43-𝘈 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥𝘺

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Janae POV

"Oh my god is he ok? What happened?" I said running up to Jace. I got here as soon as I can, I'm supposed I didn't get pulled over.

"Calm down alright? He's gonna be ok" He said hugging me I pushed him off me and fix my shirt.

"What happened?" I said asking once again shaking trying to calm my nerves.

"We were making a drop and it didn't go so well, they tried to play us with some fake ass money, we came back and tried to get our shit back but it was too many of them, I don't know how I didn't get shot" Jace said shaking his head.

"How bad is he?" I said wiping my face.

"I don't know but I know he got shot more than one time" He said sitting down. "There was so much blood Nae, so much" He mumbled putting his head down.

I sat down next to him and cried, I can't lose my dad, I just can't not right now. Gabi walked in and when she saw the look on my face she knew something was wrong, she ran up to me and hugged me.

I just sat there and let her hug me, I felt empty. I didn't tell her anything I was just driving, not worrying about anything else. Just then all the boys walked in even Keith.

"Nae, he alright?" Chris said hugging me.

"We don't know yet" I said crying harder shaking my leg.

"It's gonna be ok Nae" Keith said hugging me. As much as I couldn't stand this nigga I hugged him back, I sat back down and huffed.

King is all I got, the man that raised me on his own, he protected and cared for me, why would god wanna take him from me now? It's not his time yet other people still need him. I need him.

Just then my phone ran it was DJ calling me, I didn't wanna answer but at the same time I didn't want him thinking I didn't wanna talk to him, I answered on the third ring. "Hello" I said sniffing.

"Yo wassup? Everything ok? You ain been responding to my text so I called, you ok?" I smiled at him being so concerned.

"My dad was um shot, I don't know if he's gonna be ok" I said trying to calm down, I could barley get my words out.

"Aw man, I'm sorry babygirl, keep your head up, and think positive, you want me to come?" He asked and I rubbed my forehead growing a headache.

"No that's ok, I'll let you know if he's ok" I said trying to wrap up the call.

"Ight beautiful, talk to you later" he said hanging up. Just then the doctor walked up with papers in his hand.

"Are you the family of Kingsley Rodriguez?" The doctor asked taking his glasses off his face. We all stood up and Jace grabbed my hand. God please don't take my father.

"Yes we are" Jace said answering his question.

"I'm sorry but he didn't make it, we tried everything we could, he was shot right in the heart and his lower stomach I'm so sorry" The doctor said putting his head down.

Those words hit me—hard. It felt like the world was spinning, I just couldn't believe it. I fell to the grown and cried my eyes out, Jace picked me up and hugged me as he cried also.

"Nooo daddy!!...." I said holding on to Jace tighter. I let go of him and ran up to the doctor. "Where is he?! I need to see him!!" I said crying harder. The doctor backed up looking scared.

"You can't see him right now ma'am" The doctor said then walked away. I tried to run after him but someone grabbed me.

"Fuck you, I hope you burn in hell you dumb bitch!! Ima kill you this is all your fault, you could've saved him!!" I said yelling at the doctor.

"I didn't get to say goodbye Jace, we were on bad terms and now he's gone" I said crying with hair all over my face. Jace grabbed my hand and moved my hair out of my face.

"Look at me" He demanded but I didn't listen. "Look at me!" He yelled making me jump.

"We're gonna be ok, alright? He loved you more than anything in the world Janae, he was planning on taking you out to talk to you, he even got you a present, you're gonna love it I promise, just breathe and calm down, he's in a better place now and he wouldn't want to see you like this, he wouldn't want to see none of us like this, Nae, we're all gonna miss him, and I know things are gonna be hard for you now but you got us, if you need anything we are right here ight?" Jace said wiping my tears away I nodded and smiled.

"Ight, I love you sis" He said then kissed my forehead. "I love you too" I said hugging him.

I took a couple of breaths and turned to my family, they all walked up to me and hugged me, even Keith.

"It's gonna be alright baby girl, we're here for you" Keith said whispering in my ear.

We stayed a little longer and left. I got in the shower and played my sad playlist, I'm gonna miss my father sooo much, but I know he's in a better place. He might have been a ruthless drug lord but he was also an amazing father and best friend. He did whatever he could to take care of me and the people he loved.

This doesn't even seem real.

When I got out the shower my phone started to blow up, I got texts from people saying sorry for your lost and a long paragraph from Dj. I didn't feel like reading it so I left it open. I'll read it in the morning.

As I was about to close my eyes my phone buzzed again, it Keith. I opened the message and began to read it.


I know you probably hate me right about now but I still wanna talk to you, I'm truly sorry for what I did, I was just really upset at the moment, Johntavian brought a bunch of girls over and told them to come in my room, I didn't mean to hurt you Janae, I really didn't, you mean everything to me, I love you❤️, my life isn't the same without you Janae😔, I need you right now, I have nobody I can really talk to, you're the only person I can talk to without being judged💯, now that Justice is gone and you left me I'm just not the same, and your dad just passed and I wanna be there for you please meet me somewhere later on this week so we can talk, Goodnight Janae, I love you😚❤️💯

When I was done reading it I was shocked, I don't know what I should do, I still love him but I'm afraid of being hurt again. I don't even think after what happened today that I'll even be able to get hurt again.

That was part 44 of Thuggin hope you liked it, vote, comment and share for more.Comment down below if you think Janae should give Keith another chance.


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