Chapter 27: Royalty Is Born But There's A Twist

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

Tom and I were finishing up the nursery. We had decided on baby blue and lavender since Tom saw we were going to have a boy and a girl.

"Tom, can I please get up out of this rocking chair and help you? I'm pregnant, not disabled," I playfully rolled my eyes, smiling up at him.

"Princess, I'm already done. I'm just straightening some things up. How about we go to our room and cuddle for a few hours?" He smiled at me as he scooped me into his arms bridal style.

"Okay I love cuddling and I really love you," I snuggled into him and kissed him hard. Being pregnant my hormones were messed up and I always either wanted to cuddle and be loved on or be doing the nasty. I pulled Tom close to me as he carried me to our room, right next door to the nursery.

"I love you more," he smiled, rubbing his nose against mine. I giggled and tried to say something but he pushed his tongue through my lips forcefully and held me closer to him.

He was unbuttoning and unlacing his jeans when I felt a weird feeling between my legs. "Tom, I think my water broke," I gasped, pulling away and looking up at him.

He smiled widely and ran over to the intercom on the wall. "Eric, Jeff, Fred! It's time. Ella's going into labor! Get in here!" Tom yelled into it, his voice echoing through the intercoms around the house.

After a few minutes the boys dashed up the stairs as Tom was getting my clothes off my lower half and putting a sheet over me. I whimpered softly and grabbed my stomach when I felt a contraction.

"You're getting closer. Vampires don't take as long to give birth," Eric smiled reassuringly at me. I nodded and grabbed Tom's hand when my contractions started to get worse.

"You had to fucking do this, didn't you? You couldn't keep your dick in your pants?" I grit my teeth and narrowed my eyes up at Tom.

"Me? You got pregnant on our honeymoon," Tom playfully rolled his eyes and licked his fingernail, coating it in his venom. He nicked my spinal chord in my back and after a couple seconds I couldn't feel anything from my waist down.

"Ella, start pushing when you can," Eric grabbed a chair and pulled the sheet back. "Fred, get the blanket to swaddle this baby in," Eric looked up at him.

Jeff grabbed my other hand as I started pushing. It only took about five minutes before I saw the first baby wrapped in a blue blanket. I smiled when I heard him crying since that meant he was alive. I closed my eyes and soon heard another baby crying.

"Hey, uh, Tom? We have an issue," Fred looked at him nervously as he and Eric were taking care of the twins. I was panting hard after just giving birth and refused to let go of Tom's hand.

"Can't it wait? My wife just gave birth and we're excited to see our babies," Tom chuckled, smiling down at me as he crawled into our bed next to me and pulled me close.

"Sure it can wait," Fred shrugged, swaddling one of the twins and setting him in his crib. Eric hit his arm when he wasn't holding the baby and Fred grumbled. "Fine it can't wait apparently. Ella has two mates which means one of the twins is yours and the other is Sebastian's," Fred rolled his eyes, glaring at Eric as he rubbed his arm.

"How? I've only mated with one man. I've only done anything with one man," I looked at Tom then up at Fred speechless. Jeff gently took our daughter from Eric and handed her to Tom carefully.

"That baby is yours, Tom. Sebastian took the baby that was gonna die. Ella was a mortal most of her life, there was still a chance her babies could've died. The boy was supposed to. She and your daughter have your blood running through their veins, making Ella your mate and your daughter your child. But Sebastian also has half of her soul and his son's soul, making Ella his mate also and the other child his," Jeff winced as Tom looked down at his feet.

"Wait. Wait. I am completely and utterly monogamous. You're telling me I have two men I'm mated to? I only want one," I stared up at Jeff.

"Tom isn't the type to be mad if he's around a baby that isn't his. Not many vampires are like that, be lucky," he said, avoiding my previous statement as Tom gently scooped the crying boy into his arms and held both twins close to him.

"I knew one was going to die. I made a deal with Sebastian to briefly look like me and sleep with Ella. There was no way I was going to let that baby die," Tom started explaining to us. He turned to me and pulled me into his arms, continuing, "Sebastian is an incubus so it wasn't hard for us to trick you. He's the type of demon to be incredibly overprotective and jealous once he sleeps with someone," Tom mumbled, holding the twins close to him.

Sebastian and the guys appeared, walking into the room. Sebastian looked under the sheet I was lying under and winced. "Just as I thought. Having a demon and a vampire's babies tore you up, princess. Let me help make you better," he softly planted his lips to mine and soon any pain I felt had disappeared. I sat up, looking at him curiously as he gently took our son from Tom and smiled down softly at him.

"Tom told us to come up with the babies names so we did. You guys are going to love them," Jeff smiled over at us as both boys handed the twins to us.

"So what are their names?" Sebastian crossed his arms and looked over at the guys. Tom stood up and looked over at them also.

"The little boy is Sebastian Darling Bach and the little girl's name is Ella Thomas Keifer. A little bit of femininity and masculinity to balance each other out and they have their mommy and daddies names," Fred smiled at us. Before anyone could praise or ridicule the names the babies started giggling and smiling widely at each of their daddies.

"Awe they like their names. You guys did a great job naming them," I smiled up at Fred and Jeff before smiling down at the babies.

"So we're stuck with one another. Great," Sebastian looked Tom over and rolled his eyes before taking Little Sebastian from me and holding him close.

"Both of you quit. Just get along for your kids' and my sake," I rolled my eyes as Little Ella started cooing softly, wanting to eat.

"Yes, darling. No more fighting. Not with you and the babies around," Tom softly kissed my cheek and took Ella as Fred gave he and Sebastian bottles of formula to feed the babies.

Rachel walked over to my bedside and gently kissed my forehead, putting me into a deep sleep so my body could heal itself as I slept.

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