Chapter 10 | Cookie Monster

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Chapter 10 | Cookie Monster

"Cookies make the world a better place" -Unknown

IT'S BEEN one day since I had killed the man. Unlike the past whereby I would dwell on it for days, I had this event at the back of my mind. Locking it up with metal chains within my brain, I told myself never to open it again.

I was in a posh café opposite Adam, having our breakfast. The café had a dim lighting, with few people inside, chatting over their meal. I was sitting on a red cushioned couch, resting both my arms causally on the armrests at the side as I slouched comfortably on the sofa.

Reaching for a cookie, I crunched on it noisily as I savored each and every bite I took. Closing my eyes for extra effect, I continued to crunch on the cookie, licking my lips when I was done. I proceeded to lick my fingers, making sure every crumb made it to my mouth.

Mm, chocolate chip cookies are the best. Don't ever doubt that.

Opening my eyes again, I saw Adam arching an eyebrow at me, unimpressed."So lady-like... I'm impressed." He continued, shaking his head as he reached out to grab the last cookie.

The LAST cookie!!!

Eyes widening in utter horror, I immediately reached for the cookie in his hand but I was too late. The cookie had made it successfully to the 'dark side' - his mouth!


Eyes still wide open in horror, I glared at Adam as he stuffed the entire cookie into his mouth before wiping the crumbs off on a napkin casually. After he was done, he looked up at my burning face, an innocent look written on his face.

"What?" He said, looking confused.

"You. Ate. My. Cookie." I replied, a horrified look on my face.

"Whoops. Was there your name on the cookie? I didn't see it." He replied casually, leaning back on his couch comfortably.

I continued glaring at him angrily. He didn't know how much the cookie meant to me and I was so gonna show him.

"Adddaaaaam!" I shrieked, eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets.

"Woah chill Cookie Monster, chill. I didn't know that cookie had such a high importance in your heart." Adam replied, staring at me incredulously as he threw his hands above his head in surrender.

Did I just earn a new nickname? What was it??

Cookie Monster??!!

Glaring menacingly at him, I answered, "Next time, don't you ever dare to steal a girl's cookie, especially the Cookie Monster's cookie, or else..."

Still frowning at him, I finally decided to let the matter drop as he agreed to buy me a new packet of cookies.

Thanks Adam. Good boy.

Paying for the cookies, he passed it to me, shaking his head. As I received the bag of cookies with happiness bubbling inside me, I quickly tore open the bag as I began to munch on the cookies.

"You're mine." I whispered to my cookie as I caught a glimpse of Adam rolling his eyes.

Stuffing more cookies into my mouth, I finished them within a few minutes, leaving crumbs all over my mouth. Licking them, I smiled in contentment as my gaze fell on Adam who was frowning at me. Running his hands through his hair in exasperation, he began to walk out of the café, with me trailing behind, still savoring the left over taste of cookie in my mouth.

"So, what is the surprise you have been keeping from me?" I asked, quickening my pace as I struggled to keep up with Adam.

Well, you can't really blame me you see.

He is way taller than me, has legs that are way longer, is way more muscular and definitely way more...

"Hot?" Adam's voice interrupted the silence.

I blinked at him. "What?"

"Me." He continued, shaking his head as he smirked.

Eyes widening in horror, I gasped. "Did I just say it out loud?"

He smirked again as he continued walking forward, stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets causally. Glaring at him, I ran forward a few steps as I caught up with him.

Laughing softly at my response, he continued, "Yeah you did. No idea if it was supposed to be a compliment though."

"Of course it was. Not." I replied, puffing out air as I sulked, scolding myself mentally for making such an unforgivable mistake.

Shaking his head as he smirked, he ignored my last comment as he increased his pace, making me half-run as we made our way to our hotel. I half thought it was on purpose. I mean, ugh. Wiping away that thought, I suddenly recalled my question to him. Ugh.

"Adaaaam! You haven't told me the secret!!" I moaned grumpily, still trying my best to keep up with him.

"Shhhh." He replied casually, as if it was the most correct response one could ever give.

Frowning at him, I increased my volume a little as I tried again, "ADAAAAMM! YOU ARE SO TELLING ME."

"Hm, the flowers here are so pretty, aren't they? They are also really quiet, unlike some people..." He replied slowly, stressing on the slowly as he let a small smirk tug at his lips.

Frowning almost immediately, I narrowed my eyes at him. He pretended to ignore my glare again, fixing a smile on his face as he increased his pace again.

Rolling my eyes, I quickened my pace.


Hii! This may be quite a short chapter but I would like to wait for the later chapters to review the 'surprise'.

Hope you liked this chapter and please remember to VOTE and COMMENT! :))

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