Chapter 32 | Super-Nice

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Chapter 32 | Super-Nice

"I'm much more me when I'm with you"

This chapter is for eunkah for voting :) thx!

So yeah, four days has passed and Adam has mostly recovered. Being back in our hotel, he slumped on his bed as he fell asleep like he was told to.

"Have sufficient sleep." The doctors squeaky voice sounded, making me roll my eyes.

As such, being a super-nice person and girlfriend, I had decided to cook a meal for him. Recalling what I've learnt during cooking classes, I had decided to cook Fried Rice for him as dinner when he wakes up.

I'm so nice, I know.

Glancing towards Adam's room, I could see that he was sound asleep, letting a smile form on my face. Grabbing my wallet, I quickly made my way to the supermarket opposite our hotel to get the ingredients needed.

And here I was, arms sore from carrying the numerous bags of ingredients as I tumbled back into the hotel after returning from the supermarket. Dropping the bags tiredly on the kitchen floor as I rubbed my sore arms.

Pushing that thought aside, I focused on preparing the dish at hand. Firstly, I added one spoon of oil into the wok as I switched on the fire. Cutting up the carrots, I quickly dropped them into the wok.

I then reached for the onion, peeling off the outer coat. Then, grabbing a knife, I started to cut the onion. Something began to bite at my head as if reminding me I'm forgetting a step. Brushing off the thought, I continued to cut the onion, eyes tearing up due to the fumes from the onion.

"Try not to cry when you're cutting the onions." A manly voice sounded as I spun around, coming face to face with a sleepy looking Adam.

My eyes widened as I yelled,"I'll try not to cry. Thanks for your concern. Now time to get out of the-". Switching the fire to low fire, I pushed him out of the kitchen and towards his room.

"Actually, I was concerned about the onion, not you Cookie Monster..." He said with a cheeky yet trying to feign innocence face.

"I just didn't want the onion to get dirtied by your tears." He continued, bursting into laughter as a frown formed on my face.

"Seriously?" I threw him a glare as he continued chuckling, throwing me a wink.

"Uh-huh. I don't wanna die from food poisoning ya know." He said, a smirk forming on his face as I rolled my eyes.

"Gee I'm so sorry.... Not." I beamed, throwing him my sweetest smile as I flicked him with my ponytail, closing his room door.

"Damn... Girl, please note that you could have soaked the onion in water first so you would not tear up while cutting it. You have excellent cooking skills." Adam yelled from inside, making me widen my eyes.

So that's the step I forgot.

I'm so awesome.

Walking back to the kitchen, I quickly rinsed the onion in water before cutting the leftovers, throwing it into the wok. Scooping out the rice, I dumped it into the wok as I used the spatula to mix the rice with the other ingredients, pouring some sauce into the wok.

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