Chapter 36 | Wildest Dreams

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Chapter 36 | Wildest Dreams

"This is what happens. You tell your friends your personal secrets, and they use them against you" -Sophie Kinsella

I stared out into the distance as I allowed my tears to roll down my cheeks. Closing my eyes, I felt the trace of tears down my cheeks, sending a cooling sensation tingling downwards, reminding me of the empty feeling I felt.

Blinking away the tears as I stared into the distance, I could feel my stomach sinking. Brushing away all my thoughts, I used the back of my hands to wipe away the tears.

Abigail and Jared said he was busy... But... But was he so busy he didn't have time for me?

I stared at the sky as I bit my trembling lips, trying to keep my tears at bay. I then thought of Nicholas and Karma. It said that you would love someone who doesn't love you for not loving someone who loves you.

Agh, why am I thinking so much? Overthinking- my greatest weakness, my greatest flaw, my greatest fear.

Overthinking makes you view everything that seems small turn into a big matter. A big matter can be blown into a gigantic matter that clouds your mind, hovering in there like grey clouds in the sky.

Brain, could you just shut up?

I mumbled under my breath, silently praying he would turn up soon. Hope was slowly draining from me as the time passed, causing the sinking feeling in my heart to deepen.

A soft hand brushed against mine, sending tingles throughout my arm the next moment.

"Happy birthday!" A calm manly voice said from behind, making my eyes widen.

Turning around in slight shock, I looked up to see Adam giving me a smile. A slight frown tugged at his lips the next moment as he used his hand to cup my cheek, using his thumb to wipe away the leftover tears on my cheeks.

"You've been crying?" Adam asked, a look of worry written on his face as he used his other hand to tuck my loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Cookie Monster... I swear never to leave you alone again." He said apologetically, bowing down slightly as he tried to act like a gentlemen. "Am I forgiven?"

"Nope. Not so easy." I replied, letting a sad smile form on my lips as I popped the 'P'.

A playful frown formed on his face as he arched an eyebrow, a tinge of worry written on his face. "Then, what must I do to be forgiven my princess?"

A smile flashed across my face as I thought of the countless things I wanted him to do. Out of those, there was particular one which stood out from the rest, making mischief sparkle in my eyes.

"3 words. 8 letters. Say it and you're forgiven." I winked, throwing him a smirk as I tried to look innocent.

A confused expression formed on his face. "I got food?" He answered, arching an eyebrow at me.

"You know me well." I smiled, only to see him smirk back, a mysterious expression written on his face.

"Hm, I think I do know you very well indeed." He said, cheekiness rolling in his eyes, keeping that mystery swirling around us in waves, leaving me entranced.

"Follow me."

We had just arrived at the forest where Adam had once brought me when I was getting over my grieve over Nicholas.

Familiar trees lined the paths of leaves and soil, making me tilt my head upwards to enjoy the scenery. The dark soil still covered the ground, being overlapped by millions of fallen leaves, red, yellow, brown. Night has fallen and twinkling stars could be seen through the tiny gaps between the thick canopy of leaves, putting my heart as ease.

"Remind me why I believed you when you said you had food?" I muttered, confused at why he brought me here- to a forest, where there was practically no food.

Unless he was gonna ask me too feed on leaves.

Oh well.

That's so gonna be my new favorite food.

Chuckles erupted from Adam as he shook his head. "Shh..." He said softly as a mysterious smile crept onto his face again.

We then continued walking along the paths , leaves crunching pleasantly beneath us. Hands linked with Adam, I tried to cover up the smile which had formed on my face at that sight. Side-glancing at him, I noticed he had a slight shy smile on his face, making me blush lightly.

Then, we came face-to-face with some big rocks leading to a mini hill. Adam unlinked our arms as he leaped easily onto the rocks, making me miss the feeling of his hands immediately. Scolding myself to wipe away that thought, he stretched out his arm towards me as he tried to get me onto the rock. Hesitating, I slowly placed my hand in his strong one, feeling him tug me onto the rock.

"Just like that. We did it." He smiled once we got onto the mini hill. I smiled back. "Can I request for you to close your eyes?" He asked.

I bit my lip. Man, I did not like not knowing where I was going with my eyes closed. However, as I glanced at him with his determined and protective look on his face, I nodded, finally deciding I would be safe with him.

A reassuring smile crossed his face as he used his hands to cover my eyes, making me feel butterflies crashing in my stomach walls.

Nervous. Curious. Excited.

Using his other hand, he wrapped his arm protectively around me as he began to lead the way, me holding both my hands out in front of me lest I walk into something, hit my head and die of horrible death.

So comforting.

"Trust me. I won't let you bang into anything." Adam's voice flooded my brain, making me feel relief rush into me.

Damn, did I mention 'trust me' was one of the greatest words I loved to hear?

"Unless you wanna bang me, of course." He continued, chuckling as a frown of displeasure crossed my face.

"Ew you sicko." I rolled my eyes as I used my arm to whack him on the arm, hearing him groan as a smile crept onto my face.

"Alright alright. I'll stop." He laughed as he removed his hands from my eyes.

My eyes took some time to adjust to the lighting as I blinked continuously. "We're here." Adam said, a wide smile tugging at his lips as he grinned at me.

Uh oh I'm so sorry for the super sick part😭just trying to lighten the mood haha😂😂

Hope you liked this chapter :))

Wonder what surprise was planned🤔

Next chp will be longer and nicer and SWEETER I promise ;)

Please vote and comment :) thx :)

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