Chapter 15 | Falling Slowly

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Chapter 15 | Falling Slowly

"Distance and height means nothing when someone means everything" -Unknown

This chapter is dedicated to RainbowManiacF for voting and commenting on this book (: Thanks!

Damn, what did Adam mean when he pulled me close just now...? Does it mean...

Thousands of wild thoughts were swirling around in my mind as we were driving back to the old man's house. My heart was slamming against my chest at an incredulous speed.

Keeping my eyes on the city buzzing behind us, I let my thoughts engulf me. However, that moment that we shared make me realize something. Something bigger than I thought. I didn't just want to be friends with him.

I wanted more.

Heart pounding like a twenty-pound sledgehammer against my chest, I let my gaze fall on Adam unconsciously who was focused on the road, allowing myself to admire his facial features. Tanned skin, he had a killer jawline and sharp eyes which narrowed whenever he focused, doubling the effect. I continued to admire his manly features, making shivers run down my spine as a smile tugged at my lips contentedly.

"I know I am very handsome." A voice suddenly broke the silence, breaking me out of my daydream. Then he leaned closer to me, sending shivers down my spine when his face nearly brushed mine before he whispered, "But you can stop checking me out."

My heart raced even faster as I looked up to see a smirking Adam winking jokingly, making me slap his arm gently as I felt my cheeks burn.

Girl, the hell you've got yourself into.

"Hey, I'm only joking. Chill." He said, shaking his head as he laughed at my reaction, focusing back on the roads.

I bit my lip as I stared out of the window, cheeks burning more and more. Beside me, Adam was still laughing softly, looking at me once in a while as he drove, making my heart slam furiously against my chest.

"We're here." Adam said as he pulled into the old man's garage.

At the garage, the old man was waiting at the side, waving at us happily while bouncing up and down. Still as crazy as ever, I thought to myself, laughing softly as we waved back, getting out of the Aventador.

"Thanks so much Mr Richarson!" We called out to him as Adam locked the car, passing the key to him.

"It's my pleasure Adam..." He said grinning at Adam before turning to me and winking,"And his girlfriend."


I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and laughed. Beside me was Adam who was laughing along, stuffing his hands in his pockets casually as he side glanced me, sending me a quick smirk.

"We'd be heading back. It's late..." Adam said as looked at his watch before nodding at me. I nodded back, taking a last glance at the Aventador before we waved goodbye at Mr Richardson...

We have successfully killed Josh, Liam and Ryan in the last week. Aaron and Nicholas were left. I wasn't worried about Aaron. Nicholas was the problem.

Glancing at the lock screen on my phone, it read 1 February. We still have 23 more days till the dateline. Stuffing my phone into my pocket, my gaze fell on Adam who was fiddling around with his phone, probably finding more information on the two of them.

I walked across the room to his bed where he was and sat down beside him. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Searching and stuff..." He mumbled, as I peered over his shoulder to look at his screen.

"Hm, I suggest we kill Aaron before dealing with Nicholas. What do you think?" He asked, looking up from his phone as he stared into my eyes, making me lose myself for a few moments.

I nodded back, breaking eye contact. "Well, this Aaron guy works in a clinic..." He begins, seemingly deep in thought while his eyes were still fixed on mine. "I got a plan..." He continued, as I stared at him, willing him to explain further.

"You act sick. I'll be going into the room with you. If he asks, I'll say I'm your boyfriend. Okay?" He said calmly as I arched my eyebrow.

"Okay." I replied.

"Good... Now go get some sleep... I don't want a to see a panda tomorrow." He said jokingly as he winked at me playfully, leaving me glaring at him and laughing.

I then reluctantly walked back to my bed, plopping on it before snuggling under my blanket comfortably.

"Good night Cookie Monster." A deep voice which turned slightly husky sounded as the lights went off.

"Good night Adam." I said as I smiled in the darkness, mind drifting back to the little moment we shared at the waterfall, making shivers run down my spine.

In a good way, of course.

Hii! Sorry this chapter is a little short but I have to cut it to start the killing in the next chapter... Thanks for reading!

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