Part 33

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Part Thirty Three.

Jess POV

We stood in the entrance of the tour bus waiting for the rest of the guys to finish getting ready; they ways take forever, I'm not even joking. I would have thought that Kellin would be the one who would take the longest due to his hair and whatnot, but he was the first one to be ready!

Once we had all gathered inside the bus Tom left followed by a crowd of screams before Jack and Justin jumped out, followed by Jesse and Kellin, and finally me. Some of the fans gave me some pretty horrid looks but I chose to ignore them, it's only expected. All the guys, except for Tom who was already by the security member at the door of the venue, were signing things and taking pictures with a lot of screaming fans when I got grabbed from behind, and no one noticed. I tried to scream but I must have been mistaken for one of the fans because none of the guys even turned their head. I was pulled behind the crowd before the person let go; it was Russell!

"Remember me you little whore!" he snarled in my ear. "Let me go!" I pleaded as I began kicking at his feet. "Not until I see that you get my message" he replied harshly, causing me to jump at the vile way he spat those words. He let go of one of my wrists with one hand and pulled both my hands into one of his. He pulled out his phone, typed something and placed it back in his pocket before spinning me round. "Aww let me see that pretty face of yours" he said sarcastically, grabbing hold of my face viciously. "We're just waiting for one more person" he spat whilst looking around past the crowd; where's Kellin when I need him!

Kellins POV

I love this before a show; signing random things backstage and taking photos with screaming teenagers, it's one of the things that make this job so worth it. I looked around behind me and saw all of the guys but no Jess; maybe she went with Tom?

After a bit more signing and flashing lights I looked over to see Tom stood with the security guard and no Jess. I pushed back through the crowd towards the tour bus and went inside to see it was empty. I pulled my phone out to check the time; 11:57. Fuck! Not long until sound check, maybe she already went in? I jumped back out of the bus and pushed back through the crowd to the building. "Tom, has Jess gone in the building yet?!" I screamed over the countless amount of girls screaming our names. He shook his head and continued the conversation he was having with the security member. I walked through the crowd aimlessly until Jack called me. "Kellin!" he screamed as he began running over to me and pointed behind our bus. There's Jess!

I pushed back through the crowd to see Jess being held up against the bus by two people; one of them I had never seen before but the other one, I definitely knew him from somewhere. I started walking over before realisation hit me; I know who they are! "What the fuck do you think you're doing! Get away from her now!" I yelled as I ran over and pulled Jess away from them, accidentally pushing her a little too hard behind me, where Jesse caught hold of her. By now the fans were all staring at us being held back by security. The two boys started running and I chased them, only catching one of them; Oli!

I grabbed Oli's shirt and started pushing him towards the venue where everyone else was...


Listening to; Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana

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