Chapter 13 | Him

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Chapter 13 | Him

"It hurts the most when the person that made you feel special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today" -Unknown

Adam and I quickly disposed of the bodies, aiming to get out of this place as soon as possible. Just as we were heading for the carpark, I saw a familiar face. Standing out from the crowds as people crowded around him to talk, his eyes landed on mine.


Running was my first instinct.

"Adam we have to run. Please." I said as I retreated, eyes bouncing back to Adam as I stared at him with pleading and desperate eyes.

Staring at me, he nodded, knowing there was something bothering me. Just as we started to run, a strong solid voice shouted, "Emma. Stop escaping." 

Just that voice made shivers run down my spine. I didn't stop running. Instead, I quickened my pace. But I was too slow.

I felt someone grab me by my hand as they forced me to face him. That stupid man. Fuming, I closed my eyes, trying to calm down before opening them again, glaring at him in utter fury.

"Stop escaping Emma. And stop avoiding me." He said in a concern tone, expression softening as his eyes flickered to mine, showing a tinge of pain.

I have already been hurt once. And I'm not getting hurt again.

"Stay away from me idiot." I said harshly, eyebrows furrowing as I breathed heavily.

Why of all places did I see him here?

"Look I'm sorry, okay?" He said, running his fingers through his hair in exasperation. "You need to learn how to let go." He continued, only adding fuel to the fire burning inside me.

"LET GO? YOU EXPECT ME TO LET GO? AFTER ALL THOSE SHIT YOU'VE DONE? DREAM ON MAN, DREAM ON." I spit, tears of rage brimming at my eyes.

Around us there was utter silence as many faces stared at me with confused expressions written on their faces. A flash of hurt and shock was on his face, but I couldn't care less.

He slowly reached out for my hand but I hissed, "DON'T. YOU. DARE. LAY. YOUR. FILTHY. HAND. ON. ME."

Nodding slowly, he placed his hand back by his side, a helpless look on his face. "Look I can explain this..."

"Shut up. I'm not letting you hurt me again." I yelled, more tears brimming in my eyes as the flashback starts...

We were had been best friends since young. Two kids who lived on the same street, went to the same school, had the same hobbies etc.

In our school days, I was the unpopular kid, often being bullied and teased about my height and looks. He, on the other hand, was one of the coolest kids. Despite that, he would always stand up for me, defend and protect me. That was when I started to grow a bigger reliance on him, viewing him as a pillar for me, the other half of me.

Back then, I was grateful and thankful he didn't turn a blind eye to me just because of our different social status. I became his girlfriend and we were practically inseparable. I was grateful to have a boyfriend like him who truly cares for me.

But I was wrong.

Suddenly, he became cold towards me, finding more and more excuses not to go out together. I had tried to find out what happened but he would cut me off sharply, giving me the cold shoulder.

Back then, I was very confused. Crying on my bed in the silence of the night, I would put up a brave front in school, only breaking down all over again at home. I loved him- and I thought he felt the same. But I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Then one day, he transferred out of school and moved house. Away from me, away from this town.

Many questions. No answers.

I questioned myself why I cared so much when he didn't. A person who loves you would truly care for you. A person who loves you wouldn't let you go to sleep knowing you are crying. A person who loves you wouldn't leave you hurting inside, wondering what went wrong.

I was all those.

But he wasn't.

And it hurt me.


"Look, we could talk this throu-" He started, a calm expression on his face but was cut of by me.

"Just stay away from me." I snarled, turning my back on him as I grabbed Adam's arm, stomping angrily towards our Aventador, ignoring the shouts coming from him.

Getting into the Lamborghini, I let my tears stream down, burning deep into my cheeks. I immediately brought my hands to my face, burying my head inside as I sobbed silently.

Why. Why. Why.

The more I thought, the harder I cried. Just then, a comforting hand was placed around my shoulders, offering me comfort as I sobbed silently. "It's alright, let it all out." He said as he stroked my hair, tucking the strains of hair behind my ear.

As we say there with Adam's strong arm around me as I sobbed, I told myself to cry it all out. Cooling down after a while, I stopped crying.

Hands slowly reaching for my hands which covered my tear-stricken face, he slowly peeled them away. Using his thumb, he carefully wiped off each tear from my face. Opening my eyes clouded with tears, I looked into his blue ones, telling myself to calm down.

"You better?" He asked, a concerned worried look flooding his face.

I nodded back weakly.

"That guy, he's called Nicholas... Right?" He said, biting his lip.

Looking up, my heart began to thump wildly in my chest. "Yes. How did you know?"

A worried expression crossed his face, "My phone had been on just now and the red button in the app was flashing rapidly, signaling the target was close."

My heart skipped a beat as I tried to piece the jigsaw of information of what Adam had said together, a sense of unease looming over me.

"This... This means he is one those who needs to be killed?" I asked, creating eye contact with Adam.

He looked away for a moment, before flicking back to my eyes. An expressionless look crossed his face as he answered, "Yes."

Heyy!! Hope y'all liked the suspense at the end ;) Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT or Nicholas will haunt you. Just joking! :) HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER AND THIS BOOK!!

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