Part 20

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Part Twenty.

Kellins POV

Jess went to the tour bus bathroom so I decided to lay my plan on to the guys. "While Jess is in there" I said, pointing to the other side of the bus, "can I ask you all something?" They all nodded, quickly getting closer to me, each of them with a huge smile on their faces. "Okay so I'm thinking about asking Jess out. Do you guys think that's a good or bad idea?" I asked, trying my hardest not to blush as I felt my cheeks heat up a little. "Wait, I thought you two were already dating?" Jack replied and I shook my head. "We've kissed but, I haven't actually asked her out yet and I have an idea but first, what do you all think" I repeated, allowing a blush to finally strike my face. "I say go for it!" Jesse exclaimed, smiling at me. The others took their turns to say that they agreed, although one of them did say that it was too fast but they'd support me all the way. "Okay, I'll ask her out later then" I said smiling to myself and the others. I then laid my amazing idea onto the guys and they all thought it was brilliant, I was definitely using this idea.

"Do you think it will be a nice surprise?" I asked, hearing movement at the other end of the bus. They all nodded, at which point Jess walked back over so we all shut up and acted like nothing was going on. We all looked up and pulled innocent faces at her. "What's going on?" she asked suspiciously and I couldn't help but laugh. "Nothing Jess, come and join us. We're going to watch a movie with some pizza and then it should hopefully be time to head in for the show" Justin smiled, and as a response she nodded and sat on the floor by mine and Jesse's feet.

"Good movie choice Jack" I laughed, smirking at the fact we had just watched finding nemo; I felt like a kid again. "Stop laughing, it was better than anything you would have chosen" he replied with a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Uh, no, it wasn't" I laughed back and all he done was stick his tongue out. "Come on guys! You need to get ready" Tom shouted as he entered our tour bus "and Kellin, I have that extra backstage pass you wanted" he continued, handing me the pass for Jess. "Thanks" I said, turning around to grab my phone from the table. Once Tom and the other guys had gone to stand outside the bus to wait for me, I grabbed hold of Jess' arm and pulled her toward me gently, clipping the pass to her clothes with a smile. "Thank you Kellin" she said smiling and blushing; she was just so perfect, I couldn't wait to surprise her later!

We entered the venue after getting through the huge crowd that had gathered between our tour bus and the back entrance to the venue we were playing at tonight. I, being the funny one, made all the guys hold on to my shirt as I pushed through the crowd, pushing Jess in front of me the whole time.

We got inside and stood there, waiting to talk to the Pierce the Veil guys as they were opening the show. We were such close friends with them, it was good to have people you can call your family around when you're touring. "Hey Jess, sorry if you get tackled to the floor by them, Vic text me earlier saying they're still worried about you after the incident you had and they don't know you're here so yeah, sorry in advance" I laughed, shaking my head. She just laughed with me and I was going to use that moment to kiss her and tell her how I felt, but our opening act showed up. Thanks guys for your perfect timing. "Oh my god Jess, you're okay!" Jaime yelled, picking her up and hugging her, causing all of us to laugh. "Yes but I'm still in pain so could you please put me down?" she said squealing. I just wanted to ask her now, but I had a much bigger surprise for her later...

Jess' POV

I just sat through finding nemo, I wasn't sure why, it was Justin's choice of film and we all had to go with it. I had completely zoned out when I shook my head and looked round to see Justin sticking his tongue out at Kellin. "Come on guys! You need to get ready!" Tom, their current tour manager, had just come on their bus carrying something small, "and Kellin, I have that extra backstage pass you wanted" he added; so that's what it was, must be for me. They shouldn't really need passes, I mean, they were the band that was playing after all. I went to follow all the guys off the bus when I felt Kellin grab my arm and stop me from walking any further. He handed me the pass, clipping it to the pocket on my skinny jeans. "Thanks" I replied, trying my hardest not to look at him because I was sure I was blushing.

We were all now stood outside the bus as Kellin was locking the door and so many people had showed up to try and tackle the band. Earlier, there were hardly any people here and now, well, I didn't see how we were going to get through. "Alright guys, and girl, I will get us through this" Kellin said with an evil smile on his face, pointing towards the sky like a psycho. "I want all of you to hold onto my shirt and Jess, stand in front of me." We all done as Kellin said and within seconds we were being rushed through this crowd of crazy fans. Just think, I was one of them not that long ago; standing by a bands tour bus trying to get a smile from one of my idols. So much had changed in the last month it was unreal.

We were now inside and I was being passed around by all the members of Pierce the Veil, all asking how I was since yesterday after the incident, and only one of them, Tony, noticed I was much happier with two feet on the ground, so he just bear hugged me normally rather than swinging me round in the air. "I warned you" Kellin said, shaking his head with laughter. Once I had finally been put down, Kellin asked Tom to take me to get some refreshments and asked the other guys something that I couldn't hear, what was Kellin keeping from me.


Listening to; Killing You by Asking Alexandria

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