Chapter 49 - Fallen

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Here's an update that I know most of you are waiting for. I won't ruin the surprise, you'd have to read to find out. But the chapter also includes a back story for Daniel, as suggested by one of the readers. My thanks to lololouisaa for the prompt, it fit in well with my plan for this chapter.

As always, there's a human side to each of my characters, including the villains. THis is because I believe no one is 100% evil, that God gave us hearts and minds to weigh things in both ways, and that is what makes us human.

Hit me with your comments as always, hope you enjoy this chapter. Lovelots, my dears :)

Daniel watched her as she lay asleep after he had his way with her. She was beautiful even when asleep, and she was the only person he ever felt any tenderness for. If Daniel was ever capable of love, Trina would be the only person he could give his love to.

From the moment he saw her, even when she belonged to someone else, he already desired her. So he befriended her, became close to her, until a stroke of luck arose and she came to him, confided in him her financial problem. Since befriending her didn't seem to do the trick of winning her over, he cut to the chase by asking her to be his in exchange for help. And of course he got what he wanted.

But he got only her body, not her heart. He feels it even now, after three years of living together with her, he still doesn't have her heart. Sure it frustrates him, but what else was new? From childhood, this has been the story of his life, he was always the unchosen.

Daniel was born in the US with a fraternal twin brother. Daniel was the weaker and sickly one, but also the smarter one. He excelled in school, was a natural learner, but he was not competitive and was bullied incessantly by his classmates. His brother Damien was the golden boy, his parents' favorite. Damien was the spitting image of his father, a natural athlete and was popular in school. Although his grades weren't as high as Daniel's, he was studious and a born leader, he was also a good brother.

While the brothers were close to each other, their parents' unbalanced attention took a toll on Daniel. He started to become competitive with his brother, by taking on the same interests and making sure he performed better. His health improved as he got older, and his entry into sports made him stronger physically and more popular in school.

Despite his achievements, Daniel felt he was still overlooked by his parents. He never got the same keen interest they had in Damien's activities. He and his brother once talked about it and he was surprised with his brother's confession.

"No matter what I do, ma and pa still turn a blind eye on my achievements. They still see you as the better son. What will it take for me to be liked the way they like you? Ano bang kulang sakin?"

"Dan, you don't know how lucky you are. There's no pressure for you to be perfect all the time. You can go about as you please, ayaw mo yon? Lagi sila nakabantay sakin, and the pressure is overwhelming. They want me to take up law, hindi ko naman hilig yon. Ikaw, ok lang sa kanila mag-architecture ka, you will get the career you want."

"Eh di tumanggi ka. Why force yourself to do something you are not up for?"

"I don't want to disappoint them. I can't stand being judged by them or by anyone. So I'll do what they want, even if it kills me."

Although they both passed their respective entrance exams, both fared differently in their chosen courses. Damien started getting so-so grades while Daniel did well in school. His parents seemed resentful of his good performance, and instead of rewarding him, they berated him for parading his accomplishments instead of motivating his brother. This was the start of his hatred for Damien, who seemed like a weakling in his eyes. Goody two shoes but helpless, he felt sorry for his brother but rejoiced deep down because his parents finally see his brother for what he really was....a "failure."

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