Chapter 55 - Surprise Redux

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Hi beshies, no update tonight because it's my corproate Christmas party. So here's a short update to tide us over. 

I have a surprise for you all here, a couple is having a reconciliation and I'm so happy for them. So please read on and feel good like I did while writing this. Hope you enjoy this and as usual, feel free to leave comments :)

June 2020

They were finally moving into their dream house. She had seen the rendered drawings, the interior design scheme for each of the rooms, gone shopping for furniture with Richard, but never ever seen the house in its entirety. Richard said it was a surprise, and he supervised every nook and cranny of the space without her help because he wanted her to focus on the children.

He promised that by the time the house was ready, they would just move in without the hassle of having to arrange furniture around and bring in their things, he wanted to do away with that. He wanted the kids to move into a house that no longer smelled of paint, was already sanitized and had no dust in the air.

So here they were, hearts beating fast, on the way to see their house together for the first time. Thirdy was in the front passenger seat, safely buckled up and asleep, while Dei was in the back seat, beside Athena, also fast asleep in her car seater. Dei reached out to touch Richard on the shoulder, his hand briefly leaving the wheel to touch hers.

"Can't contain my excitement, RJ."

"Ten minutes, sweetie. We're almost there."

They were now entering the village gate, going through the necessary security and were allowed access. Richard turns right at the forked road and finally stops in front of a modern-looking slate-colored gate flanked by concrete camel walls that seemed like finely wedged particles of sand. Richard stepped out to key in the security code and waited for the gate to open electronically.

He drove into the property, and parked on the driveway. He assisted Dei in stepping out of the pick-up, nervously watching for her reaction.

"Oh my God, this house really ours? It's breathtaking! "

She threw her arms around him and cried, unable to believe that a house this big and beautiful was theirs. It was a modern masterpiece in glass, wood and concrete, freshly softened by the greenery surrounding it. They took out the strollers from the back of the pick-up and put the sleeping kids in them, wheeling them into the house.

Everything was as Dei wanted it and more. She wanted a homey feel without the professional signature of an interior designer on their interiors. A livable space where her children could run around inside without the fear of breaking something or getting any of the furniture dirty. She remembered a childhood of having to be careful all the time because her mama was always watchful of any stains on the cushions or carpets. It was a stifling and difficult way to grow up.

The living room was inviting with the comfy-looking furniture she and Richard chose. The lighting was natural and not too stark, the walls were smooth, in warm earth colors. The ceilings were works of art, filled with wood patterns that hid the lighting fixtures.

The kitchen was big the way she liked, the small dining area close to the kitchen and hidden from the living room, giving them privacy to dine in case Richard had clients coming in for meetings. A more formal dining area for entertaining guests was nearer the living room.

"Like what you see so far, Dei?"

"Definitely. How were you able to pull this off alone? I feel guilty not helping you."

"I make a living doing this, remember? It's not like I did this all by myself. I just supervised."

"Still, RJ. So much effort. I love it."

"You haven't seen the bedrooms, come. While the babies are still asleep."

They climbed the oak staircase to see the bedrooms. Thirdy's bedroom was done in blue, already filled with his favorite books and toys organized in bins easy for Thirdy to open so that he can tidy up the space on his own. The nursery for Athena was done in rosy pink, as befitting their princess. Finally, they reached the bedroom and Dei went in as Richard opened the door for her.

Their bedroom was a big space enough to fit two king-sized bed, with the purpose of letting their kids sleep with them even if they had their own rooms, till they were big enough to sleep alone. The windows were wide, allowing enough light to come in but could be blocked by taupe roman shades. There was a walk-in closet, a bathroom that contained a tub and separate shower stall.

"See the tub Dei? Wide enough for both of us," He whispered wickedly close to her ear. "Believe me, we will be using this often."

"Ang harot mo talaga babe. Hlika na nga baka gising na sila."

He pulled her momentarily close to him, a hand possessively on her breast, one arm pulling her close by the waist.

"Why is it that despite all these years, I still can't get enough of you?" He kissed her, tongue plunging into her mouth hungrily. Her hands crept up to bring his head closer, giving back as much as she takes with her tongue and hands. His mouth travels to her neck, planting open-mouth kisses and nips causing her to shiver.

"Tama na babe, mabibitin lang tayo," She said giggling.

They go down to the living room and find their babies still asleep. They carry both to the spare bedroom and bring down the mattress to ensure the babies won't fall off as they sleep.


The housewarming party was in full swing. Guests were mostly close friends, Richard's and Dei's parents and Richard's colleagues in his firm. Charlie was back with them, having been convinced by Sam. A car suddenly parked by the driveway to reveal another visitor, also a good friend.

It was Trina, and she had with her a one-year old baby girl, a baby Daniel left with her. It filled her with joy when she found out Daniel left her pregnant, holding on to this last gift of the paradoxical man in her life. She looked at peace now, with her own successful interior design practice.

Charlie's world stopped upon seeing her again. He was angry with her at first, then hurt, when she left him to be with Daniel. Through the years he found out from Richard the real story, and regret not fighting for her. But here she was now, still as pretty as he imagined her to be. She had a child and he didn't mind.

Didn't mind? Ang lakas mo naman boy, he chided himself. She probably is with someone by now. But she walked straight to him, even before greeting Dei and Richard, an uncertain smile in her face. It was like the movies, a slow-motion worthy scene of lovers who meet again for the first time in years.

She stops in front of him, baby in tow. They just have their fill of looking at each other, both with eyes glistening.

"Charlie." Her sweet voice utters his name unevenly.

"You look good, Trina." He smiled gently at her, showing no bitterness.

"I'm so sorry for everything." Her tears fall despite the smile. And he helplessly pulls her in his arms, hugging her and the baby. Dei's eyes fill with tears, hoping her little ruse will work. She invited Trina, hoping to get her back with Charlie, who was single for the past year.

She pulls back and he wipes her tears, and it's like they are back at day one, remembering how they first met. He holds her hand and pinches the chubby cheek of her smiling daughter, feeling light of heart and a little giddy. And here he almost didn't come tonight, he thought ruefully.

"Let's talk later, ok? I just want to be with you now." He kissed her cheek and frowned at Sam, who was making faces at him.

Richard put an arm around Dei, who was full on crying by now. She hoped the two would be happy again.

"This was your plan, wasn't it?"


"It's sweet really."

"I want them to be as happy as we are, baby."

"I think they already are, right now."

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