Chapter 26: Taking The Throne As The Vampire Princess

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

"Guys, quit treating me like I'm a four year old," I groaned as Alex and Eddie sat me on the couch. They looked at each other, smiling at one another.

"On three?" Alex smiled at Eddie. He laughed and pulled Alex and I close to him, smiling.

"Oh I thought you'd never ask. Hang on itty bitty pretty one," Eddie winked playfully down at me and they both snapped.

I sat up and looked around. I felt different as I was making dinner in the kitchen. "Holy crap," I stared down at my stomach and looked at the calendar. They had sped up time so instead of still being only about six or seven months pregnant I was the full eighteen a vampire had to be. I was due literally any day.

"This is great! We can finally take the throne!" I hear Tom exclaim while I was finishing up with dinner. I had tried to infuse blood with some dishes so Tom gets to see what it's like eating human food but also getting some benefit of it. He ran in and grabbed me tightly in his arms, swinging me around.

"What are you talking about?" I looked up at him curiously, wanting to know if he had realized the change the boys made.

"I took my father's place as the king of the vampires and you are my princess. I'm looking at the vampire princess and you're looking at the king, baby girl," he smiled widely and held me as close as he could for being the equivalent to nine months pregnant. I realized he didn't even know the boys had sped time up.

"Bow down, bitches. You're in the presence of royalty and your new rulers, King and Princess Keifer, better known as your little brother in law and little sister," Blackie cackled, walking in with Alex and Eddie. They looked at each other and shot him a death glare.

"Don't you have to go get ready for your flea bath, you mangy mongrel?" Alex glared at him, baring his fangs.

"Mongrel? I'll have you know I'm a purebred wolf. My wife is also and so are my children," Blackie growled loudly at them, his lips turning up in a snarl.

"In celebration let's get into the wine cellar and get a bottle. Please hurry," I looked at one of the servants pleadingly, saying the last sentence quietly. She nodded and scurried off. "Alex, Eddie, your food is already on the table. You don't need blood in yours and I made more in case you stopped by," I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Blackie's nose.

"You're such a darling. Thanks, sweet pea," Blackie hugged me close and held me in his arms. For a man who looked so intimidating he was a major dad. I couldn't help but hug him tightly and lay my head on his chest. I could tell he didn't mind since he wrapped his arms around me tighter and smiled.

After breakfast Tom had disappeared and didn't tell anyone where he was going. Eric was insisting on not letting me out of his sight and babying the ever loving hell out of me. I was quickly learning he was such a smother.

"Now you sit down. You've been really stressed lately because of all this going on and it isn't good for the little Tom and little Ella in there," Eric carried me inside bridal style and laid me on the couch. He tucked me in with a blanket and handed me an herbal tea.

"Eric, I'm fine. I promise. I don't need all this and I don't need all this attention," I laughed, kissing his cheek and setting the mug aside, about to get up. He crossed his arms and set me back on the couch so I was laying down and he tucked me back in.

"Ella I mean it. You're nineteen. Tom is three hundred and nineteen. He will tell you the same thing when he comes back down," he looked down at me strictly. I felt the same fatherly feeling like with everyone else that was male and significantly older than I was. All the guys in my life sure knew how to get under my skin with the "dad act".

"Wait. What? My husband is three hundred years older than I am? I thought he was like in his forties and stuck at, I don't know, twenty eight," I stared over at Tom, then looked up at Eric.

"Way to go. You try to calm her down and end up getting her more worked up than before," Jeff laughed, sitting next to me and pulling me into his arms, trying to cover me back up with the blanket.

"Quit smothering me like mothers. I'm fine. The twins are fine. We're all fine. Where's Tom?" I looked up at Jeff. He chuckled when he saw I was getting irritated.

"He'll be down in a couple minutes. He's studying something and we decided to give him some space since he wanted to learn about the subject in peace," he smiled down at me.

"And that subject is?" I raised an eyebrow as Fred sat next to us. I was sitting in Jeff's lap, Eric was on one side of us, and now Fred was on the other.

"He didn't tell us what he was studying he just said he was studying something and disappeared into his study so now you get to hang out with us and listen to Blackie and your brothers argue in the kitchen," he laughed, smiling at me.

"Oh lucky me," I rolled my eyes and waited for Tom. About thirty minutes later he led me into his study and smiled widely. He walked out for a few minutes then walked excitedly back in and sat next to me.

"So I've been reading books on human fetuses and infants and it's so informative. Did you know it's good for the baby to hear the father's voice in the womb or that it can hear it's mothers voice every time she speaks while still in the womb? Or, or it can hear music and enjoys it?" He smiled widely.

"I did know all those. Did you know that when it's born an infant curls up against its mothers left breast to hear her heartbeat since they listened to it in the womb?" I smiled at him.

"That is so precious," he smiled widely, pulling me close and kissing all over my face.

"Why are you looking up facts about human babies? We're gonna have little vampires," I laughed, running my hands through his dark curly hair as he kissed and cooed at my swollen belly.

"You were once a human for a really long time. They may have some human characteristics and I wanna know all about them so I'll be prepared," he smiled, continuing to hug on my stomach. I smiled back and hugged him tightly, excited myself.

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