodged. "Kellin!" Vic yelled, throwing something in my direction. I caught the object; it was a metal pole which I could use to my advantage. "And now the show begins" Russell laughed, taking yet another swing which I stopped with the pole, pushing the bat in his direction, and it luckily hit him. "You bastard!" he yelled, forcing a stronger swing at me which hit my knees, causing me to fall to the floor and cry out in pain. I was now knelt next to Jess. This could be the last time I see her beautiful face. I could see Vic, Justin, Jesse and now Gabe screaming stuff, running towards Russell but I couldn't hear anything, I was just focusing on Jess waiting for the final blow. There were now two other people that I didn't know keeping my friends away from Russell who was smirking at me; where did they come from? "Night Kellin" was all I heard before a scream from beside me. "No!" the female voice screamed, pushing Russell away with as much effort as she could. I was shocked to see Jess now sitting up, tears brimming her eyes as my friends were winning against Russell friends. "Shut the fuck up!" he yelled at her. "Don't talk to her like that!" I yelled back, attempting to stand up but failing due to the pain in my knees.

Jess' POV

Kellin went to stand up but fell back down. "Look at you. Weak and pathetic" Russell said, looking between the two of us. "I'm doing you a favour" he smiled, putting the bat on his shoulder. "I guess I'm sorry" he smirked before swinging the bat, hitting Kellin clean on the head, the bat dropping out of his hands afterwords. "No!" I screamed, causing the other guys to look. "You fucking asshole!" the guys yelled, pushing forcefully past the two people I recognise but don't know the name of and jumping on Russell, throwing punches whenever they could. "Jess?" Kellin questioned, his voice hoarse and just above a whisper. "Yes Kellin! What is it" I cried, kneeling directly above him. "I love you, and I'm sorry" he said before he closed his eyes. I watched the slow rise and fall of his chest, his breathing was slowing down. "Call an ambulance!" I yelled, running to the doorway where I could see Tom, Jack, Tony, Jaime and Mike. Tom pulled his phone out and Jack and Tony ran this way as I ran back over to Kellin's seemingly lifeless body. "Kellin please don't leave me, I need you, you can pull through this please, I love you" I cried. I felt some arms pick me up, it was Tony. He pulled me close to him whilst Vic lifted Kellin off the ground and took him outside. I looked over at Russell who was laughing in the corner, his face covered in blood and he was wincing in pain with every movement. I wasn't the only one with tears falling, some of the other guys were trying to hold back tears, but Jesse was happily allowing them to fall from his eyes. "Don't worry Jess. I'm sure he'll pull through, this is Kellin we're talking about". He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than tell me. I can't deal with this, I can't lose him. Suddenly lights flashed outside and the sound of sirens filled my ears. I ran outside and followed Kellin into the back of the ambulance...


The epilogue will be posted tomorrow and the sequel will follow the epilogue.

4.2k reads, I can't believe it! Thank you so much! Now all you have to do is sit and wait for the epilogue and sequel (don't actually sit and wait though, that would be boring!).

Listening to; Free Now by Sleeping with Sirens

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