Chapter 39 | Fate

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Chapter 39 | Fate

"Someone's effort is a reflection of your importance in their heart"

This would be the LAST chapter. ☃️

Hope you enjoyed this book!☺️



5 years later...

I WAS SITTING at a cafeteria, left leg crossed over the right. Subconsciously, I lifted the cup of coffee from the mini round table in front of me and sipped on it. The warm liquid filled my mouth, but I paid it little attention. Still spaced out from the real world, I placed the cup down and stared into space unblinking.

It's been 5 years now, and yet some part of me refused to let go of the past. Today was the 18 of November. The day Adam and I said our last goodbyes.

Shocking news, I know. The first year after our mission was pure bliss. Adam transferred to my school such that we could see each other everyday. After school, we would help each other with homework, watch movies and do almost anything and everything you could think of.

Then one day, he had to move back with his uncle who suddenly just 'popped out' of nowhere. It may not seem that bad yet, but the harsher reality set in- he was moving to a different state. Which meant a different city.

Getting teary-eyed when the news sank in, Adam and I promised to spent as much time as possible together before he left. Cuddling up on sofas while watching movies, I used to lean on his shoulder and wipe away the tears which fell once in a while when I'm reminded that he was moving in less than a month.

"What if... What if I don't get to see you again?" I stammered, forcing myself to look at Adam in eye, lips trembling.

A sad smile tugged at his lips, but he remained slightly positive. "I could drive back every half a year." He said, making me frown.

"From seeing you everyday to seeing you every half a year? Wow." The me five years ago wasn't convinced.

"We could still text or video call." He bit his lip in doubt, suddenly more aware of our situation.

"Long distance relationships. Will they last? What if I need you in February? Or September? Or any other day? What if I need you beside me to comfort me or give me the encouragement I need? What if something bad happens to me and I need you to see it firsthand to 'read-my-mind' instead of me having to tell you? What if-" I stammered, more tears brimming in my eyes.

Adam leaned forward and cut me off, pressing his lips gently against mine, silencing me immediately. I blinked away the tears in my eyes and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. My hands slowly traced the outlines of his abs as he tucked strains of hair behind my ears casually.

Slowly, he pulled away, leaving me gasping softly. "Don't worry Cookie Monster, as long as both parties play their part to keep the relationship going, everything's gonna be okay. As a gentlemen, I would put in double the effort to make you feel safe and loved. Okay?" Adam said, giving me smile as he placed his hand over mine, making a smile tug at the corners of my lips.

Then, the day came. His uncle's black Toyota showed up outside my house to pick Adam up. That was when we said our last goodbyes. Tears were already streaming down my face, yet I showed no will to stem the flow. My heart ached just having the thought of not having Adam by my side everyday like I used to. My heart ached at the thought that this relationship may go down in flames. My heart ached at the thought he would find another girl better than me in his new town.

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