20 - Going John Green

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AN - wow I am actually proud of the length of this, bearing in mind how much I just want to go to bed right now, haha! The quality may be god-awful, rambly and full of mistakes, but at least it's up there! FINALLY THE STORY IS MOVING!!! It has been sooo slow recently, and all of the chapters have basically been fillers, but now WE ARE ACTUALLY MAKING PROGRESS       YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

I hope you all like this, and this it isn't too rambly and awful - and I hope that you guys still like Daisy! I think a few of you might resent her now, but just so you know, what happens in this chapter isn't her fault, Louis is the once who innitiates (how the fuck do you spell that word???) it, so pleeeeeeeeeease don't hate Daisy!

I love you all so much, and 99.9999% of you have been so incredibly supportive and understanding and fuck, I love you all so much. I hope you know that! I will try my hardest to update for you! I just want to say for the 0.00001% of people who haven't been as supportive - I am trying incredibly hard to keep regular updates for you, and if I have to put of updating for a couple of days, or maybe update a shorter chapter then I am genuinely sorry, honestly, but I am trying very hard.

Love you all, my sweetums!!

Louis loved Drama. It was his thing.

When on stage, Louis could pick up a script and pretend to be a completely different person for an hour – and it was fun, and he was good at it. When Louis felt like he could do nothing right as himself; he could step into the Drama Studio and do everything right in a made up persona. Maybe it wasn’t the healthiest way to deal with his problems; burying them and taking satisfaction only in a characters mindset; but it worked and it would pay off in the end in a good GCSE grade.

Louis loved drama, and he loved modern classics, so when it was announced that the showcase that term would be ‘The Great Gatsby’ Louis was ecstatic. He immediately signed himself up for auditions for the part of ‘Nick’ and persuaded Daisy to sign up for ‘Jordan’ because this was the Winter Showcase and auditions were open to everybody. After school, once he had walked Daisy home, Louis had quickly walked the two roads left until his house, and then disappeared into his room to re-read the book.

However, that was three weeks ago, and Louis had since been cast as Nick – he was thrilled, but slightly gutted that Daisy hadn’t been cast – and he hadn’t spoken to Harry much at all in that time. It wasn’t his fault, he hadn’t been ignoring Harry, it was just that he had script runs three lunch times out of five; Harry had music rehearsals on another lunch break; and on that free day Louis liked to re-read The Great Gatsby in the gymnasium as Daisy practiced for her Cheer Finals with her squad.

That Friday, when Daisy was engrossed in the final weekday rehearsal before her Cheer Final and Louis was reading the last chapter of ‘Gatsby for the fourth time, and wondering if he should start reading something else yet, Harry texted him with a:

From Harry (1:47pm): Have lunch with me and the lads? Xx

And Louis put down his book and replied with a:

To Harry (1:48pm): Sorry mate, I’m in the gym with Dais and she’s dancing now so I can’t speak to her and it would be dickish to just leave, tomorrow? Xx

Then in the wait for Harry’s reply, Louis sat and felt bad that he never saw his mate anymore, but then Harry replied with a:

From Harry (1:50pm): if you want

And then Louis felt angry, because shit, he was trying and if that wasn’t enough for Harry then Louis wasn’t sure if he wanted to bother at all. Instead of replying, Louis locked his phone and chucked it into his bag, and smiled at Daisy who was skipping up to him, pulling her hair out of the hair elastic and beaming at him, slightly out of breath.

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