Chapter 14 | Enchanted

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Chapter 14 | Enchanted

"The best things in life are better with you" -Unknown

Ding! Ding! Ding!

My phone beeped. Reaching for my phone slowly, it was a call from Sarah.

My heart leaped a bit as a sense of remorse flashed over me. I had forgotten all about my best friend amidst the mission, amidst all these commotion.

Answering the call, I placed the phone to my ear with shaky hands, thoughts about Nicholas still brewing in my mind, haunting the hell out of me.

"Hi Emma! What's up?" Sarah squealed, nearly bursting my eardrums.

I let the silence creep on for a while before I finally stammered,"I... I saw him... Again..."

"Who?" Emma asked, concern filling her voice as she realizes the plight I was in.

"Nicholas..." I replied softly, nearly inaudibly.

There was silence from the other side until she finally answered,"Forget him Em. Don't let him affect you."

I nodded to the phone as I glanced at Adam who was beside me, a concerned expression his face when he looked at me briefly before focusing back on the road. "Okay." I replied, biting my lip. "Miss you." I whispered.

"Miss you too." Sarah answered back, before we exchanged goodbyes.

Putting down the call, a single tear rolled down my cheek. I really wanted my life to be simple. To be pure. To just like the other kids my age- enjoying life, partying... But here I was, killing.

I shut my eyes tightly as I bit my lip. A felt a warm hand on my arm as I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the cold air on my hot tears which were brimming in my eyes.

"Let me take you somewhere to forget and move on... The place I always go when I have problems." Adam said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded, silently thanking God for sending me on this mission with Adam. As we sat in silence, the only sounds were coming from the radio which was playing Wide Awake by Katy Perry.

I'm letting go tonight. Yeah I'm falling from cloud-nine. I'm wide awake...

Humming silently in my head, my worries seemed to float away with the music. As I stared out of the window and watched the city buzz by me, I let myself free from the clutches of the past.

"We're here." Adam said as he pulled the Lamborghini to a stop.

Locking the car, I stepped out to see nothing but trees around us. Tall green trees. Under our shoes were fallen leaves, crunching under our shoes noisily.

"Where are we?" I asked, curiosity piquing as the moments passed.

"Secret." He winked before bowing down, extending his hand to me, imitating a prince.

Laughing, I placed my hand in his before he tightened his hand around mine, sending shivers down my spine. His hand tightly in mine, he led us deeper into the forest...

Sounds of water splashing could be heard from a distance, sending waves of excitement rolling inside of me. As we walked nearer, a lake with a waterfall crashing into it could be seen. The blue waters looked inviting as white foam could be observed with each splash.

Adam slowly removed his hand from mine before removing his shirt, making my hands fly to my eyes immediately. Deep laughs from Adam could be heard as I saw him shake his head through the tiny gaps of my hand.

"Hey." He said slowly as he reached out for my hands, peeling them away from my eyes.

I quickly shut my eyes, only to receive more laughs from Adam. "It's not that unbearable you know. In fact, it's pretty nice." He said laughing, hands still holding on to mine.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Forcing open my eyes slowly, I came to see his tanned upper body, abs showing clearly, sending shivers down my spine. A smirk tugged at the side of his lips at my reaction.

"Why did you remove that?" I asked, pointing to his clothes which was now in a pile on the floor.

"We are going in." He answered simply, running a hand through his hair, making me melt inside.

"But... I have no..." I stuttered, biting my lip. No way in hell in going in naked...

Still fully dressed, Adam grabbed my hand as he pulled me along. "3,2,1 jump!" He yelled as we splashed into the lake. I quickly treaded water and came up to the surface, taking a deep breath. Adam popped out a few seconds after me, grinning.

"Well, that was... good." I said, grinning back as I faced the sky while floating on the water.

Then I felt arms on my waist as he made me stand straight up in water again, before pulling me a little closer. I sucked in a breath as I held it, fully aware of the close proximity we are in. I could feel his hard abs against my body, sending more shivers down my spine.

"Don't worry about Nicholas, okay? We are in this together." He said gently, tucking my loose strains of hair behind my ear and making me blush faintly.

I nodded back, looking into his eyes as my heart thumped heavily against my chest.

"Good. I just want you to be okay..." He said, looking down sheepishly.

Silence remained for next few seconds as we stood there, his hands on my waist. I could still feel shivers running down my spine every few seconds, telling myself to calm my bloody self down.

"Okay, that's all for today..." He said, pulling slightly away, making me miss his warm body on mine immediately.

I nodded back, feeling a little embarrassed. He extended his hand out to me as I took it, leading us back to his clothes. Pulling it over him, we started our walk back to the car.

With my hand in his as we crunched on the leaves below in the night, I realized I felt safe. I felt safe when I was with Adam...

Hi guys!! Hope you liked this chapter!!

(Adamcheng321 Ahh, don't kill me for some of the parts in this chapter hahahaa😏😉😂)

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