Chapter 6 - The Silver Lining

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Finally, a happy update which I hope you will enjoy. Life can't be all heartbreak and tears, there are triumphs and happy times too. Our couple will not let any hitches get in the way of their happiness. Please read and see how Dei and Richard make the most out of their situation and still manage to have a memorable celebration of their anniversary. 

Hoping to hear from you dear readers, many thanks for the wonderful feedback I'm getting so far. I'm glad you still follow this story even if it's not all fluff and has its share of painful moments. Hoping to sustain the momentum to give you the best reads :)

It was past 8:00 in the evening when they arrived at The Inn at the Cliffhouse. He would have wanted to catch the sunset with her here, but they still had the sunrise to look forward to. The place was beautiful and elegant, the surroundings so tranquil and soothing. He pulled Dei close to him, hugging her to his side, as he held her bag with his other hand.

He made her sit at the lobby and took care of checking in, securing  their room key and having their bags delivered to the room. Dei had calmed down somewhat, but she looked melancholic and he really couldn't blame her. He was still hopeful they could make the most of this night, he wanted it to be as special for her as it was for him.

He pulled her by the hand, leading her to their room. The room was spacious and as elegant as the Inn's lobby, with two king-sized beds and a veranda that showed off the breathtaking scenery of Taal Volcano. Dei looked around, loving her surroundings, forgetting for a moment what she looked like.

"RJ, how can you afford this? This room must have cost you your whole month's salary. I don't want you spending too much on me."

"They're a client, sweetie. We get a special discount because of our working relationship with them. And stop worrying about the cost, ok? You deserve to be pampered."

"RJ........I can't walk around looking like this. I'll embarrass you. I look hideous."

It killed him to see her like this. She looked so lost, her self-esteem at its lowest. He hugged her to him, kissing her on the forehead. He actually knew how to fix this problem, but he was afraid of doing it all wrong and end up making her look worse.

"Dei, baby, do you trust me?" He looked into her caramel orbs, her lashes glistening with unshed tears.

"Y-yes. I would trust you with my life, RJ." Her chest was heaving from trying so hard not to cry again.

"Wait here, ok? I will fix this. I'll be back."

With a gentle kiss on her lips, he left. In a few minutes, he was back. He had a pair of scissors in his hand. She looked at him warily.

"My grandfather taught me how to cut his hair, because he hated going to barber shops. He hated falling asleep in the barber's chair and waking up to a haircut he didn't like. So he taught me how to cut hair."

He gently removed her scarf, kissing the top of her head. Looking at her questioningly, he waited for her to give him the go signal to fix the damage her mama did . She slowly nodded, closing her eyes, fearing the worst. 

Richard made her sit in front of the dresser table to face the mirror. He started combing through her hair, gently caressing her scalp, her face and neck. He massaged her tense shoulders, way down to her back, lovingly easing the knots that seemed to lump up tense muscles in her back. When she seemed less tense, he started snipping off the uneven locks of hair, fixing the layers. He sang to her softly while working, singing the Twilight song "It Will Rain," his voice so soothing and gentle.

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