Chapter 19: Spending The Day With Blackie

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Tom's POV

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Tom's POV

"You don't mind watching Ella for me, do you Blackie? The guys and I have to go do something and I'm worried if I take her with me I'll be too busy talking business and she'll slip off. You know how she is at times," I looked at him, sighing.

"Tom, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. She's safe. You can trust me," Blackie looked at me. I looked over at Ella still asleep on the hotel bed. She was snuggled into the covers and softly smiling in her sleep.

"I know I can trust you. I just worry about her. Demons are so terrifying and she doesn't understand that since she never grew up hearing about them actually being real and taking innocent little girls like her," I frowned, still looking at her.

"Relax. I got her. I'll call in room service and get her a nice breakfast and she'll be safe with me. You fed her last night you don't have to worry about her going hungry for a few more hours. Sebastian doesn't even know we're here. How can he get someone when he, nor any of the guys, knows where they are?" Blackie smiled at me reassuringly.

"You're right. Thanks for keeping an eye on her," I smiled at him. "Oh and I should tell you she's extremely lovey and she'll probably wanna snuggle and love on you since her hormones are all messed up," I laughed, warning him before walking out with the guys to go attend to our business.

"Don't worry. I know how pregnant women can be," he called back to me, chuckling, before we got too far out the door.

Ella's POV

I sat up and saw Blackie watching TV on the other bed. "Morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well?" He smiled over at me. I nodded and crawled out of bed, walking over and sitting next to him on the other bed. He chuckled and pulled me into his lap, holding me close to him as we watched TV.

"So what do you want to do, sweetheart? We can watch movies, or we can just talk about whatever you wanna, I can get you room service. Since your sire is out today is your day and you can pick what we do as long as we stay in the hotel," he smiled down at me, holding me tightly.

"I do have one question. You act so threatening and dominating but whenever it's just us two or just Tom and I around you, you act so easy going. Why is that?" I asked curiously as I looked up at him.

"I have an older daughter around your age, a bit older than you, and she's mated and having her first puppies just like you're having your first vampires. You remind me a lot of her so I tend to let my guard down around you because you're so much like one of my own," he chuckled, smiling down at me.

"You only have one older kid? I thought that werewolves have a whole litter," I looked up at him curiously. He sighed and shifted me so I was in a more comfortable position as he looked down at me.

"Well, yes, they do usually have a litter of puppies but Sarah had some complications we didn't know about until it was too late. We were told we wouldn't have any survive this litter and she wouldn't be able to have any children. But one of our babies survived and that made her want to try again and so we did and this time we didn't have any of our babies die," he explained, softly smiling down at me.

"So are eight kids enough for you? Or are you gonna try again later?" I laughed, smiling up at him. He playfully rolled his eyes and hugged me closer to his chest, chuckling.

"You have no idea how many times I hear that. Yes. Eight puppies is more than plenty and we're done. Now if we make it to our mid 120's and we miss it then we'll try to have another litter, but until then no we won't," he laughed, smiling down at me.

I laughed along until I realized what he said. "Woah woah, wait. You said 120's. How long do werewolves live for?" I stared up at him surprised.

"They only live about five hundred years or so. Some even make it to seven or eight hundreds. But your sire made a blood bond with me which made my line and anyone I pass it on to live forever. So my wife, myself, and my children will live forever unless we decide that we would like to pass on to the next life then we can. Now let's get off this topic and get some breakfast. Afterward we can go to the pool I saw downstairs," he smiled at me.

"Sounds like fun. Let's get breakfast and then I have to shower," I smiled, getting up to get some better clothes on for the day and headed downstairs to the dining hall with Blackie.

"Wow there's a lot of people in here," I stared as everyone stopped and looked over at us as we walked in. I heard a small growl come from Blackie before he pulled me to him and held me protectively.

"Stay close to my side and don't even think about wandering off. We're gonna get breakfast, go up to our room, and get ahold of Tom. Something doesn't seem right and I'll be damned if I let you get hurt," he growled in my ear, holding me protectively in his arms.

I nodded and filled up my plate before heading back to the hotel room. Blackie led me to the elevator and back to our room. I ate silently as Blackie kept trying to call the number Tom gave him, only he wasn't picking up the phone.

"I'm gonna go take my shower. I'll be back out in about half an hour," I threw my plate away in the tiny waste bucket near the wardrobe and went to my suitcase, getting my clothes together for when I got done in the shower.

"I'll be here, probably still trying to get ahold of Tom if I can," Blackie grumbled, typing the number into the landline once again.

I nodded, still a little worried about his concern, and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and stepped into the warm spray of water. It instantly relaxed my muscles and I was able to think clearly again and focus on just lathering my hair in the soapy substances and washing it all out. I had scrubbed my hair and my body clean and decided it was time to get out. Once the fluffy towel I had brought from home was wrapped tightly around me, I stepped out of the steamy room and into the cold air conditioned one.

The first thing I noticed was Blackie asleep on one of the beds then I saw Sebastian smiling up at me from the couch. There was a hand around my mouth before I could let around a scream and I looked up to see Rachel holding me to him tightly as he carried me over to Sebastian by my waist.

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