Chapter 4 - Compromises

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Photo Credit: So sorry, had this photo for a long time but could not trace who owns it. I do not own this photo and claim no rights to it.

Hi beshies, here's another update, a happier one for a change.  I finally got some writing done and was able to work on advance chapters for this story. So I'm hoping to get in at least two updates a week, because I want you guys to be happy with the story development.

I was supposed to write this jumping between past and present, but since the updates weren't as often as before, I thought it better to present the story chronologically, less complicated for us all.

Anyway, our young lovers are getting closer and falling for each other deeper. It's a wonderful time for them, amid all the challenges they live with, to find someone to love and be loved in return. Hope you guys like this chapter, a balm after the two difficult ones. Would love to hear from you, my dears, please leave comments as usual and let's all get into a mode of peace and loving.

Enjoy the weekend :)  

December 2010

Richard tried to stay away from Dei after hearing her mom's threat on her schooling. It wasn't because he disliked the complication of wooing girls with strict parents, he had won over the hearts of several moms of past girlfriends with his boyish looks and good manners. But her mom's vehemence and cruelty, the way she seemed to have mastery in killing Dei's spirit, fed into his guilt. If he did not ask her out that day, she would have gotten home early, and he would not have witnessed the mom's cruelty to Dei.

He couldn't get the scene out of his mind, that resounding slap that turned Dei's face violently, and how dull and resigned her face looked after. He hated that he caused her pain. The only logical thing to do would have been to stay away, to avoid more problems for Dei.

But Richard worried about her. He wanted to know how she was, wanted to be a friend for her at least. He didn't want her to think he was easily discouraged by the challenges she presented.He didn't know if she had friends to talk to about the way she was being treated. Since he saw it first-hand, he now felt a certain sense of responsibility towards her.

So here he was, two weeks after the incident, waiting for her in the same spot. He approached her as soon as she stepped out of the university gate. She stopped in her tracks when she saw him, unsure of whether to meet him or go the opposite direction. He quickened his pace when he saw her indecision.

"Dei, hi."

"RJ, you shouldn't be here."

"I needed to talk to you Dei."

"About what?"

"I know you need to be home early. Let's just talk in the car, then I'll take you home."

He took her backpack from her before she could refuse and held her hand, feeling a surge of protectiveness for this slight girl who must have suffered many blows already, ironically from someone who should be protecting her from violence like that.

He seated her in the passenger side and walked to his side of the car. He got in, drove towards the direction of Dei's way home and parked at one of the gas stations. He shut off the ignition and faced her, looking at her, realizing he missed her. He took one of her hands and kissed it.

"How are you since I last saw you, Dei?"

"I'm ok, I guess."

"Dei......I need to ask you something. It's been bothering me since I saw you last."

"What is it?"

"Dei......How are you with your mom? Do you get along?"

She looked away from him. Her voice sounded dull and lifeless.

"I don't like talking about my family."

"It's ok, I won't force you. I just want you to know Dei, I'm here for you, if you need a friend. If you need someone to talk to, you can count on me. Here." He gave her his card, the one he used when applying for auto-cadd services for architectural firms. "This is my number Dei. Call me if you need my help for anything.

They just looked at each other then, she with her beautiful, sad eyes, and he with his gentle ones.

"Thank you," she said, taking his card. She reached over to kiss his cheek, her lips lingering over the stubble in his jaw. He held her face with both his hands, rubbing his nose against hers, then kissed her softly on the lips.

"I don't know what it is about you Dei, but you keep drawing me back. I don't want to create problems for you, I tried staying away. But I can't. I just can't." He hugged her protectively, kissing her forehead.

"Is it because you feel sorry for me?" She asked in a small voice.

"What? No! Why would I feel sorry for you?"

Her low self-esteem reminded him of her harsh mother. Dei badly needed tender loving care to give her more self-confidence. He knew he was far from a replacement for her mother, but he wanted to be the one to make her feel loved and appreciated.

"Dei, I want to visit you in school. Maybe if we match our schedules we can see each other within vacant periods, so that you can still go home early. Is that ok?"

"I'm not even supposed to see you, RJ."

"Is that what you want?"

"No. But this is such a hassle for you. You'll get tired of this setup. Please don't raise my hopes only to dash them."

"I won't, Dei. I'm here for the long haul. You'll see."

And for the next weeks, they did see each other regularly. There was something exciting about seeing each other on the sly, about finally being able to be with someone you really like despite all the restraints. Dei never opened up to Richard about her mama's treatment of her, but she did open up herself to him, showing him her endearing sense of humor, her sweet dependence on him, her sharp mind. She thrived on Richard's protectiveness, the way he treated her like she was a fragile china doll.

They both didn't mind that they were confined only within Dei's campus, for as long as they were together. Their time together was mostly spent on sharing music they both liked, books they both read, helping each other review for their exams, and just plain getting to know each other.

She was careful not to raise any suspicions of her mom, too afraid that she would be forced to stop schooling. Her grades were consistently high, she maintained her academic excellence to keep her scholarship. She started applying for internships at the different magazine houses and TV networks, hoping to get into either an editorial internship at the magazine houses or a writing internship at the news and public affairs departments of the networks.

They fixed their class schedules to complement each other's vacant periods. Richard was on his last semester and was already an intern three days a week at one of the top architectural firms in the country. He felt like he was on top of the world. His career was off to a good start with the internship, and he was falling in love for this wonderful girl, never mind if she came with baggage because she was so worth it.

"Your designs are beautiful, RJ," Dei said once while she was looking at the images on his laptop. "You're a gifted designer and I know you'll make it big. Someday, I'll get you to design a house for me."

"Someday, pretty lady, I'll build a house for you," He said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. He took her hand and kissed it. 

"I love you, Dei."

He said it so suddenly, so simply, so out of the blue. Dei felt her heart swell, like it was about to burst with happiness. She looked at him, found it so cute that he was blushing. She brought his hand to her face and nuzzled against it.

"I love you too, RJ. Thank you for making me so happy."

And just like that, they became a couple for real.

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