13 - Simple Isn't The Word

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PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE: a weird thing happened with my Wattpad account last week, so you might have not seen my update because nothing was proccessing correctly....... so if you aren't 100000000000000000000000% sure if you missed the last update, please double check so that this one makes sense!!

A/N - Okay this was completely unplanned because I had actually forgotten that today was update day until I was about to log off the laptop! I have been very busy because I am a BRAND NEW AUNTIE!!! My sister gave birth on Saturday, and I have my very first nephew! He is beautiful....

I really hope you like this, and I hope that it isn't completely unstructured and rambly due to the complete lack of any ideas! Y'all know the drill of the cool things you can do to make me smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile!! I lovey some votes and lovey some follows and looooovey some comments!!!

Love you all, my sweetums!!

PS. This chapter mentions smoking in quite a positive way, but I am in no means encouraging anyone to start up a smoking habit! If you do smoke, this isn't meant to offend in anyway, but if you don't smoke, I 100% DO NOT RECOMMEND OKAY, NO SMOKEY NO SMOKEY

Louis still hadn’t arrived at class when the clock ticked onto ten minutes into first period. Harry tried to tell himself that this was normal, that maybe he missed the bus or was late because the twins wouldn’t eat breakfast. Or maybe he was in school, and was busy kissing his girlfriend behind the geography block. Harry told himself that if that was the case, then at least it proved that Harry hadn’t ruined everything. Maybe Louis had gotten caught up with friends, and was telling them about last night, about how it was fun and the music was great until that weirdo Harry got a little too tipsy and turned gay for the night.

Harry knew, of course, that none of that was true.

Harry isn't dumb. He knew he had messed up royally.

Louis just wasn’t in school, and Harry was 95% certain that the reason was him.


From Harry (9:10am): Louis isn’t here

Niall got the text ten minutes into first period, and really, he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel about it. Louis was probably just late.

English was the only class Harry shared with Louis, and it just happened to be first period, so Niall was certain that Louis was just late, and Harry was overreacting.

To Harry (9:12am): Okay?

From Harry (9:13am): He’s never late Niall, he’s always there first.

To Harry (9:17am): Maybe he’s sick? He did seem a bit funny when he went home last night, I thought you two were planning on leaving together?

From Harry (9:18am): We were but then I fucked shit up and now I’m scared

Niall stared down at his phone, Harry’s fear near tangible, and made his decision. He dropped his phone into his bag and stuck his hand in the air, catching his teacher’s attention.

“Yes, Niall?” Mr Clarke asked patiently, he was a nice teacher. He always brought digestives for the end of exams, and he opted for a laid back style of teaching.

Niall held up his English book, ‘Niall Horan – English Literature – Class 10EMC’ carefully inscribed on the front, “I’ve got my mate Harry’s book by mistake, can I go to his class and swap?”

“By all means, Niall, but be quick okay?” Mr Clarke answered, continuing to mark a book whilst the rest of the class was finishing writing up a list of their Top 5 Shakespearean Sonnets, “We’re taking our first look at Hamlets first soliloquy today and if you miss it you’ll find the assessment twice as difficult.”

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