20 | Motorcycles Go Nyoom

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[ Y/N ]

"Waaaaaakke uuuuuuuup," a deep voice whined from somewhere above me, causing a snicker to escape my lips as I opened one eye and looked up.

G was sitting down on the edge of the sheets with an annoyed look on his face. "Finally," he breathed out before falling back into the sheets. I snickered again at his behavior before stretching my arms and legs, feeling the satisfying sound of my muscles stretching out as blood rushed into my ears.

I sat up and pulled G's jacket closer around my body, the oversized jacket keeping me warm from the cold rain outside the box car we were in. "What time is it?" I yawned out as I reached up and flipped the large hood over my head where it fell across and covered my eyes. "It's about seven in the morning," he answered. I nodded and stood up, lifting the hood above my eyes so I could see as I walked over to the box car doors and looked out into the pouring ran, the dull sun just starting to rise.

"Breakfast or planning to break into the Monster Capital first?" I asked, turning around and grabbing my bag. G sat up and rubbed his hands together at the mention of food. "Breakfast." I gave a low hum in response as I rolled up the large jacket sleeves and rustled through my bag for food. I pulled out two leaf-wrapped portions of deer meat, setting down the meat before taking out the match box and striking a few matches. G joined me down on the floor just as I finished heating up the meat, helping me strip the meat to share.

"So," I said, taking a bit of meat and biting a piece off. "Got any idea on how we're gonna pull this off?" G nodded before taking a strip of meat and starting to chew. "Yeah, while you snoozed away, I spent the night going over the entire layout in the MC. Pap will most likely be in the East wing since that's where they take newbies. If we break in around there—I'd say the cellar would be the best choice—then we can make a beeline to the East wing and get him out before going straight back. Security stays the same day and night, so it won't really matter when we break in."

I let all the information sink in while finishing the last of my meat, trying to imagine what the halls and cellar would look like along with the East wing. "What does the place look like? I need to know how to navigate it." G waved off my words before tossing the bones from the deer out the box car door. "Doll, just stick with me and nothing will go wrong."

I let out a huff and rolled my eyes, pulling the hood of his jacket back down to cover my eyes as I leaned against the walls of the box car and crossed my arms. "I know it doesn't sound like much of a plan," G said. "But it'll work." I lifted the hood and raised an eyebrow. "What if something unexpected happens?"

G chuckled and leaned against the box car wall next to me. "Doll, don't worry your pretty little head off. Trust me, everything will work out."

• • •

"Okay . . . three . . . two . . . one . . . jump!"

G and I sprang from the box car and to the ground, my legs tucking in beneath me as I rolled forward and tumbled across the ground before coming to a stop. I let out a groan and pushed myself up, re-adjusting my bag on my back before checking to see if G was okay. "Well, that was a rough landing," he groaned out while lightly touching his chest. "Yeah, it looks better in movies."

I stumbled to my feet and rolled my jacket sleeves up, a bit sad that I had to give G back his jacket. That thing was comfy. "Okay, you know what we have to do?" he asked me, coming to stand beside me as we both stared at the grey buildings in the distance. I nodded and stuffed my hands into my pant pockets, my brow furrowing as I reviewed the plan we had made in my head.

The plan was that G would go before me and into the shipment depot to scout out where everything was before I would go in after him ten minutes later. We would meet up back at the entrance before both going in together so that if anyone spotted us, we could gang up on them and take them out. The garage area where they kept all the vehicles would definitely be crowded, so G would use a distraction while I stole one of the vehicles and raced out. The plan wasn't exactly full-proof, but it was the best we could come up with in only two hours.

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