Chapter 5: I'm Not Your Fool

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

I heard a knocking at the front door and went to see who it was. My parents were at work and my college had given me some time off for what happened so I was home alone. I opened the door and it was my boyfriend. I had forgotten all other boys in my life after meeting Tom.

"Ella!" He smiled, hugging me tightly. He walked inside and pulled us to the couch. "I missed you so much. If I ever met the piece of shit that took you from me I'd kill him," he hugged me tightly to him.

I was staring from being too in shock to speak. I had had a boyfriend? How could I forget that? Did I forget because of Tom? Did he make me forget? My thoughts were silenced when he placed his lips on mine and I quickly pulled away. It didn't feel right. He didn't feel right.

"You okay, babe? That guy really had a number did on you, didn't he?" He wrapped a blanket around me and held me close to him. I didn't say anything and just nodded half-heartedly. I wasn't going to admit that I didn't mind being with Tom.

He took me out for the day on a date. I was like a local celebrity since no one had ever gone missing in my small town. My boyfriend, who's name I honestly couldn't even recall, steered everyone away from me. We had been out for a couple hours when my stomach growled.

"How does pizza sound? I know it's your favorite," he smiled at me. I thought it over and realized I hadn't ate real food in weeks and I missed it a whole lot.

"Sounds great. Let's go," I smiled back, my smile not reaching my eyes. He took us to the pizza place and we sat down to eat. I had eaten three large pizzas by myself before remembering what Tom said about food not having any value. If anything I was hungrier afterward though.

"Are you finally done?" My boyfriend laughed as I ate the last slice of the third pizza. I blushed as he took my hand and led me back to his car. We listened to the radio since I didn't feel like talking still. I didn't have any blood with me so I was still extremely hungry.

We went to the mall and shopped around. A guy winked at me and I looked away. I couldn't care less about any other guys. Before I knew what was going on I was in an empty hallway and my cheek was stinging, snapping me out of my constant daze. Did he just hit me? Has he hit me before?

"Don't you dare look at other guys, Ella. I'm the only one you need to be looking at. After you were taken from me I didn't know what to do. I'm not losing you again. I'm keeping you with me and you're never leaving my sight," he pulled me to him by my wrist and got in my face. His breath was hot as he glared at me.

"Did you just hit me and call it love? I'm not your fool," I glared, my eyes feeling weird for a second, as he backed away a couple steps. I grabbed him by his shirt. My adrenaline was up so I was stronger in one finger than he was in his entire body due to my vampire abilities.

"Woah. Your eyes just turned red. B-babe I don't like guys looking at you. I'm only doing what's best for you," he stuttered somewhat shaking as a low growl came from my throat. My canine teeth sharpened themselves into my fangs and his eyes got even bigger. My fangs weren't near as big as Tom's since he was much older than I was but mine were sharper since they weren't as worn down from years of use like his were.

I sank my fangs into his neck and growled as his blood burned my mouth but that only made me sink my fangs in deeper. Now I realized why Tom said only to drink his blood. There were blisters forming in mouth from the burning so I grabbed his arm and dug my fangs down it, slicing the artery open. I grabbed his keys and ran out of the mall, wiping the blood off my face and wincing as I saw in my reflection that my face was blistered also.

Tom's POV

I was stalking around the house after I had destroyed over half of it. I tore all the paintings off the walls and destroyed all the furniture in a fit of rage I had after Chris came back over. Blackie needed him for a decision and had to bring him.

My eyes went from red back to their normal blue as I straightened my shirt and fixed my hair in a mirror. My assistant and best friend, Eric Brittingham, walked in and stared as he looked around.

"What the hell did you do? What is your mate gonna say? She's gonna be so pissed. Or scared out of her mind of you," he stared.

"She isn't coming back! She's gone and I'll never see her again!" I snapped, loosing my cool. He looked shocked and sat on what remained of the vandalized couch.

"Why did she leave? Why did you let her? I thought you loved her. Once someone is bound to you you can never do that again. You just lost your only chance," he looked up at me, going on and on.

"Eric I know! Just shut up!" I yelled, my voice booming off the walls of the house. It got so quiet you could hear a pin drop as he sat back, not daring to say another word. "I'm sorry I snapped. Just please stop talking," I got quiet as I sat down with my head in my hands. He nodded and didn't say anything.

Ella's POV

A few days had passed and we acted like a family for a few hours. Then my mom was back on her laptop and my dad was back in his study, working on his book. I had gotten ravenous and tore open one of the blood packs then quickly spit it out. It was awful. It tasted old and stale, somehow.

I groaned, feeling like I made the worst mistake of my life. I left the man who showered me in all the affection and love I could ever ask for for people who barely even know I'm here. My strength was fading fast and I got weaker from lack of blood. I grabbed my phone on my nightstand and called Tom.

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