25-𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯

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Janae POV

Slowly rising from the cold ground my vision was blurry and was slowly focusing. I have the worst headache, it felt like someone hit me with a bat. Once my sight was clear I looked around and seen Nakya. I moaned in pain and tried to move.

"Nae, you alright?" Nakya whispered trying to get her hair out of her face but failed because her hands were tied.

"I'm fine, you ok? Where is Miyah and Gabi?" I asked looking at my tied up hands.

"I'm straight and I don't know but they're going to be fine, well I hope so" She sighed causing me to worry. What the hell is going on?

Just then the lights turned on and this tall guy dressed in black, he had lil short dreads that stopped at the top of his ear and eyebrows, he was wearing a blue bandanna over his mouth. He was standing there waving his gun around. I'm scared but I can't let him know that. I had a blank face, Nakya looked at the guy in disgust.

"Man who the fuck are you and why you got us here and where are my friends?" She asked spitting on the ground trying to show that she wasn't afraid.

"Who the fuck you talking to little boy, oh I mean little girl" He started laughing like that shit was funny I could feel Nakya tighten up, she's pissed.

"Man shut the fuck up now answer my question!" She snapped moving around turning red.

"Well first off I should have you taken away and put you in the rape room. I can tell you know what happens down there and you're here because you're her friend and Janae is here because I hate her father and your friends...well let's just say they could have a dick in their mouths right about now" He laughed making me scrunch up my face.

A rape room? What the fuck is wrong with these people? I began to move and try to escape out of these tight ass ropes I'm mad as fuck none of his people better touch my friends and I mean that, they are innocent and don't deserve this shit. I'd rather them take me.

"Ooou it's going to be a long night and I'm kind of horny baby" He bent down to my level and took off his mask and kissed me on the lips I felt so disgusted.

I never seen this guy before he looks like he is in his twenties. He wasn't ugly at all but you could tell he was real fucked up in the head. "What's your name?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"Some people call me cripton and Cj but I want you to call me daddy" He said licking his lips. "I've been looking at you for a while now, y'all killed my nigga Tre but before he died he said yo pussy was good and I wanna try it out" He shirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you and that bitch ass nigga Tre, I'll spit on his grave and laugh, Youne trying shit and I promise you when my peoples get here, you're not leaving out here alive" I told him with a smile on my face. He walked back upstairs slamming the door I need to think of something quick.

"Kya you got yo watch?" I asked her as she looked down at her wrist then smirked.

"Yeah, oh yeah lemme call King" She said struggling.

She called my dad and he answered on the first ring. "Y'all ok? Where Nae at? Did anyone touch her?" He asked quick as hell making me smile.

"I'm fine daddy and so is Kya we don't know where miyah and gabi at though" I told him clearing my throat.

"Ok um do you know where you are?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. How the fuck would I know?

"Of course not daddy, this guy named cripton or Cj came in and said he hates you and he said tonight he's going to rape me, daddy please come get me" I said trying not to cry.

Just then the door flew open it was like five guys, they came and took me and Nakya upstairs everyone was running getting into place they had their guns ready one of the blue guys stood on top of a chair he took off his mask it was blue, he began to speak.

"Listen King and his people are coming I don't know how he found us but get in your places and be ready and do what we've practiced this is what we've been waiting for you know I been wanted King ass and when we defeat them we will takeover!!" Blue yelled clapping his hands as they cheered. I've seen this man somewhere before but I just can't remember. He's really tall and buff with a big beard and a bald ass head. Kind of looks like Dj Khaled but he's more buff and dark.

Everyone laughed and cheered and whistled. I need to warn my daddy fast I don't want none of my people to get hurt I pray everyone will make it. "Why do you want King?" I asked catching everyone's attention. Blue stepped down and walked towards me slowly frowning.

"Your father killed my father and my uncle they were everything to me and your father took them away so I will take everything your father owns and loves babygirl, if I gotta hurt you to hurt him I'll do that. You're a sexy lo thing, you'll make the perfect sex slave for me and my boys"  He grabbed my chin and I looked away I didn't know what to say. My body began to quiver, I felt disgusted and what I was wearing didn't make it any better.

"Take them to where the other girls are and come back and get ready, this is going to be a long and sad night now hurry up!" Blue yelled dismissing everyone.

The guys took us to this basement and they pushed us to the ground I looked up and seen Shamiyah laying there all beaten up and Gabi in the corner crying they weren't tied up.

"Nae? Kya? Oh my god are you guys ok?" Gabi asked rushing towards us limping, her ankle was bleeding a little and so was her feet, her flip flops were missing. She untied us and hugged us, I could feel her shaking.

"We're fine what happened to Miyah?" I said looking at her my heart dropped when I look at her face. She was almost unrecognizable, how could they do this to her.

"She was arguing with Blue I guess that's his name and he told his guys to beat and rape her and that's what they did it hurt me so bad seeing that Nae I feel dumb for not helping her I was so scared" Gabi said crying covering her face with her hands.

"Nakya call my dad and warn him we have to get the fuck outta here" I said wiping m tears away. My dad always told me to be strong and be a leader and that's exactly what I'm doing.

As Nakya talked to my dad I held Shamiyah trying to get her to stay up, I really hate seeing her like this it hurts me so much.

"Look ya'll it's a window, we're only on the second floor so it's not going to be a far jump" Gabi said pointing at the window

"Alright we have to leave now Nakya what did my dad say?" I asked holding Shamiyah up.

"He said they're comin and he said that he loves you and so did Keith and Jace" A tear left my eye I hope they don't get hurt.

"Ight well we gotta go, Nakya you go down there first and Gabi you go second I'll drop Miyah and ya'll catch her let's move" I demanded taking a deep breath.

Nakya jumped down successfully and so did Gabi, I picked up Shamiyahs weak body and carefully dropped her, Nakya and Gabi catched her. I heard a few voices by the door I quickly jumped.

That was part 25 of Thuggin Like,  Comment, and Share for more

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