Chapter 6 | Starbucks & Training

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Chapter 6 | Starbucks & Training

"You've got 3 choices in life, give up, give in or give it all you've got" -Unknown

WE WERE WALKING on the streets, on the way to Starbucks with me smiling ever so happily, skipping merrily with a spring in every step I take. Beside me was a sulking Adam, crossing his arms while trying to make me pity him.

Nope Adam, it doesn't work like that.

"Do I really have to?" He moaned, running a hand through his hair, making the smile on my face wider.

"No empty promises Adam." I winked, turning back to the streets as I continued to skip, dreaming about my Frappuccino. Groaning, he shook his head as he trudged on beside me, moaning every now and then...

Boys these days. Argh, their standards are seriously dropping so rapidly... What happened to those nice guys like those in books and movies? Poof.

Rolling my eyes, they lit up almost the next moment as the Starbucks logo showed before my eyes. Squealing, I ran towards the door excitedly as I turned back to see Adam sulking, stopping at the door.

"No, you are so not backing out right outside our destination." I frowned at him, walking towards him and grabbing his arm before pushing open the door and dragging him into Starbucks.

"Hm, what Frappuccino should I have? Caramel Cocoa Cluster or Caramel Waffle Cone?" I thought aloud to myself, staring at the menu.

"Argh any one will be fine." Adam said as he ran his hands through his hair in exasperation. Shaking my head in disappointment, I finally settled on getting a Caramel Cocoa Cluster.

Walking towards a table with sofas filled with cushions, I slumped down before sipping on my Frappuccino, savoring every sip. "Ah, this is heaven man." I said, slouching lazily on the sofa.

"Yeah such 'heaven'." Adam replied, frowning as he took a seat opposite me. Ignoring him, I continued to enjoy my drink, closing my eyes for extra effect. Beside me Adam was arching his eyebrow as he shook his head, saying,"Later will be some last minute training..."

"Now I'll do some magic. Watch and learn." Adam said, smirking at me as he walked towards the shelves. "Ready?" He asked, winking. Rolling my eyes, he took it for a yes. Before I knew it, he was pushing the shelf from the side, leaving me in utter confusion. However, confusion soon have way to amusement as a gap showed up behind the shelf.

As the shelf turned more, it soon revealed a room behind it. Big. Wide. Eyes widening, I stood staring at it until I heard Adam chuckling, making me glare at him. "Amused, aren't you?" He smirked, walking towards the room, leaving me frowning at his back. I then quickly jogged to catch up with him.

The walls were painted white with some intricate designs on it. Wooden flooring, the ceiling was high, creating a sense of larger environment. Everywhere I turn, there was training equipments, just like the ones at the training grounds. Training mats lined parts of the wooden flooring to provide soft landing lest we fell.

I walked towards the shooting area, only to be stopped by Adam as he stretched out his arm, blocking me from walking forward. Frowning, I asked,"What are you doing?" Smirking, he dropped his hand and replied simply, "We'll train together. We'll start with shooting since we're here."

Picking up our guns, we loaded them with bullets as we stopped in front of the shooting area. Holding up my gun to my eye level, I closed one eye as I aimed. I never missed, and I certainly didn't want to miss in front of Adam. I released the trigger. Bullseye. Nothing new. Winking at Adam, I watched him have a go. Winking back, he turned around, back facing the target before releasing his trigger. BULLSEYE.

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