Chapter 29: Don't Keep A Mama From Her Babies

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

"Tom let me up. What are you doing?" I struggled underneath him and grunted, trying to get up. He grit his teeth and bared his fangs at me.

"Bedtime. I'm making sure you stay right here as I go take care of some business. I'll be in my study. You go to bed," he tightened the scarf on my wrists and walked out, turning out the light.

I groaned loudly and struggled to get free. It had taken about twenty minutes but I finally had gotten free of my restraints. I wandered out the window and grunted as a tree limb hit my shoulder. Finally I had made it to my dad and brother's house, knocking on the door.

"Look! It's our favorite little sister!" Alex smiled widely as they pulled me in and both hugged me close. I winced as I looked up at Sebastian walking into the room.

"There's my precious girl. You're here!" Sebastian tackled me into the couch and pinned me down as he tickled me.

"Sebastian, quit. Something's wrong with my shoulder," I whimpered loudly. He immediately stopped and looked down at me concerned.

"Rachel, set her shoulder back in its socket. It's dislocated," he frowned, looking down at me then at Rachel. He nodded and walked over, sinking a fang into my arm. It immediately went numb and he set it in place.

"Thanks," I mumbled, slightly frowning. Sebastian pulled me into his arms and whistled. A couple minutes later a maid walked into the room holding the twins.

"I figured you missed them. Here are your babies and they're safe and sound as they should be," Sebastian softly kissed my forehead as the maid handed them to me. I smiled my thanks to her and held them close to me. Little Baz had his eyes wide open and was smiling up at me and Elle was peacefully asleep.

"I missed them so much," I smiled softly, rubbing my nose against Sebastian's. Baz giggled and burped, spitting up a little bit on himself. I smiled and let out a small "awe" almost crying with happiness since they were back in my arms. Sebastian leaned over and gently wiped my eyes before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I would do anything for you and everything I possibly could to see you smile," Sebastian smiled at me, carefully pulling me into his arms to hold the twins and I.

"Gross quit being all mushy before you end up with two more of those little bundles in your arms," Eddie teased playfully and laughed, gently pinching my cheek.

"I wouldn't mind having more when they got older. I love them with all my heart and I wouldn't mind doing it again," I giggled, smiling up at him.

"You're crazy to want to go through late nights and screaming kids. No thanks. Not for me at all," Alex sat on the couch with a beer and a scotch in a fancy glass. He turned on the TV to wrestling and set his drinks on coasters on the coffee table.

"I'm not a party girl. I like a night of drinking or something with my mates when my kids aren't home or when it's just Sebastian, Tom, and their friends and every once in awhile is plenty for me. I don't want it to be a daily or weekly thing by any means," I shook my head and looked down at the twins in my arms.

Mick looked over from his newspaper and laughed. "I'm glad one of my kids is saying that and I'm extremely relieved it's the one who actually has children but I'm not liking that my youngest has children of her own. It just makes me feel more old than usual," he chuckled, smiling over at us.

"Dad, what are you talking about? You're ancient. You should feel old. Ella is gonna sugar coat it but we'll tell you straight up like it is," Alex laughed as I looked at Sebastian, rolling my eyes.

"You're my least favorite at the moment, Alexander. That isn't the way to suck up to your father," Mick chuckled and went back to his newspaper.

"I'm gonna go put them down for a nap while you go attend your clients meeting," I kissed Sebastian's cheek and headed upstairs. I gently set Baby Ella in her crib since she was already asleep. Grabbing a blanket, I swaddled Little Baz and sang to him to try to put him to sleep. After about twenty minutes he fell asleep and I set him in his crib. I gathered my clothes up, Sebastian's, Baby Elle's, Little Baz's, and Tom's that he had left, throwing them all in a laundry basket. I headed to Sebastian's study and knocked on the door as I walked in.

"Sebastian, I need your help with-Oh! I am so sorry. I didn't know you'd still have company. Your meeting aren't usually this long," I walked in with the basket of laundry and felt my cheeks turn a bright pink when I looked up and noticed he still had company in his office.

He chuckled and pulled me into his lap, setting the basket aside and smacking my bum as he did so. He always had to have an authoritative personality around his clients since he was head of one of the largest mafias in the world so I usually let him do as he pleases. "Darling, you're always welcome. I was making a deal with the boys here, wasn't I boys?" Sebastian smirked, giving them a wicked grin.

"Yep. When's Rachel gonna be by? I gotta talk to him and Scotti about that problem I've been having lately," the biggest and most buff guy in the room smiled at me before turning his attention to Sebastian.

"They'll be in soon enough. We'll take care of that stupid bastard for you," Sebastian said, holding me closer in his lap and looked up when Alex ran in with one of the twins who was screaming.

"What's wrong with baby Elle?" I looked up at him concerned. He shrugged and handed her to me, obviously not having the slightest idea of what to do with a baby. I checked her diaper and looked up at Sebastian. "Hey, uh, Bazzie-boo I kind of have to feed her," I whispered to him, a little uncomfortably. He gave me a confused look before his eyes widened in understanding.

"Everyone out. Get out. My babies need fed and I'm the only one in here who's allowed to see that part of my mate," Sebastian looked at everyone else as they cleared out. He got up to go get Little Baz and I pulled down my shirt to feed Baby Ella. She immediately latched onto me and held onto me close as she ate.

Sebastian walked back in holding Little Baz. He was asleep and partially drooling on himself. "Sebastian, I miss Tom. I love having you but I hate not being with both of you," I sighed, looking up at him and frowning after a couple minutes.

"I know, princess, I know. We'll get 'ol Tommy boy back one way or another. I think I know how," he gave a mischievous smirk and sat next to me. I playfully rolled my eyes and kept feeding Elle as she grunted and slurped happily.

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