Chapter 9 | Heal Me

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Chapter 9 | Heal Me

"You sometimes think you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found" -Unknown

IMAGES OF THE man falling limply onto the ground as Adam shot him flashed through my mind, making my face contort into one which was filled with guilt.


The man was dead.

Blood had flown out from his head as his eyeballs rolled upwards. Red liquid was trickling down his forehead to the soil beneath, staining it crimson red. A look of horror was still on his face as he fell head first to the soil, sending shivers down my spine. A stab of guilt filled my heart and I knew it would stay with me as long as I lived. We didn't get to kill the rest as they had already fled from the forest, leaving their one friend to fend for himself.

Such great friends. I'm so touched.

After we had discovered they were no longer in the forest and were pretty far away, Adam decided not to go after them today and let me have a break from killing.

"Hey, are you okay?" A deep voice broke my train of thoughts as the sounds of waves crashing brought me back to the present.

"Yeah..." I replied, still looking down at the sand as we walked side by side barefooted by the beach.

It was Adam's idea to bring me to the beach opposite our hotel for me to 'forget and move on'. Around us, white sand filled the ground as the waves crashed lightly against the rocks. The wet sand beneath our feet squished under us with each step. Seagulls could be heard from distances away. It was already 8pm in the night, resulting in very little people at the beach.

Just then, Adam stopped walking as he turned to face me. Placing a hand on my shoulder and turning me to face him gently. "I know you're not okay. It's okay. We all feel this way sometimes."

I smiled weakly as I nodded as him before looking away. I knew I could never put this behind me just like that. The memories of the previous people I had killed is still fresh in my brain.

"Look, I know this is hard... But I'm gonna try and make you feel better, number one on my list right now." He said, letting a slight smile cross his face.

"Try." I replied, cracking a small smile.

Smirking, he grabbed my arm as we ran towards the sea. Once the water was up to our knee level, he immediately bent down as he splashed water continuously and vigorously at me. Hesitating, I immediately wiped the thought away. Emma. This is the time to forget and move on. Enjoy the present. Don't dwell on the past.

Grinning to myself, I bent down as I felt the cool water on my hands before flicking them towards Adam who was running away from the 'flying water'. Scooping up more water, he splashed it as me as I tried to dodge, sending me shrieking. My shriek seemed to make the smirk grow on Adam's face. Argh.

We just stood in the sea and splashed water at each water for what seemed forever. Forgetting my troubles in the midst of it, I felt like a child once again. Free. Carefree. I realized the the greatest joy in life was simplicity. To enjoy the moment. Lose yourself in it. That was life.

Laughing like a little kid next to Adam, I soon grew tired as I made my way out of the sea, throwing myself on the sand as I lay on it, grinning at the sky. Shaking his head while laughing, he made his way towards me as he dropped himself beside me.

By then, an hour had already passed, making the sky grow darker. Stars could be seen from where we were lying. We were under the stars. Under the millions of glimmering stars. In that moment I felt like nothing else in the world mattered. Even the killing of the man was just a tiny dot in my brain at the moment. I want to keep it that way.

I could, and I would.

"See that star?" Adam said, voice hushed as pointed towards it. Eyes falling back on me, as they soften. Looking in the direction where his finger was pointing, I could see there was a particular star which was brighter than the rest. I nodded my head, admiring the beauty of the star amidst the blanket of millions of stars.

"It's called the North Star. It will be there no matter where you are. It may be covered by the clouds, it may be shining ever so brightly. But it is always there. In the sky... Just remember, no matter what happens, I will always be there, just like the North Star. We are in this together. You are not alone." He said turning to face me, eyes softening the moment they meet mine.

My heart fluttered in my chest as warmth filled my heart. My relationship with Adam had become brother-sisterly like as the days passed, and I was grateful. Grateful for having such a wonderful brother.

It was then I realized how little I knew about him. My heart twisted inside my chest as an unknown guilt filled my heart...and I hated that guilty feeling.

Stepping into reality once again, I thanked Adam softly before turning my gaze back on the stars.

"When is your birthday?" I asked, turning to the side the face him.

"18 May. When's yours?" He asked back, turning to face me, letting a small grin tug at the side of his lips.

Smiling back, I replied," 10 March"  Favorite things?"

"Cycling, running, basically all sports. Oh yeah, and of course, cars. What about you?" He replied, giving me side grin before staring at the stars and back to me again.

"Well, I love sports too. Don't be surprised but I really love cars too. And when I say that, I mean I like them a lot." I replied, smirking at him.

"Perfect. I just got the perfect plan." He replied, tone full of mystery as he lay down flat on the sand, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"What plan?" I asked, mind flooding with thousands of possibilities.

"Surprise. You'll know. Just the matter of time." He replied, pretending to ignore the glare I was sending him as he placed both his hands under his head as he gazed at the stars above.

As I continued to glare at him, he continued to pretend not to notice, while the smirk on his became wider as the time passed.

"I see someone's pretty excited for the surprise, ain't she?" He said, trying to keep a straight face as he glanced at me, throwing me a slight smirk.

"Yeah. She's super excited she's practically jumping up and down in excitement." I said as I faked a super excited face before rolling my eyes, sending him chuckling softly.

Agh, I seriously LOVEE surprises.

A lot.

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