Chapter 38: When You Disappeared

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

"Now you boys are gonna tell me why you had my daughter and grandchildren in a place like that. Don't spare any details," Mick narrowed his eyes at them and crossed his arms, obviously not happy in the slightest about what had happened.

"The kids were at home with Rachel and Eric. We went to that side of town to seal some sort of deal, I can't even remember what now, and they tricked us. They grabbed Ella and when Tom tried to do something they grabbed him. I was pulled back and wasn't allowed near," Sebastian looked at him from the couch.

"That doesn't explain why the kids were there," he looked at Tom then to Sebastian. Tom looked at Mick then to Sebastian and shook his head. I could tell he was mad at himself for what happened.

"The first night it was only Ella and I in there. Then the next morning they threw Sebastian and the kids in there," he looked up at Mick as I walked over and pulled Tom close to me, softly kissing his forehead and tenderly stroking his cheekbone with my thumb.

"Trust me, if you boys didn't have kids I'd consider beating you within an inch of your lives," Mick rolled his eyes at them as I scowled at him. "Now which one of you spit in her? There's new life in here," Mick dropped his pissed demeanor and looked at them then to me.

I playfully rolled my eyes and sat between the boys. "We don't know yet, dad. We'll see when they're born," I laughed and looked up at them. Tom smiled down at me softly and took my hand as Sebastian wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

"Well five kids is gonna be a bitch for all of you no matter who the dad is or isn't," Mick chuckled as Alex and Eddie carried in the twins. Eddie had gotten Elle her puppy she'd been asking for, which of course made Tom nervous because it wasn't going to be long before she grew her fangs.

"Five kids?! Hell are you talking about, old man?" Sebastian stared at him, clearly in shock. I hit his arm as the boys growled at him, obviously not liking that tone being used with their dad.

"I mean five kids, exactly what I said. Two right there and three in there," he ignored Sebastian's remark and pointed to the twins in the boys' arms then to my stomach.

"He means when had an X-ray done we only saw two. At the time we didn't even know about them so it was a shock," Tom looked at Mick then to me. I felt like I was going to faint. Five kids. How could I handle five kids with two working fathers? No wonder I was already showing after a short time.

"Two boys and a girl," Alex grinned as Eddie hit his arm with his elbow and gave him the "are you stupid?" look.

"What if they didn't want to know? You just gave it away, moron," Eddie rolled his eyes and looked at Alex as he crossed his arms at him.

"Guys, calm down. It's fine, really. We needed to set up nurseries anyway and now we know what colors and toys to get," I smiled and got up, hugging them both close to me as Mick was rolling his eyes at them. "Thanks, dad, but we need to be getting home," I kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly to me.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Dad's got that asshole from the club taken care of for now but he has other connections. He could get someone else to do something," Eddie looked at me as I took the twins.

"Don't worry. We'll be fine. Thanks for the concern though," I hugged he and Alex tightly as I walked to the door. Tom and sebastian took that as the cue to follow. We had Eric and the guys come pick us up.

"Eric!" Baz yelled and ran to him hugging him tightly as all the boys smiled down at the twins. It was obvious they'd missed them as much as they were missed.

"Are you guys okay? What happened?" Scotti looked at us and frowned when he saw my stomach. I must've been bigger than the last time they all saw me. Sebastian looked at him and shot him a look that said "don't ask".

Eventually we had made it home and I smiled when I saw the house. "Well love, your castle awaits you," Tom smiled down at me and kissed me hard when we were on the front steps of the porch.

"This is a dump compared to what I could offer her," Sebastian scoffed. He was holding Elle and Baz as they were hugging on his neck tightly. I could tell that they had missed being home just about as much, if not more, than we did.

"Love, it's my palace. Now let's head in. I'll get dinner started," I pressed my lips to Sebastian's as Tom opened the door and let us all in. Tom raised an eyebrow at me curiously and led us in.

"Dinner? Why would you make dinner?" He looked down at me and walked with me as I headed to the kitchen and was going through fresh and rotten ingredients. It may have only been a few days but it felt like years had went by.

"Just because you, Elle and I don't eat doesn't mean that Baz and Sebastian don't need food. My little man is growing like a weed and soon is gonna be eating us out of house and home," I grabbed Baz's cheeks in my hands and smothered his face in kisses as he giggled loudly.

"Why are you going to cook if there are staff for that reason? You need to stay off of your feet and think about you and those three kids," Sebastian's arm slithered around my waist as he kissed me hard and pulled me to him now bare chest. He had taken his shirt off so Baz had done the same in a monkey-see-monkey-do effect.

"I want to try and help out around here. Is that so hard? We have everything done around here by someone else," I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled at he and Tom as both grunted, obviously not much liking my logic.

Sebastian and Tom were sitting at the table talking as I had just started dinner when a large, burly man burst into the kitchen. "Boss sends his regards," he glared as he fired a gun right then and there.

"No!" I screamed loudly as the gun fired right in Tom's direction. The smoke cleared after the man had disappeared, taken to the basement by Fred and Rachel, and I saw Sebastian laying in the rubble and the stuffing from the chair with a huge hole in his chest. Tears surfaced in my eyes as I ran over to him and knelt next to him.

He smiled softly up at me as Tom stared down at him in shock. Sebastian gently brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and wiped my tears before softly kissing my cheek. "Be good to her and our children," Sebastian rasped out to Tom before shutting his eyes as his body went limp.

Tom pulled me into his arms and held me as I sobbed into his shirt. Jeff had taken the twins upstairs to their rooms after he heard the first shot. Maybe I should've listened to my dad and my brothers.

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