19 | Took a Wrong Turn

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[ Y/N ]

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked G, rubbing my eyes and yawning. "Nope," he answered, the dark circles under his eye sockets even darker than the day before. "I wish we had coffee," I said. "That stuff Lavender gave us tasted like heaven." He nodded and stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. "Hopefully we'll get my brother and get out fast enough so that we can go back and get some." I let out a snicker before tying my hair up with a thick vine I had found in the forest we were traveling through.

It was early morning, and the shipment train would pass through the forest in half an hour. We were heading towards the tracks now where G would use his magic to get us in an empty box car. The trip on the train would take about a day, then we would get off at the shipment train depot a few miles away from the Monster Capital. When we would get off, we would head to the vehicle garage there—they had it there for small deliveries to specific areas—and steal one of their smaller vehicles.

I squinted up at the canopy of trees, their leaves so thin that early morning sunlight leaked through and rained down on us. The ground looked pretty with the light dancing across it, and the flowers looked more bright whenever sunlight melted on them. A squirrel scurried across the path in front of us with nuts in its mouth, it's furry body disappearing up a tree where I could hear chattering a second later.

"So, you said you looked over the shipment train maps when we were at the Persistence, right?" I asked. G nodded before taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

One day, I'm gonna burn that whole pack of cigarettes right in front of your stupid face and watch the horror form in your stupid eye sockets as they all burn, I thought, glaring at the cigarette between his teeth.

"Yep, and I already told you, it goes straight to the depot nineteen miles away from the Monster Capital," he said, giving me an amused look when he caught me glaring at the smoke spinning through the air. "Good, 'cause I don't wanna end up somewhere like the Human Capital or somethin'," I joked, reaching over and linking arms with G.

He shrugged and blew out another puff of smoke, taking out the cigarette and twisting between his fingers. "Nah, it only goes there on Saturdays." I looked over at him and pursed my lips. "And you're sure it's Friday?" He looked over at me and smirked. "Re-lax. We're gonna be fine." I rolled my eyes and furrowed my brow, starting to list off everything that could go wrong under my breath.

I was so lost in my safe-proofing plan, that I barely heard a train whistle go off in the distance. G unlinked his arm from mine and tossed his cigarette away before starting to run to the train tracks a few meters in front of us. I shook my head to clear my thoughts before following him, turning my head to see white smoke in the distance from the shipment train.

"Okay," G said, crouching beside a bush. "We're gonna run up beside the train until we find an open box car. When we do, I'll teleport us both inside. Got that?" I nodded as I crouched down next to him. The shipment train let out another loud whistle before the engine came into view, the headlights almost blinding me as the train clattered down the tracks.

"Go!" G shouted, bolting up and running to the side of the train. I did the same and fell into pace behind him, my breathing starting to labor and droplets of sweat beginning to form on my face. I really need to get more exercise.

"There's an open one back there!" I shouted, pointing to an open box car two cars behind us. G glanced back and nodded when he saw the box car. "We'll have to wait 'till I see the inside," he huffed out, starting to run slower so that the box car could catch up. "Or I won't be able to get us in."

I started to slow my pace as well and watched as the open box car slowly passed us, G's hand starting to glow with golden flames when his gaze scanned the entire car. "Close your eyes!" he shouted, reaching back and grabbing my wrist just as I squeezed my eyes shut. A loud noise echoed around us that I couldn't exactly describe, and a white light sent my vision going completely black even when I opened my eyes to find that G and I had reappeared in the air a few feet above the floorboards in the open box car.

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