Chapter 2 - Reality

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Photo Credit : Can't find the origin of this photo, it is not mine nor do I have any claim on its ownership

Hi everyone, my apologies for the kinda late update. It's been a crazy week, my son got hospitalized for a dengue scare and it put everything I've been doing on hold. Thank God is much better now, so all is back to normal.

I'd like to thank everyone who read the Prologue and Chapter 1, thank you for the promising reviews and encouragement. I hope I can keep your interest in the story, like I said it's a lot different than the past fic, but it will still have the same fluff and a bit of drama to spice up the story.

Hope you like this chapter, as it unfolds another facet of Dei's personality. Here's hoping I hear from you all as usual, my dears.  Have a great weekend :)   

May 2015

Dei dusted the souvenir photo of their mock wedding seven years ago. She remembered how nice it felt to meet a tall and handsome stranger with gentle hands, a soothing voice and was a hell of a good kisser. All her convent school upbringing was forgotten when his lips touched hers, her very first time to be kissed. She remembered how hopeless she felt that day, when another incident with her mom broke her heart.

Dei had a love and hate relationship with her mother. Her mama was a high-strung perfectionist who never minced words whenever Dei displeased her. Mama was proud of their Spanish blood and embraced the customs and traditions of rigid Spanish upbringing, which turned Dei into an introvert.

Her mother's mode of discipline involved physical punishment, which got worse for Dei or her siblings whenever they cried out in pain. They were encouraged to suffer punishment in silence, to avoid getting the neighbors curious enough to ask questions. There have been nights when she cried herself to sleep, gingerly caressing the bruises in her arms and legs whenever she did something that displeased her mother.

That fateful day of the college fair, her mother refused to allow her to go with her friends, even when her father already gave his consent. Her mother disapproved of social activities while still studying, and slapped Dei when she tried to reason with her mother. Her father intervened, offering to drive her to the fair.

"Don't think too much of your mama's anger, Dei. She has good intentions, only wants what's best for you."

"I'm ok papa, sorry for the trouble."

"Look sweetie, stay out as late as you want with your friends. Take the spare keys to the gate and door and I'll make sure mama sleeps early. You take care, okay?" He kissed her on the forehead and smiled. Papa was wonderful, always the neutralizer for mama's tantrums.

She waited for her friends, but half an hour later, they flaked on her. On a rare opportunity for her to enjoy a night out with them, they suddenly back out at the last minute, when she's already inside. She walked listlessly around, close to tears. She was given a pass to go home late, but had no one to enjoy it with. The story of her life.

She reaches the marriage booth, looking wistfully inside the makeshift tent. At eighteen, she never enjoyed the thrill and pleasure of having a boyfriend, a far cry from her friends who had boyfriends way back since their early teen years. She wonders what it's like to have a boyfriend, to be kissed and hugged. Taking another peek inside the booth, a part of her wished she'd be cuffed and taken inside.

And then it happened. She was cuffed and paired with a tall and handsome god, whose hand covered hers, their fingers interlacing so naturally. He was so tall her head barely reached his chin, his chest a solid wall that she bumped into.

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