Part 41

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Part Forty One.

Kellins POV

The film finished and the bus stopped. I looked down and saw that Jess had fallen asleep in my arms. At that moment Tom walked in and saw Jess was asleep so he kept his voice down. "We're staying here for the night, it's a nice hotel. Kellin you and Jess are sharing a room, I'll get one of these idiots to bring your's and Jess' stuff up seeing as you're going to have to carry her up" he laughed and I smiled and nodded. He handed me the key and I laid her down on the sofa, pulling on a jacket and wrapping one over Jess before picking her up bridal style and stepping off the bus. Luckily it was quite late so there weren't any fans waiting, which meant a quiet walk into the hotel. I got in the lift and somehow managed to press the button leading up to our floor.

We reached our room and she was still asleep in my arms. I don't see how I'm going to open the door but I'm sure i'll figure something out. Someone who works at the hotel walked past and I figured this was the only way it was going to work. "Excuse me" I said and they turned around with a fake smile on their face. "Hello sir, how may I help you?". Just the way they said that matched their fake smile. "Hi yeah, would you possibly be able to open the door for me?" I asked awkwardly, revealing the key in my hand. "Certainly sir" they said, taking the key from my hand, unlocking the door and passing the key back before walking away. "Thanks" I muttered before walking in and closing the door with my foot. I walked straight over to the bed and placed Jess down carefully before waking into the small kitchen area and getting a drink. I'm so lucky to have Tom as a tour manager; he requested to have Mountain Dew put in this room for me. He's so thoughtful.

It wasn't long until there was a knock at the door which startled me slightly. I put my drink down and went to the door, where I was met face to face with Justin holding my suitcase in one hand and Jess' in the other. "Thank you" I said smiling, taking them away from him and placing them next to the door inside. "Is she still asleep?" he asked, concern running through his voice. I nodded meekly before looking round to see her stirring quietly. "She seemed really worried earlier, she wouldn't stop looking at her phone" he continued. "I know, she got a terrible message" I replied, trying to get rid of the thought. "A fan?" he asked. "Not really, I'd love to explain but it's up to her really" and as I said that she started talking worriedly. "No! Get away from me!". "Come in!" I shouted at Justin who nodded before closing the door. "Can you wet this to put over her head" I shouted again, throwing a small hand towel in his direction. "Jess!" I screamed in her face, nudging her to try and wake her up, but it wasn't working. Justin came back with the wet towel which he passed to me before I placed it over her forehead, brushing her hair out the way. "Jess wake up!". We both tried waking her up and it wasn't working, no matter what we tried she just stayed in her nightmare. "Justin, can you get Tom?" I asked and he nodded before darting out the room.

He came back a while later with Tom and the rest of the Sleeping with Sirens guys who rushed in and crowded round her. "I can't wake her up, she seems scared and I can't help her. Please someone wake her up!" I said, a tear making its way down my cheek. "Stand back" Tom said, which everyone listened to apart from me. "Kellin, trust me" he said, locking his gaze onto mine, so I stepped back slowly. "Just so you know, it would be better to leave her sleeping, how ever terrified she is, it would be better if she stayed in this state, she's not fully asleep, that's why she's able to talk and stuff" he warned, making me wonder, but I can't leave her like this. I looked at him with concern and he sighed before walking over to her.

Jess' POV

"Get away" I shouted at Oli who was trying to grab me. I managed to escape him, running into Kellin. "Oh Kellin thank god!" I screamed, going to wrap my arms round his waist but he pushed me away, causing me to hit the floor. "I'm not helping you! Why would I?" he hissed, looking down on me. "Because I love you" I replied, more tears brimming my eyes. "That's nice, but I despise you. Every inch of you I despise" he snarled, turning round and walking away, leaving Oli and Russell to tower over me with a smirk plastering their faces.

"Jess!" a voice screamed, pulling me out of the horrible events. I shot up, catching the gaze of all the guys from Sleeping with Sirens, except from Kellin and Justin, and I awkwardly rubbed my arm. "What happened" I asked, looking away from them all. "You were screaming and wouldn't wake up, and it literally scared the life out of Kellin, he was practically in tears. He had to step outside and Justin went to keep him company" Tom said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Shit" I muttered under my breath. Tom placed an arm on my shoulder reassuringly before trying to comfort me. "Hey? It's alright don't worry about it. Must have been some nightmare though" he said, leaving an awkward silence to linger in the air. "Do you want me to get Kellin?" Gabe asked and I shrugged, unaware if he would put across the rejection from my horrid nightmare. He left the room anyway and a few seconds later Kellin rushed in followed by Justin. "Oh my god Jess! Thank goodness you're awake" he said, literally throwing himself at me. "I'm so sorry Kellin" I replied, copying his gesture by wrapping my arms around him. "For what" he responded, looking at me quizzically. "We'll leave you two to talk. I'm just next door if you need me" Tom said smiling, pushing everyone out. "I'm sorry for everything. Tom says I scared you" I said nervously. "You did but you're awake now, that's all that matters" he replied, engulfing me in another embrace.

We sat in silence for a while before I decided to get this off my chest. "Kellin?" I asked nervously, looking up to meet his gaze. "Yeah" he replied almost instantly. "You don't... despise me do you?" I asked, only to have him release me and give me the most confused look I had ever seen. "Of course I don't Jess, what makes you think that!" he said, a small hurt expression on his face. "In my dream, well nightmare, I was being chased and I ran into you, but you pushed me away and said you 'despised every inch of me' and I'm just worried you might actually feel that way" I said, biting my lip nervously. "Okay, first of all, I could never hate a single bit of you, I love you more than you know and I would never push you away. You mean too much to me for that to happen. Secondly, who was chasing you?". Bit of a dumb question isn't it Kellin? "Oli" I replied meekly. "Don't worry, I'm here" he said, wrapping his arm round my shoulder and pulling me into his chest. "I love you Jess" he said, kissing my temple. "I love you too Kells" I said, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm going to have a shower" I said smiling at him. He nodded and smiled back before sitting against the headboard and switching on the tv.

Kellin's POV

She walked slowly into the bathroom, and as I turned my attention to the tv, something caught my eye. I pulled out my phone and called Justin. "Hey, what's up?" he asked the second he picked up. "Was Jess' bag open when you brought it up, because she hasn't gone in it yet" I asked, and was met with silence. "Yeah it was, it was open in the luggage hold thing" he said. Why was it open? "One minute Justin. Jess!" I yelled. "Yeah?" she replied, barely audible due to the running water. "Did you leave your bag open on the bus?". There was another moment of silence before she replied. "I don't think so, I normally remember to close it" she replied. "Someone's been through our luggage hold, Jess says she thinks she closed her bag, tell the guys to check their stuff, and check yours" I said hanging up eagerly.

I walked over to the bags and noticed a piece of paper sticking out of Jess' bag. I'm not going to pull it out incase it's hers but its pretty suspicious. About twenty minutes later Jess walked out with only a towel. She started going through her stuff, stopping when she saw the paper. "Did you put this here?" she asked, looking at me quizzically. I shook my head and sat up, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. She placed it on a table before heading back into the bathroom to get dressed. She came back out in some shorts and a long, loose-fitting anthem shirt. "Is that one of mine?" I asked laughing. She smiled and nodded, causing me to laugh more. "Looks better on you" I said, causing her face to flush red. "Thanks. Anyway, lets find out what this is" she said, picking up the paper from the table. She came and sat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder as she unfolded the paper. I snaked my arm round her waist gently, allowing her to get comfortable.


Listening to; Sugar, We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy

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