32 | Vipers are a No No

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[ Y/N ]

"So, you're telling me, when you become close to another being with a soul, you're able to transfer their soul DNA and info stuff into your machine just by thinking about them?" I asked Alphys while steering the convertible out of the town we had stopped in for breakfast. Alphys nodded and pulled up the hologram of G's soul, the upside down heart casting a white glow over everything near it.

"Yeah, well, that's what I'm assuming. I don't have the proper tools to conduct a full study, but I'm sure that once we reach this Persistence base, they'll have everything I need to start my study on souls." Alphys smiled and showed me how many miles we had left before we reached their base. "And it looks like we'll be reaching it later today."

My chest swelled in excitement as I thought of seeing everyone—especially G—again after two months of being separated. "Are there any other kids there?" Frisk asked, petting Temmie between the ears while the small cat-monster snoozed away in their lap. I nodded and looked in the rear view mirror for any sign posts that I could've missed.

"Yeah, there's one little nugget that I think you'd like. His name is Sammy and he's a little bundle of energy. You'd both get along well." Frisk smiled at my words and bounced in their seat from excitement, causing Temmie to wake up in their lap before bouncing as well, because why not?

"Y/N." Grillby spoke up from the backseat with a hopeful tone in his soft voice. "Did you happen to see any other flame monsters while at the Persistence? It's okay if you didn't, I just would like to know." I thought for a second before snapping my fingers and smiling. "Yeah, actually. There was this one green flame monster that looked like she was in her early twenties."

I looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. "Why? You know her?" Grillby smiled and nodded slowly, starting to daze off with a happy smile on his fiery face.

"You just described his daughter," Undyne whispered to me with a smile. "Oh," I whispered back, feeling a wave of pride wash over me as I saw Grillby blissfully staring out the convertible window from the mirror at the top of the windshield.

I smiled at him before turning back to the windshield to look out at the boring sandy plains. To try and entertain myself for the next few hours in the convertible, I let my thoughts slip away as I went into autopilot mode. I thought about what would happen when we returned to the Persistence and what we would do after that. I mean, sure, we had returned, but Lavender will probably see that as an opportunity to start taking action in storming the Human and Monster Capital. I could see how that would be a good idea, but I wasn't sure if the Persistence was strong enough for it.

When G and I had gone to their base back in that ghost town, it had only seemed like maybe a few hundred humans and monsters lived there. Would that be enough to take down even one capital? Do they have more bases that I'm not aware of? Could Lavender know something about the capitals that we don't?

"Y/N! What's going on!" Frisk shouted next to me, snapping me out of my daze to find that the ground was shaking violently beneath us, making me think that there was an earthquake. My eyes widened in fear when I realized what was going on, and before I had time to react, everything went to chaos.

The ground suddenly broke in front of us, a huge worm-like creature that I immediately recognized shooting out and staring down at us with its two beady eyes.

Talk about a wake up call.

"A Sand Viper!" Alphys screamed, clutching the Soul Searcher in her claws as I managed to swerve the convertible around to avoid the large monster. The convertible tilted on its side and rolled several times across the rocky desert, the vehicle stopping a few meters away from the road on its side.

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