Chapter 3 | Mission Begins

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Chapter 3 | Mission Begins

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light" -J.K Rowling

"HERE TAKE YOUR things." Adam said, lugging my backpack and luggage from his Mustang. Shaking his head, he continued, "Man, did you put stones in here? Or did you pack your entire room?"

I groaned, taking my stuff from his arms. I mean who's stuff wouldn't be heavy if they're packing for 2 months stay?

Glancing at my watch, it read 9.40pm. Pulling our luggages into the airport, we checked in our things. While waiting to board the plane, I quickly dropped Sarah a text saying 'Going for a one month holiday. Last minute. Keep in touch xx.'

A reply popped out a few seconds later 'Enjoy! Will miss you xx'

"Hi Ma'm, would you like a drink? Pepsi or Sprite maybe?" A voice cut my train of thoughts.

Looking up, a cabin crew whose hair was pulled up neatly into a bun was smiling amicably at me. Smiling back, I replied, "Coke. Thanks" 

Adam chuckled beside me as I rolled my eyes. This guy was seriously crazy at times. Brushing away the thought, my mind started wondering about our mission.

"So what's the plan once we arrive at San Francisco?" I asked, deep in thought.

"We track them with our phones. Then we take a taxi there and kill. Okay?" Adam replied, as if it was the easiest question on the planet.

Ugh okay.

"You still haven't thanked me." Adam said, wagging his finger in my face. "Where are your manners young lady?"

"Thank you for what?" I answered, arching an eyebrow.

"For helping us book this flight obviously." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Well thank you so much Adam for helping us book the flight. I'm so grateful!" I replied, smiling sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes as he leaned back onto his seat, reaching out for his Sprite. Ugh considering the fact I had to live with him for 2 months...

Now where's my Coke?

We've arrived at San Francisco, exiting the airport with our belongings. The glass doors of the exit slid open, welcoming a rush of air. Looking around at the tall buildings around me, a wide smile filled my face.

Still staring with pure amazement, I hadn't even noticed when Adam has flagged a taxi and was loading our luggages it.

"Hey, are you waiting for tomorrow?" Adam called out, closing the boot of the car before walking to the passenger seat at the front.

Frowning, I walked towards the back seat, slumping heavily on the seat while sulking. He then turned around, smirking at my reaction as I stuck out my tongue at him. Ugh.

Adam soon struck up a friendly conversation with the driver. As I stared out at the window, I watched the view of the city zoom past me in a blur. That was what I liked about car rides. You lose yourself while staring out at the window, like nothing else in the world mattered besides the whizzing view.

Refocusing on the present, I caught a few bits and pieces of their conversation...

"Chocolates are nice, aren't they?"

"Milk chocolates are the best, don't disagree with me on that!"

Say what now?

Shaking my head, I took out my phone and started listening to my earpiece. "Kill 'em with kindness. Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em with kindness~" I hummed as I sang softly to myself.

"I think I'm gonna go deaf at this rate." Adam muttered under his breath.

I plucked out an earpiece from my ear as I glared at Adam. "WHAT DID YOU SAYY??"

Smirking, he turned back to the front, winking at the taxi driver. Rolling my eyes, I stuffed the earpiece back into my ear, annoyed by Adam.

The taxi soon came to a stop at a lush looking hotel. Paying the driver, Adam unloaded our stuff from the taxi as we made our way into the hotel.

Chandeliers lined the ceiling as they sparkled brilliantly under the light. Gold walls reflected light as marble floors glimmered. Comfy couches lined the lobby as I tried to take in this luxurious interior.

Checking in, we then made our way to our room. Room 279. Pushing open the wooden door, my eyes widened with amazement. Stunned, I stood there, staring at our room. Closing the door behind us and chuckling slightly, he made his way to one of the beds, jumping and sprawling on it.

Um okay.

This room was not like the rest of the hotels I ever stayed in. This was huge. As in huge. There were stairs to two platforms which had a bed on either platform-one for Adam and the other for me of course. Carpet covered the floor and white pretty veils covered each platform. Walking further down, you would be able to see a toilet. Not any ordinary toilet. It was probably the biggest I had ever seen, with a tub in the middle. At the other end, there was an open concept kitchen for us to cook and prepare our own meals.

For 2 months this was per-fect.

Glancing over at Adam, he was sitting up straight on his bed as he shook his head at me, amused at my reaction to a room. I ignored him as I walked over to my bed and slumped down on it, tired.

Aw it's so comfy...

Lying on the soft and comfortable bed, I slowly closed my eyes, struggling to keep them open. I was giving into the sleep monster...

"Go get some sleep. We'll do some 'shopping' later."

Those were the last things I heard before I dozed off...

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