Chapter 26 - Against the Wall

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Photo Credit : Screen Grab from Aldub Pa More YT Post - God Gave Me You Lenten Special

Hi readers, here is the chapter I have been dreading to share. I had to split it into two chapters because I wanted to give ample exposure to two crucial milestones in the story, Richard's decision and telling Dei about it. So the next chapter may or may not be released tonight, depending on whether I finish it or not because it's draining to do.

I hope you will still hang on, the next chapters are sad and emotionally heavy, but I hope you will have enough courage to read it so that you can appreciate their journey better. My apologies if this chapter and the next makes you emotional :(

Share your thoughts with me will you? I hope we can comfort each other through these sad episodes.  

April 2016

Richard waited in the receiving room of the Enriquez residence, his breathing shallow, sweat beading on his brow. He was surprised that Mr. Enriquez was still willing to see him, despite paying for all the hospital and therapy expenses incurred for Dei's injuries. He also paid for the repair of his car, making sure both the body and engine was working in good condition before the car was turned over to him.

Mr. Enriquez came down shortly, looking pretty much the same as when they last met. In contrast, Mr. Enriquez seemed surprised to see how much weight he lost, despite his well-groomed appearance. They shook hands, after which Mr. Enriquez motioned for him to sit.

"How have you been Richard? How is your wife?"

"My wife is ok sir, she healed well. "

"That is good to know. Has she conceived again?" Richard's eyes misted over, unable to respond.

"Richard, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Again, I apologize for my son's actions. If it's any consolation, he went into rehab after that incident. What can I do for you, son?"

"Sir, I also want to apologize for my behavior the last time we talked in the hospital. I was emotional over the loss of our baby and my wife's injuries. But I should have treated you with respect, the accident was not your fault."

"It's forgotten, Richard. I also lost a child to an accident. I know how it feels."

"Have you forgiven the person responsible?"

"No. I still haven't forgiven myself to this day."

"I don't understand sir."

"I was drunk while driving. My teenage daughter died the night I fell asleep on the wheel."

They were both quiet for a moment. Carlos looked like he needed to compose himself, wiping his glasses for imaginary smudges. Richard turned his face away. Too much pain in this world, Lord, he said to himself. Too much pain, and too little comfort.

"How can I help you Richard?"

"Would you still help me if I tell you I still haven't forgiven your son?"

"Yes I would. Richard, helping you has nothing to do with what my son did. I just help people whenever I can. It makes me feel like I'm a better person than the man who killed his own daughter."

"But don't you think you should forgive yourself by now?"

"Said the pot calling the kettle black. Speak for yourself, Richard. I know you beat yourself up over what happened too. But when we love and make mistakes, every mistake seems unforgivable. Maybe someday we will learn to make peace with ourselves, yes?"

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