21 | Everything's Gone Wrong

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[ Y/N ]

I let out a shaky breath and tightened the makeshift straps on my thigh, making sure my knife and the handgun Lavender had given me were secured snuggly to my leg. After readjusting it for the fifth time, I finally let it go and gripped the pistol I had stolen from one of the humans at the shipment depot in my hand, the large silencer on it making the gun extra long.

"Doll, relax," G said next to me. I looked over at him and let out another shaky breath. "You aren't just a little nervous or anxious?" He pursed his boney lips and gave a small shrug. "I've got the plan and directions burned into my mind. I'll know what to do if anything goes wrong." I rubbed my arms and looked away. I knew his words were supposed to be comforting, but I couldn't calm down.

What if one of us got shot? What if one of us got captured? What if one of us got killed?

"Y/N, trust me." I sighed and let out a weak chuckle. "Oh, I don't have a problem with that. I just have a problem with whatever and whoever we'll have to face when we get in there." I brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear and checked to make sure the safety was on for the sixth time. "You can't control everything, you know."

G sighed at my words before reaching over and linking arms with me. "Well," he said, leading me away from the edge of the woods where we had parked the motorcycle and abandoned our bags and stuff. "I'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing goes wrong, okay?" I reached down and grabbed his hand, making sure that I didn't unlink our arms.

"You better not die," I joked, hoping it would help me calm down. G chuckled and pulled out a loose strand of grass in the mile-long field we were traveling through. "I'll try. But you better not leave me," he joked back.

I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"I'll try."

• • •

I looked up at the tall buildings that now held the citizens of the Monster Capital instead of the humans of New York City. Everything looked a lot nicer than I would've originally thought—each window crystal clear, each street thoroughly cleaned, each lamppost glowing bright—it looked nothing like the ravenous pictures I had imagined.

The downtown area was where the Monster Guard was, and the rest of the monsters lived in and around Central Park while King Asgore lived in one of the taller buildings that the monsters had previously built when the Monster Capital was first established. Pretty sure it was called the Castle. We were currently in the downtown area hunkering down behind a dumpster so that we wouldn't be spotted.

The downtown area smelled of smoked hickory and burning metal. I could see the tall glass buildings that surrounded the capital, all their windows perfectly paned and washed like it was some multi-million dollar project, when in reality, it was a simple building that the monsters had built using their magic.

That's the thing about monsters. They have almost unlimited magic, helping them accomplish great feats that look impossible to a human. In the past, I've seen monsters lift boulders the size of small shops using just their incredible strength or intricate mind, baffling all their human spectators. I've seen monsters working together to build cities in less than a couple months—that's how we got the cities Havenville, Jestencrown, Vensalin, Lilacreed, Yerumon, and a few more that I couldn't pronounce.

In the distance of the down town area, I could here the sounds of vehicles roaming the streets and the shouts of monsters calling to each other from across the street or square. Music could also be heard playing in the distance from some outside jazz band, and the trombone sounded extra loud. I had to admit, the band was good.

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