Chapter 1: You're Bound To Me

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

I was at the mall shopping for a dress for graduation. I got in the elevator and saw a button that was never there before. My curiosity was peaked and no one else was in there with me so I pressed it. The elevator went down and finally the doors opened.  I stared and looked around curiously. There were people that didn't even look like people.

I wandered past a flower shop and gasped as a vibrant looking flower snapped at me. It had teeth like daggers and the woman at the cart chuckled. She looked like a little troll, literally. She had long, pointy ears, greenish skin, and spiky blonde hair.

When another woman walked over I slipped off and was walking past a few of the shops. There were a lot of oddities and things that didn't look like anything I've ever seen before. I felt myself being pulled into an alley and looked at the man in fear.

"Humans. You always have to go sticking your nose where it just doesn't belong. There are repercussions but you silly mortals think everything revolves around you," he cooed in a deep voice. He turned me to face the wall and I felt his warm breath curling on my ear as he buried his nose in my hair.

"Get off me. Let me go, creep," I tried to struggle out of his tight grip. He refused to let me go and let out a dark chuckle, a tight grip on my wrists as he pinned them to the wall by my head. 

He took one last deep breath. "You're going to learn not to go sneaking around, love," he smirked deviously. Before I could stop him he bit into the vein in my neck, taking deep gulps of the crimson liquid spilling onto my shoulder and seeping into the fabric of my shirt. I felt myself get dizzy and I curled into the man before falling into a deep sleep.

Tom's POV

I walked out of the mall, keeping the little darling in my jacket so nobody would see her. My scent had become more prominent as did hers since we were both claimed as each other's own which made people move away from us as I made my way to my vehicle. "Take us home," I nodded to my driver as I pulled the little girl out from my jacket. She had delicate, angelic features and a soft snore as she slept peacefully.

"As you wish, sir," the man nodded, putting the car in drive and leaving the parking lot. It would take us about thirty five hours to get to my home so we had a long drive ahead of us. She would sleep for the whole time though since my venom was changing her. I looked down at the girl in my arms. She had long bleached blonde hair, fair pale skin, and couldn't have been more than nineteen. When we had gotten home I set her in my bed. She was going to sleep for a couple days after I bit her. I had my best workers get all the information they could about her. I learned her name, birthdate, everything a mortal needed to know about themselves, where she used to go to school, where she went to college, among many other things. If she was going to be mine I had to know everything about her.

I gently pulled off her t-shirt and unclipped her bra then threw them into the dirty laundry basket. She mumbled in her sleep softly as I slipped one of my oversized t-shirts over her head and gently slipped her arms through the sleeves. I pulled off her jeans and threw them in the dirty clothes hamper also and slipped a pair of my boxers onto her. When I finished dressing her I tucked her in better and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

She whimpered and slightly squirmed around in her sleep. I gently dabbed at her neck trying to console her as I got the dried blood off of her. She would instantly react to my touch in her sleep since she already saw me as her partner. My venom was already taking effect on her as her features became softer, delicate, and more flawless. All traces of the little acne she had was already gone, leaving a few freckles on the bridge of her nose, and giving little color to her already porcelain skin.

I didn't know how she's going to feel about being bound to me. She was wandering alone at the mall and I could tell two things; one, she was a mortal and two, I had to have her. It's very unusual for a vampire to sire the one they bound to them. Mainly since the sire acts as a fatherly figure and guides them through being a vampire.

Her soft breathing was the only sound that filled the room. I decided to get my home ready for my new addition and afterward I planned on going to my study to get some work done before she woke. She would be extremely hungry when she finally woke up so I'd have to listen close and be there to comfort her.

Ella's POV

I woke up gasping in a cold sweat and looking around. I noticed the man doing his hair in a mirror. He only had on boxers, a few chains with brightly colored charms and other symbols interlacing each other around his neck, and a few rings on his long skinny fingers. My stomach growled loudly as I realized how hungry and weak I felt. He saw me looking at him through the mirror and turned to me smiling.

"Where am I? Did you do anything to me?" I looked at him with a sharp glare and looked at the clothes I was in. Instead of looking mad he let out a deep laugh and sat next to me pulling me into his lap.

"Darlin', I promise I didn't sleep with you and you are at my home in Nashville. I just wanted you to sleep comfortably but I could hear your stomach growling from across the room. You need to eat to get your strength up," he pulled me into his lap and held me close to his chest. I noticed he had a very deep voice and there was a pair of cowboy boots with a cowboy hat resting next to them by the bed.

"No. I don't even know you. I want to go home. How did we get to Nashville from Oregon so quickly?" I tried to pull away from him as he held on tighter. Despite his skinny frame he was incredibly strong so I barely moved an inch. It didn't help that I felt so weak I could barely move, but even if I wasn't it seemed like he'd be immensely stronger than me.

"My name is Tom Keifer. You've been asleep for about a week and you are also my mate and you are now bound to me, my love," he took his thumbnail and nicked his vein. I smelled his blood and furiously grabbed his shirt, sucking on the sweet crimson that spilled into my mouth. I closed my eyes and drank deeply, relaxing into his touch as he held me close.

He let out a soft moan as I drank deeply from his wound. I pulled him closer, practically attacking his neck. "Baby girl, you have fangs now. You can use them to get more," he murmured soothingly. I ignored him and kept attacking his neck until it was down to a slow sucking and finally I was full.

"Do you feel better, love?" He smiled down at me. I nodded as I snuggled into him and fell asleep, feeling warm and safe in his embrace. I decided I would save my strength and leave when I could actually have a chance.

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