39 | Flying to Our Doom

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I grabbed the red blanket and stuffed it in our large travel bag that Y/N and I were taking for our journey back to the Monster Capital. "Should we take the coffee machine?" Y/N called from somewhere in the kitchen. I zipped up the bag and slung it over my shoulder before turning around and walking into the living room. "I'd say yes, but as far as I know, there aren't any outlets in the middle of the wilderness."

Y/N poked her head out of the doorway that led to the kitchen. "Actually, I went by the training room yesterday and saw the tents we'll all be staying in." She walked out of the kitchen with the red coffee machine in her arms. "They've got outlets and a lot more inside." I raised a bone-brow before grabbing our bag full of supplies and weapons on the couch. "What do you mean?" She gave me a sly look before pressing the elevator button with her elbow. "You'll see."

• • •

"I don't get it, they look like normal tents," I said while eyeing the camouflaged tents in suspicion. Y/N set the coffee machine down on the concrete floor inside the loading deck, the cargo planes that would take us forty miles out towards the Monster Capital getting ready to load up as several humans and monsters rushed around to get to control rooms or to their spots at the loading deck. Lavender was helping another monster fold up all the camouflaged tents to our right, while Conner and Tyler helped make sure the rudder to one of the planes was working correctly.

"Oh, trust us, these tents are special," Katherine said while walking by with different colored manuals in her arms. Y/N nodded in agreement before hurrying over to help Lavender and the monster fold up the tents. I picked the coffee machine up with my magic before hurrying after Katherine who was heading to one of the planes that would be leaving for the Human Capital soon.

"Uh, which plans head to the Monster Capital again?" I asked when I finally caught up to her. She snickered and pointed with her foot to the right where three large cargo planes were being wiped down for flight. "You and Y/N will be going on the one in the front," she explained before starting to hurry off again. "Good luck!" I shouted before hurrying back over to where Y/N was finishing up the last tent. "Know where we're going?" she asked while handing the folded up tent to the monster who had helped.

I nodded and motioned with my skull at the huge cargo plane in the front. "Yep, so we better hurry and get on before they take off without us," Lavender said from behind us while motioning for Conner to hurry over. "When does it leave?" Y/N asked as all four of us started heading towards the cargo plane. "Five minutes," Conner answered while trying to wipe grease off of his face. Lavender sighed and leaned over to clean off the smudge he had made. "Thanks, mom," Conner chuckled out. Lavender just rolled her eyes before pressing a button on the side of the large cargo plane.

A small flight of stairs folded out before snapping into place on the ground, all four of us hurrying up just as the main desk in the back of the building started up the two-minute countdown. "After we take off I'll show you you're rooms," Lavender explained as she ushered us toward the control board at the front of the plane.

We all walked in and watched as humans and monsters got ready for flight, the main pilots ordering their colleagues around them to do technical stuff as the ten-second countdown popped up on the screen next to the huge window that served as the windshield.

"I suggest holding onto something for this part," Conner warned as he latched onto a railing behind us. The rest of us did the same just as the countdown reached one, and before I could set down the coffee machine with my magic, the engine whirred to life and the plane shot forward, causing the air pressure to press against our bodies as the plane shot into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

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