36-𝘖𝘯 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘖𝘸𝘯

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Janae POV

We're making a plan to get little Justice back, I miss her already and I know Keith does too. I'll do whatever I can to bring her back here safe, she doesn't deserve to be hurt she's just a baby.

"So daddy what's the plan?" I asked him putting my hair up.

"Ok first I want yall to meet our computer guy Uzi he's been working with me for awhile he knows everything and can find anything we need him to complete this mission" He said pointing to the dude with the computer.

"Damn bossman when you say mission I feel like a fucking spy" Alex said laughing, he doesn't take nothing serious but he lightens up everyone's mood. Uzi looks cool I love his hair his dreads are black with purple at the tips shit was raw as fuck.

"Well Uzi I'm Janae, I'm his daughter but you can call me Nae" I smiled just to be nice he looked away from his laptop and smiled showing his silver grill shit was sexy as fuck, it had diamonds inside and you could tell it was real by how shiny it was.

"I know who you are I know who everyone is" He winked and looked back at his laptop. I looked at Keith and he just shook his head I know that seemed kind of wrong but it ain like I flirted with him.

"Ight can you tell us the plan now?" Jace said getting irritated.

"Ok when Nakya gets out the hospital she's going to go back to Shamiyah, act like she's back with her gang or whatever, get some information and come back here and let us know wassup. When that's done Nae is going to turn herself in, we're going to be right behind you baby girl so don't worry. I'm putting at least three people on each side of the building prolly more I don't know yet" He told us rubbing his hands together.

"Boss I just got some more info on them. They're working with some of blues people behind his back so he doesn't know anything about this. The warehouse they are at has windows in the front and in the back. It has three stories and on each floor they have at least four guards" He said typing away on his laptop taking a sip of water before speaking again.

"Boss your'e gonna need to come up with something big, this bitch is smart she has booby traps in every room by booby trap I mean lazers. My sister can shut that off easily so I got yall on that. That's all I know right now" Uzi said not taking his eyes off his laptop.

"Damn that nigga smart" Alex smirked and rubbing his hands together. But he was right, he was smart and I know Shamiyah was working with someone she isn't that smart even with all the information she had on us.

"Ok change of plans Nae you're not turning yourself in I'm not risking it so don't argue with me" King said shaking his head.

"But daddy that's what she wants, she might hurt Justice and I can't let that happen" I said raising my voice. "I'd rather it be me then her"

"Nae I'm not losing you so shut the fuck up! Listen to me I know what I'm doing so just listen!" He yelled banging his fist on the table.

"You do what you gotta do ight? I'm done with this but best believe I'm getting Justice back" I got up and ran up to my room and put on my bullet proof vest, black hoodie, pads to protect my legs, black joggers and my black timbs. I grabbed my guns tucked them in the right places and jumped out my window and ran to my car.

If no one was going to help me then I was going to do things on my own.

Gabi POV

After the meeting I went to check on Nae, I know she's mad but all her father was trying to do is protect her, I wish my father was around.

I walked up the steps and knocked on her door, she didn't say anything so I just walked in. I looked around and no one was there I panicked once I saw the window open. She left a note on her bed.

Why people like leaving notes?! Ugh this is too much but why would she leave without me?! Fuck all that ima go find my best friend.

I ran downstairs and threw the note on the table. King snatched it and jumped up once he read it he ran to his room and came back in all black strapped everybody sat there looking confused except for Jace he got up and ran into his room.

"What the fuck yall waiting for get ready!! Ugh this girl does not listen we have to catch her before she goes to their trap yall hurry the fuck up and go home and get ready me, Jace and Uzi going to find her" He yelled. All of us ran out the door and went our separate ways.

Jace POV

"So what did the note say?" I asked King as he sped down the road not caring about the stop signs or stop lights, I never seen him this mad before.

"It basically said that she's going to get Justice. She fucking everything up man! It's all my fault I shouldn't had talked to her like that, now my daughter could be dead right now" King said clenching his jaw gripping the steering wheel.

"Don't say that shit man my sister is strong and smart she knows what she's doing but she still needs some help so hurry the fuck up and get there" I said raising my voice.

"You right but calm that cursing shit down niggah I'm the King and you're the prince respect me lo nigga" I laughed this nigga corny as hell but fuck that I'm just ready to get the job done. If anything happens to my sister I don't know what I'll do, I'll light Cali the fuck up.

"Uzi? You got anything my daughter?" King asked looking back at him then back at the road.

"Uh yeah I tracked her car down she's at some house down the street she's been there for like ten minutes" He said typing away. Damn I didn't know you could track how long a person is staying somewhere.

"Damn alright who house she at?" I asked but Uzi shrugged even though I knew that he knew.

Janae POV

"Where the fuck is Shamiyah?!" I held the gun up to her moms head. I was at her house looking for her. I told my dad I would do anything to get Justice back right now I am no longer Janae.

"Janae I don't know please put the gun down you don't have to do this, I thought you guys were best friends!!" She begged crying and shielding her face.

"I do have to do this yo daughter wanna kidnap my baby girl so this is what I'm gonna do to her family." Before I pulled the trigger I was tackled by someone.

My gun fell out my hand I tried to reach for it but the person on top of me was too strong. "Get off me bruh!!" I screamed trying to get away.

"Nae calm down get up and go the car I'll handle this" Jace said helping me up.

"Oh my god man damn!" I said pushing him with tears streaming down my face.

"Didn't I say calm down!" He grabbed my arm pushing me to my dad he looked pissed he walked me to his car and sat me inside I looked to my right to see Uzi typing away on his laptop.

"You know King mad at you right?" He chuckled.

I stayed silent I didn't really wanna hear anyone talk. He sighed and looked back at his laptop. A few minutes later my dad came back to the car getting inside. "What about my car?" I asked him like I just didn't do something stupid.

"Yo brother has it, Nae I can't believe you if you went to their trap you would've messed everything up! You made things worst!! We had to kill that lady in there she seen too much she would've gotten all of us locked up if we didn't kill her now when that girl finds out that we killed her mother she might kill Justice so thank you for ruining everything!" He yelled then pulled off.

I felt so heart broken he's right everything is my fault now she's gonna kill justice because of me. I just sat in the seat and cried.

When we pulled up to the house I got out the car and ran inside I went up to my room and slammed the door my window was still open so I closed it. I took everything but my bra and panties off I got in the bed and went to sleep but not before turning my phone off.

That was part 37 of Thuggin hope you liked it. Vote, Comment and Share for more Follow me on here and on Twitter @x_Janae_x Add me on Snapchat @Naenae101cutie

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