Part 28

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Part Twenty Eight.

Jess' POV

The small minibus pulled up outside my house which was being driven by Tom; they left the tour bus outside the hotel they were staying at so they wouldn't get stopped on their way to collect Kellin and I by crazy fans. I stepped out and was shortly joined by Kellin, Tom and Jack, who were coming to help convince my parents to let me go and finish off their tour with them. Tom knocked and we stood there, waiting for someone to open the door, the silence wasn't too awkward but, it could have been slightly less awkward. The door opened and I saw Ethan look up at me; he almost looked like he had been crying. "Jess!" he shouted, pushing past Tom to hug me. He was shortly followed by my mum and dad, who in turn hugged me. I looked up at Tom and he pointed to his wrist with an apologetic look, indicating that we didn't have long. "Mum, dad, Ethan, this is Tom, Kellin and Jack" I said, pointing to each person as I said their name. They all said their greetings and we all went into the house.

Tom, Jack and Kellin went into the kitchen with my parents and left me with Ethan in the living room. "So, are they in that band that I took you to? The ones who wanted to spend time with you?" he asked, trying to hide the concern. I nodded before clearing my throat and replying. "Kellin and Jack are in the band, Tom's their tour manager" I said smiling. "Cool, listen Jess, I'm sorry about last time we met up, I over reacted. You're my sister, I'm going to worry about you, especially as your younger than me" he said, walking over to me and hugging me. "Uh Jess, hey. Your parents are talking to Tom. Who's this?" Kellin asked with a smile as he walked in; probably the worst timing ever. "Oh Kellin, this is my brother Ethan, Ethan this is Kellin Quinn" I said, watching as Kellin let out a sigh of relief.

They had been talking like good friends for a short while until Ethan knelt in front of me. "So, I've been told you and Kellin are kind of a thing" he said as he winked at me, to which I just nodded and smiled. "I'm glad" he said, pulling me into a hug, "Kellin seems like a nice guy, and he's not that much older than you, just don't tell mum or dad yet" he said, hugging me once more before standing up and walking out, at which point Kellin walked in. "Hey" he said sweetly, sitting down next to me, placing my hands in his, causing me to flinch due to the injury that was still there. "Shit, sorry Jess" he said, releasing my other hand. "It's fine Kellin honestly" I said hugging him. "So your brother seems like an alright guy, does he listen to our music?" Kellin asked as he pulled away, intertwining our fingers on my good hand. "He is, he's always been there for me, and no, he doesn't really like the kind of music you perform or I listen to" I said shaking my head as I held back laughter. "Oh well" he smiled, leaning forward before pressing our lips together and placing his hand on my back, with my fingers tangling in his long hair; this moment couldn't be any more perfect. Kellin pulled away, keeping his forehead pressed against mine just as Tom walked in. "Jess, your parents have agreed to let you join us! However, because you're in college, your mum's going to say its due to the hospital treatment you've undergone because there isn't much of the tour left" he said before walking back out to the minibus. "I should go and pack" I said pecking Kellins lips. "Would you like some help?" Kellin asked and I shrugged, causing him to follow.

Kellins POV

We got up the stairs in Jess' house and there were so many band posters covering her walls it was unbelievable. "Jess you have way too many posters" I said laughing, causing her to stick her tongue out at me; she's so cute it's unreal! I can't believe she's all mine. I looked around her room, noticing the many Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the Veil and Black Veil Brides posters along with the many other bands, and noticed a framed letter. I quietly walked over to it and saw that it was the letter we sent her, I can't believe she framed it, surely it wasn't not that important? "Hey Jess?" I asked cautiously. "Yeah?" she replied, without turning around as she was stuffing some clothes into a bag. "Why did you frame this?" I asked, chuckling slightly. She turned around and instantly blushed, "I never thought I would be as close to you guys as I am now so, the letter was kind of a miracle at the time, it was something I would have treasured forever, in fact, I still will" she said sweetly, still hiding her face. "Awww that's so sweet" I said walking over to her, passionately kissing her. Tom chose that exact moment to tell us we had to get going; thanks a lot Tom! She smiled and picked up her bag which I took off of her and carried it down myself. "You know Kellin, I could have carried that myself" she laughed, at which point I shook my head and laughed too. We reached the bottom of the stairs and Jess' mum called her over. Whilst they were talking I decided to go and put Jess' bag in the minibus and wait for her.

Jess' POV

"Jess" my mum cried to me, "Please be careful? I don't want anymore calls saying you're in hospital" she said, hugging me tightly like it was the last time she was going to see me. "I will mum, and I'm sorry" I said, feeling her sobbing slightly on my shoulder. I looked round to see Kellin was out by the minibus waiting for me. I hugged my dad, Ethan, and Justin (Jess' little brother) and headed out to where all the guys were; they had all got out of the minibus because they were 'too cramped' as Jesse said. "You ready?" Kellin asked walking back over to me, kissing my cheek before taking hold of my good hand.


Listening to; Tally It Up, Settle The Score by Sleeping with Sirens

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