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We were all sitting in the living room of the cottage. Not all of us, obviously. Our family is so large only a fraction of them are staying the night at the cottage, mostly the children. Teddy, and a very pregnant Victorie were also here though, which was a nice surprise. Most of the family is going to show up in the morning, the day of the funeral. Scorpius was sitting on the other side of the living room, on the couch. Next to him was Albus, and Harley. Everyone was so quiet, my mom was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, and no one was saying anything. "When's the baby due?" Harley said stiffly, looking over at Victorie. Her and Teddy looked at each other fondly, "November, we think it's a girl." Teddy said, placing his hand on her baby bump. I smiled slightly, I'm happy they found each other. I looked over to see Scorpius was staring at me, we hadn't spoken since our last meeting at the black lake.

"I'm going to go help mother with dinner." I said quietly, I got up from the chair, and began to walk to the kitchen, as I passed the stairs, I looked up the stairway to see Hugo. His boyfriend, Erin was sitting next to him, holding his hand while Hugo rested his head on his shoulder. Erin smiled shyly, and I nodded my head and continued my way to help my mother. As I reached the kitchen door, my arm was pulled and I was spun around. Now I was staring into those silver eyes again. "Can we talk?" He whispered. I looked over to see everyone in the living room talking quietly. "I should really help my mother with dinner, we've never had this many quests in our house before." I said stiffly, my heart still ached from his words earlier that day, and with my fathers funeral, I don't know if I was in a talking sort of mood. "Rose, I'm sorry.." he pleaded, his grasp on my arm loosening. "Scorpius, I know you are sorry, but, lately, it seems you are always sorry about something.." his eyes shifted to the floor, he looked ashamed. "I know you are hurting. I really really understand. With things going on with your father, and with us.."

Scorpius let go of my arm, his silver eyes pierced through mine thoughtfully. "Every time we get to a good place, something ruins it.." I drew in a breathe, my heart racing at the subject. He looked  like he wanted me to say something, anything, but.. he was right.. every time we were happy, any time we are happy, it just gets taken away.. Taken away by him, or me, or our constantly complicated lives. I was ruining his life.. His eyes widened, he could tell what I was thinking, knew I wasn't disagreeing. "You- you don't think otherwise.. do you.." I couldn't look into his eyes, "I- I just, everything is so-" "No, don't even bother. I should have known you'd quit on us. You have never been 100% sure about us, not like I have." He had cut me off, those beautiful silver eyes filled with so much anger and hurt. "Scorpius, please, you know that isn't true.." I pleaded with him, my eyes swelling with tears. My heart was aching, for him, for me, for our families. "Isn't it though? Look me in the eyes, and tell me you are 100% sure about us. Tell me that you trust me, that you believe we can make it through this." I looked over his shoulder, everyone in the living room was now watching us. Albus was standing up now, looking at Scorpius and I, back and forth. I hesitated. Merlin why did I hesitate! "Forget it.." he whispered, with one last look of resentment cast my way, he walked away, through the front door, Albus following in his wake. Harley had come over to see what was going on, and we shared a look. The look of absolute hopelessness. "Are you okay?" She mouthed. I shook my head, turned away, and walked into the kitchen to help my mother finish cooking.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now