Chapter 9 - Intoxication

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Photo Credit: Screen grab from youtube video posted by Pinoy News Blogger 

Hi there dear readers. Keeping my update light and hopefully a little funny this time. What happens when two people hopelessly attracted to one another are put together in one room, with no one to stop them from getting intimate? Is Richard strong enough to resist Dei's charm?

Read on to find out. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to jenejust1224 and isy1619, readers who faithfully follow my fics and are so generous with sharing their comments. Hope you guys like this update:)

Beshies, feel free to comment and share your favorite quotes or parts of this chapter. Looking forward to hear from you all. Hope you all have a great week! 

Richard drove away from Dei's house, trying to calm himself. He looked at Dei, still trying to compose herself after that emotional encounter, imagining the turmoil within her. He reached for her hand, kissing it.

"You ok, Dei?"

"I will be, don't worry." She smiled at him through her tears.

Tomorrow was a workday, and a school day for Dei. This would be an adjustment for them both, but he was ready to take it on. They both needed to get back the happy vibe they felt before visiting her parents. He suddenly had an idea.

"You wanna see a movie?"

"When, now?"

"Yes, why not? To get our mind off things."

"Hmmm, ok."

He drove all the way to Rockwell, parked the car and took her inside the mall. They checked the cinemas but there was nothing worth watching. They ended up going to the supermarket to stock up on food and some personal things Dei needed.

Dei seemed to enjoy this little domestic core, especially planning for what meals to cook. She loved cooking, and wanted to show off her skills to Richard. She smiled at him, even kissed his cheek impulsively when he grabbed a box of Ferrero Rocher, her favorite chocolates and put it in their cart.

"This is way better than watching a movie," She said, smiling.

"Feels like we're already married, huh?" He put an arm around her and pulled her closer to him. She was right, this grocery shopping did feel good. But it also made him aware of other things. It reminded him of the night ahead, it would be just the two of them in the condo. That thought was enough to get him all hot and bothered.

He was quiet while driving, suddenly aware of Dei's hand caressing his arm absently.  He was getting a hard-on just thinking of sharing a bed with her, even if they were just literally sleeping together. Dei's allure was not the obvious type, she had grace in movement, an innocence that was attractive as well as beguiling.

Richard parked the car at his condo building and took a deep breath. There was tension between him and Dei, an awareness that was palpable as it was unnerving. The moment they step out of this car, they were going up to his condo unit to spend the night, no, many nights together, just the two of them. No parents to stop them, no one to filter their moves. He was giddy and dying at the same time. He wanted to do the right thing, to be a man about this and control his desire for her.

Dei felt it too. He noticed her surreptitious glances at him, the way her gaze hovered over his mouth, his body. It definitely wasn't helping him, seeing her look at him that way. He stepped out of the car, went to her side and opened the passenger door to let her out. Hand in hand, they walked to the elevator and pressed the 11th floor, where his unit was.

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