Chapter 30: This Isn't You

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

I was feeding the twins chunks of strawberries cut as small as I could get them when Sebastian walked in and kissed my cheek. "Good morning, princess," he smiled down at me and hugged me close.

"Morning, Sebastian. You need to shave. You're stubbly," I laughed, kissing his cheek back as Baz screamed while smiling up at Sebastian.

"There's my little man and his precious sister," he laughed, picking them up and holding them close, kissing both their cheeks. "You both are just as beautiful as your mommy," Sebastian smiled ecstatically as Alex and Eddie walked in, smiling at the twins and I.

"So where's the other man that you're supposed to be with? He not back to normal yet?" Alex looked down at me frowning as Eddie kicked him. I sighed and shook my head, missing Tom with all my heart.

"No. He isn't back yet. I'm waiting until I can get him back. I miss him and I know the babies do too," I pouted, my lip slightly trembling. Sebastian handed the twins to each of my brothers and hugged me close to him, softly kissing my forehead.

"Look at me, Ella," Sebastian tilted my chin up so I was looking at him. "I will get Tom back to you no matter what it takes or how long. He's part of this family. You and Elle need him like you and Baz need me," he gently held my chin in his hand as he looked into my eyes.

"Thank you, Sebastian," I hugged him tightly to me and kissed him hard, hugging him close to me. He rubbed his nose against mine and held me close as we saw Eddie and Alex perk up. Then I heard Mick start growling loudly. I turned to look and gasped when I saw Tom there with a scowl etched on his features.

"Oh how sweet. She would be back with the very man who stole her away from her actual family. She's been oh such the trouble maker lately," Tom growled when he saw me in Sebastian's arms.

I felt myself being pulled out of the room by Eric and Fred. When I realized no one was stopping them I looked back over and what I saw chilled my blood. Tom had made everyone forget about Elle and I as he walked out with her in his arms. They were all in the kitchen just conversing as if nothing happened.

"Why are you doing this? Let me go. I just want my babies," I whimpered as they shoved me in the back of Tom's car.

"I told you to forget about that demon and the boy but you didn't listen. You deliberately disobeyed me and you left. Don't worry, sweetheart. We finally get to be a family. Just the three of us and you won't be leaving us again," he set little Ella in my arms and pulled me into his lap.

I just held her close, feeling helpless. When I looked around at the guys all of their eyes resembled Tom's except Jeff's. I stared at him curiously before he caught my gaze and shook his head. That was my hint to look away so I focused on Tom instead. I pressed my lips to his softly and he finally gave me a genuine smile as his eyes shifted back to their normal blue for a couple seconds.

"I missed you," I hugged him close to me, refusing to let go. He softly kissed my forehead before his eyes went back to a reddish color and he pulled away with a grunt. I snuggled into him, hugging him tightly to me since he still had his arms wrapped tightly around Little Ella and I.

We pulled up to an empty field as Tom's driver turned off the car. Tom grabbed me and took Elle. He shoved me into Eric's arms as he and Fred caught me.

"Take them to the shelter. I'll be there in a few minutes," Tom looked at the guys. Eric and Fred nodded, complying with his orders. I elbowed them as hard as I could, getting free and grabbing baby Ella from Tom.

"I will go with you or I will not go at all," I glared, holding Ella close to me. His lips curled in a snarl as Jeff pulled me back.

"He is feral. He is not the Tom you know. You want him back you find a way to get him out," Jeff held my shoulders as he led me to a cellar door in the ground. The inside was cement and there were a couple beds, a crib, a small kitchen in the corner of the room and a small room off to the side for a bathroom.

"There's nothing even here. No TV, no living room," I frowned, looking up at Jeff. He sighed and pulled me into one of the beds and looked at me sincerely.

"You need to fix him. He's gonna get abusive. Fast. Feral vampires can't be good lovers and the quicker you get Tom back the quicker you'll save yourself and your daughter," he looked at me then quickly jumped up when we heard footsteps.

Ella started crying when Tom walked in and he immediately looked at her softly then glared at me. "Quiet her down. Now. I'm not gonna have my little heir in any distress," Tom growled at me. I realized she hadn't ate yet so I put a blanket over myself and fed her.

She giggled and cooed at me, smiling widely. I envied her for being too naïve to realize how much danger she was in but at the same time I thanked whatever being was up there that she was also so young and callow. I rubbed my nose against hers and put a blanket over my shoulder to burp her. After a couple minutes she burped and spit up a little bit on me in the process.

"You are so disgusting," I laughed, kissing her forehead and heading to the bathroom to get us cleaned up. Tom followed and watched me like a hawk. I was giving little Ella a bath in the sink when I heard Tom turn on the bath water and fill up the tub.

"Come on, love. Step in the tub with me. Eric will take her and they'll take excellent care of her. I missed you," Tom undid the button on my jeans as he softly kissed my nose. I looked at his eyes to see they were still red but there was more blue shining in them.

"Okay. But you have to promise me something," I looked up at him, biting my lip and hiding my hands behind my back. He nodded, looking down at me to continue. "I want my Tom back. My beautiful blue eyed baby boy. I want him back and I want my family to be with us," I twirled a strand of his hair on my finger and murmured softly, my lips just a couple mere inches from his. He let out a sharp growl and ripped all my clothes off and set me in the bathtub, climbing in with me.

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