Chapter 25: Sebastian's Runaway Darling Finds Out Her Secrets

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

I left my house early that morning and headed out to town. Before I left I had found Tom's number and took it with me. I got to a payphone downtown and put a quarter in the machine before dialing Tom's number. Once I had it punched in I waited as it rang.

"Hello?" Came his deep sleepy voice through the receiver. I smiled to myself and softly giggled.

"It's Ella. I ran away and I want to know where to find you," I smiled softly into the phone. It sounded like he sat up, fully awake now.

"You did? Ella you have no idea how dangerous the city is. You have to tell me where you are right now. Where are you? I'll send someone for you," he said sounding alarmed. I gave him the street names and after a couple seconds he spoke through the receiver again. "Stay right where you are. It'll be less than ten minutes and don't talk to anyone or even look at anyone," he instructed with a stern tone.

"Okay. I promise I'll stay right where I am," I nodded, hanging up. A man knocked on the phone booth but I sighed and pretended that I was making a call to my mother. He kept agitatedly knocking on the glass. Finally I had enough and I flipped him off, still pretending like I was talking angrily about the man to my mother.

"Listen here you stupid kid," he started, breaking the glass of the phone booth with one punch. I yelled as a man with long blonde hair ran over, pulling me to him and away from the angry man.

"What did you do? You seem like a feisty one. No wonder the head vampire likes you," the blonde laughed as I tried to pull away. He must've seen my look of confusion because he laughed and continued. "My names Eric Brittingham. I'm Tom's assistant and best friend. You must be the beautiful Ella he's been talking about nonstop," he laughed, getting into the limo with me.

"He's mentioned me?" I smiled softly, my cheeks growing warm and I saw them turn a slight reddish tinge in my reflection. The man next to me rolled his eyes and looked down at me.

"Mentioned you? The idiot never shuts up about you. He's completely smitten, he adores every single thing about you. I'm Fred by the way," he laughed, looking down at me.

"That over there is Jeff. He's kinda shy but once he gets comfortable around you he never shuts up," Eric pointed to another man, playfully rolling his eyes. I waved, giggling shyly. The other man waved back and pulled me close, not saying anything but holding me like he was already comfortable with me.

I smiled up at him then to myself happily. After awhile I had gotten to Tom's house and he ran over to me, pulling me close and smothering me in kisses.

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