Part 43

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Part Forty Three.

Jess' POV

I woke up enclosed in Kellin's arms. I looked up slightly, noticing he was still sleeping; he looks so happy and peaceful in his sleep, like nothing could bring his mood down. I tried getting myself out of his grip but was getting no where, so instead I decided to lay here with the man I love so much. My mind kept replaying two events in particular; the candles that Kellin laid out for me, and the promo poster. Why was a day circled? The date of that show was in a couple of days, so I guess I'll find out soon. "Morning beautiful" I heard spill from Kellin's lips. "Morning" I smiled, peeking up at him; his beautiful eyes staring into mine. "How are you today?" he asked, somehow managing to pull me closer to him; how was that even possible? "I'm alright, what about you?" I asked back, placing my head on his chest. "I'm good, do you want to go out and do something today? We've got some time to do whatever, the show doesn't start until late and then we don't have one tomorrow" he asked, hope prying at his lips. "Sure" I smiled, "but only if you will definitely be ready for your show tonight". He smiled and nodded, bringing his lips closer to mine, intertwining our hands.

We were now both dressed and Kellin said he was going to surprise me with where we're going. I was dressed in some light skinny jeans with a band shirt which just so happened to be Sleeping with Sirens, which made Kellin laugh. "You ready?" Kellin asked, holding his hand out for me to take. I nodded and smiled before placing my hand in his; good job he took my good hand. We stepped outside our hotel room and Kellin shut the door behind us. "I need to give Tom the key quickly, are you coming with me?" he asked, still not releasing my hand. I nodded and he smiled before taking the few steps to Toms room which was next to ours. After knocking it didn't take long for him to answer. "Hey Kellin, Jess, what's up?" he asked, a smile on his lips. "We're going out for a bit and I thought you would want this" he said, handing Tom the keycard. "Oh yeah, thanks, just be back a couple of hours before the show if not sooner" he warned, looking at me like I'm the responsible one. We nodded and went to walk away before Kellin stopped. "Tom, are we coming back here after the show?". Tom nodded before we said our goodbyes and left.

We had been walking a while and I was now really curious as to where Kellin was taking me, wherever it is, I'm sure I'll like it. Kellin stopped and stood in front of me, a grin prying his lips. "Close your eyes" he asked and I done what he said before he stepped behind me and covered my eyes with his hands. We walked a little further before he stopped me and moved away. "Open them" he said, and once I did I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a beautiful lake surrounded by trees. It was so cliche but beautiful. "You're just full of surprises aren't you" I said, placing my hand in front of my mouth. He shrugged before walking over to me and removing my hand, pressing our lips together with the perfect scene surrounding us.

We stayed here for most of the day, lying on the grass talking about random little things. The show tonight started at 7pm, and it was now 4pm. Kellin wanted to stay here a little longer which I couldn't protest to, it was beautiful and just laying with Kellin on the grass was amazing, I was worrying about nothing for the first time in ages. We were lying underneath a tree and could have lied here for hours, but it started raining and this tree didn't keep us dry for very long. Kellin jumped up, stretching his hand out for me to take which I did. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we ran towards a small shelter. Even though it was raining, the lake and surroundings still looked remarkable. "Well this was unexpected" he said laughing as he catched his breath. "Well it still looks beautiful" I replied, still looking out to the lake. I was caught by surprise when Kellin spun me around and gently pressed his lips to mine. We stayed like this for what felt like hours before he pulled away and placed his hand in mine, pulling me into the rain.

We walked for a while before the cold finally started to affect me. "Are you cold?" he asked, obviously noticing the light shakes coming from my body. I knew where he was going with this, and I wasn't going to let him freeze too. I shook my head and smiled, continuing to walk in pace with Kellin. "Don't lie Jess, it's alright, here" he said stopping with my hand still in his. He let go and pulled his jacket off before wrapping it around my shoulders, placing his arm over the jacket. "Kellin, you'll freeze" I protested, looking at him with guilty eyes. "No I won't, just don't worry" he smiled, starting to walk again with his arm still wrapped around me.

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