Chapter 36: The Plan...And Then Some

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

I woke up when I heard the cage creak open and I heard my babies crying. "Elle?! Baz?!" I shot up pulled them close to me, holding them tightly to me. Sebastian was thrown in lastly and his eyes were bright red.

"I've never had a family like you before. I may keep you in my own private collection in the club. My my. What is so special about some little mortal to have attracted the attention of the devils son and the vampire king's son?" The man above us smirked down at me as I held my babies closer.

When he left the babies were tugging on me and I pulled them into my arms to feed them. They had been stripped down like Tom and I. "It's too cold for them to be naked. They could get sick," I frowned and held them closer to me as I kissed both their heads over and over. I had been thinking about them nonstop all night.

"I'd be more worried about yourself. They heal extremely fast since they weren't born human," Sebastian pulled me close to him and held me in his arms tightly. I snuggled into him in response and pecked my lips to his softly.

"Sebastian, you're getting too skinny. Are you eating enough? Did you get to eat before they threw you in here?" I looked up at him and frowned when I saw his once healthy, rigid figure looking smaller and bonier than usual.

"Love, shut up. I'm fine," he pulled me to him and kissed me hard. He could probably tell my smother side was coming out hardcore and I was worrying about everyone from the unborn babies, to the twins, and to he and Tom.

"I just hope they don't make the twins go without food," I sighed and hugged him tightly to me as I softly kissed his cheek and held Elle in my arms as Baz crawled over to Tom and plopped himself down in his lap

Sebastian's POV

"If that fucker sells us we could be split up. Our kids could go to different homes and we couldn't tell our dads the story. They'd kill Ella for not making a choice and having both of our kids. Then they'd kill our kids for being impure and having two different dads," Tom looked at me as Ella was holding the twins as the three of them slept.

"I have an idea but you're not gonna like it," I groaned loudly and looked over at him with a sigh as I shook my head. He sighed also and shrugged before opening his mouth to speak.

"At this point I'm all ears. Any plan you got, lay it on me," he sighed and looked up at me. I looked over at the three of them, once again asleep and then back at Tom as he was waiting curiously.

"Well we find a way to message her dad. You know he's a huge mafia leader and he can shut this place down and make the guy regret being born, especially for hurting his little girl and grand babies," I looked at him and waited for his response. He had a look of almost horror on his face.

"Are you sure? Her dad will probably beat us within an inch of our lives for putting her in this sort of danger then her brothers will finish us off," he stared at me. It was obvious he wasn't opposed to it since he didn't tell me no.

"Well I'd rather have the shit kicked out of me then lose her," I looked back at him and sighed. He just nodded in agreement and sat back against the cold steel bars. We were the only ones in the room, probably because there was five of us.

After a few minutes he spoke up and looked at me. "You're supposed to be sterile. How were you able to knock her up once and possibly twice?" He looked at me curiously as I sighed.

"I'm not sterile. I can control if I produce live sperm or just like if I'd had a vasectomy. I never wanted kids before so I always just told women I'm sterile because in a way it was kind of true. The only reason I knocked her up when you asked is because I wanted to make her happy. Well, and truth be told I was dying to screw her," I shrugged as Tom glared then relaxed with an understanding nod.

"Don't call me a wimp or a little bitch, but I want to settle this. I know you don't like me and I'm not much a fan of yours but we have kids and a wife. She gets upset when we fight and I don't want to see her like that," Tom looked at me as Elle found her way into my arms and fell back asleep just as fast.

"For her. If it wasn't for the girls then I'd jam a wooden stake in your heart in a second," I looked at him as I held Elle close to my chest. She looked so much like Ella that it hurt. She was also as sweet and sassy as her, making her the perfect little copy of her mother.

Tom's POV

Ella was feeding the twins and had them close to her so they wouldn't catch a cold, still worried about their well-being over her own. I kept telling her how sweet and adorable she was but she would just tell me it's her job as a mother. Baz was tall. Super tall and lanky like his dad but Elle was small and petite like her mom.

"Four kids. Can you believe it? Who do you think the dad is of these ones?" Sebastian looked at me and spoke quietly when he saw me looking over at Ella and the twins.

"I don't know. I'm hoping both of us. I'm not gonna lie, I want a son of my own," I looked over at him, whispering back to him, as he chuckled and looked back over at me.

"I want another boy. I've heard horror stories from dads with daughters and I don't think I'm ready for that," he chuckled as Ella shifted her position, making both Elle and Baz grunt softly as they drank from her, snuggling into her close since they were cold.

"You think it's time to wean them? Ya know, with more kids on the way?" I bit my lip and looked at Sebastian as he playfully rolled his eyes and sat back in one of the corners.

"Absolutely not. They'd throw a fit and Ella's motherly hormones would be a bitch. She'd be bawling all the time and they'd be throwing fits like crazy. I've lived in hell most of my life, but Tommyboy, that is not a hell I want to live in," he chuckled and looked over at me.

Before I could respond, the door was flung open and the nasty little man who put us in here walked in. "Well, it's almost opening time and believe me, I have a huge crowd waiting to see you all," he gave us a sick smile as Ella held the twins closer to her on her hips and hid into Sebastian's side since he was closer to her.

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