Chapter 31: My Idiot Boys And Their Beautiful Babies

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Ella's POV

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Ella's POV

I kept myself covered until I saw his playful smirk and his beautiful crystal blue eyes running hungrily over my body. I flung myself into his arms and kissed at his cheeks before feeling his arms wrap around me tightly as he held me close to his chest.

"What brought you back? What'll make you not do that again?" I murmured, burying my face in his hair and holding him close to me as his fangs grazed at my neck.

"If I don't eat like I should it makes me ravenous. My feral side comes out until I can corner my prey and after I eat I'll be fine," he sank his fangs into the vein in my neck and drank deeply. I was laying on my back in the warm water in complete bliss as I ran my fingers through his hair, gently tugging at it.

He eventually pulled away and licked his lips clean. I noticed the color return to his face and his lips were rosier than before. I reached up and felt my neck still bleeding then looked up at him curiously.

"Aren't you gonna stop the bleeding?" I looked up at him curiously. He gave me a mischievous smirk before pressing his lips to mine.

"No I'm not. You're mine. Those bites show you're mine. No other vampire needs to touch you or think of ever laying a hand on you," he chuckled, still standing over me and holding me close to his chest as the warm water loosened my tense muscles.

"So wait, why were all the boys except Jeff acting like you also?" I looked up at him curiously as he moved us so we were on our sides facing each other.

"They're in sync with me for lack of better words. Jeff is but he isn't. He can control himself if I get feral since he wasn't born a savage vampire by either parent. My mother was a savage and my father wasn't. So sometimes the feral side comes out when I get too angry or too hungry and it happens for all the guys except Jeff also. He helps us when we go feral so we don't hurt anyone," he explained, softly pressing his lips to my forehead.

"You're so lovey. Why?" I giggled, snuggling into him and kissing his nose as he held me closer to his warm chest.

"Because as a feral I remember wanting to hurt you. Ferals forcibly mate and then kill their mates once they've raised the feral's child. I remember wanting to kill you off when I heard Ella crying and I don't ever want to think that again," he held me tightly, refusing to let up on the hug.

"Shh. You're fine, I'm fine. Everything is fine and you're back to normal. Just keep eating and you'll be okay," I kissed him softly and pulled him up so we could get out.

He wrapped a towel around his waist then bundled me in a towel, carrying me into the cold room next door and setting me in our bed. Before long my eyelids got heavy and I fell asleep, snuggled tightly into his arms.

When I woke up I was dressed in a pink onesie and I was laying on Mick's couch at his house. I was assuming either Alex or Eddie picked my outfit out since they usually insisted on treating me like I was five.

"Sorry, babe. Your brothers can be rather forceful when it comes to you," Tom winced when he walked in with Sebastian. Each were holding their babies close in their arms.

"When they wake up you might wanna feed them. They didn't take too well to getting a bottle and have been very very fussy ever since," Sebastian laughed, sitting on one side of me as Tom sat on the other.

"I'll keep that in mind," I smiled, laying my head on his shoulder as Tom gently tugged the hood down on the onesie and kissed my cheek.

Little Baz woke up and started whining. He was obviously fussy. "See? I told you the babies weren't too happy about not having their mommy," Sebastian chuckled, setting him in my arms. I smiled down at him and kissed his cheeks as he giggled, gently tugging on my hair.

"Aww how cute," Eddie pulled me into his lap on the other couch as Alex laughed, smiling at Baz and I.

"You both are like a couple of wild dogs wherever you go. Can you cool if for like five minutes?" I rolled my eyes as I gently played with Baz's little fingers. I learned if Sebastian or myself was around he wouldn't be too cranky but if we weren't he'd throw the biggest fits.

"At least we didn't have kids in our teens. We waited and still are waiting," Alex rolled his eyes as Eddie was still holding me close to his chest. I guess he took a bit of offense to that but what were little sisters for if not for being a pain in the ass at times?

I rolled my eyes and got up to do laundry. As I walked back in I saw Mick sit next to Sebastian after a little while and head him whisper in his ear. "The angels are keeping her safe. They're her guardian angels," I heard him whisper as Sebastian let a snarl slip, aimed at Tom.

He turned his attention to Sebastian and growled back. "You can't make her just yours anymore. The twins are protecting her. She's both of ours now," Tom rolled his eyes at Sebastian as he got up and held me close to him.

"Well I'm not the one that lost my mind and hurt her!" Sebastian yelled at Tom. I realized Sebastian was doing the thing where he was trying to make me his full mate again and I let out a silent groan, thinking we were over this.

"Okay, now I gotta step in and shut you two up! Everything is fine. The babies are in bed, my brothers are out for the night, and we have a quiet house so both of you better calm down this instant," I crossed my arms at them. They both looked surprised as they looked down at me.

"I guess she's right. But she does look so cute in her little pink bunny onesie that her brothers picked out," Sebastian knelt to my level and pinched my cheek before kissing my forehead.

"Sometimes I just wanna hit you," I glared as he scooped me into his arms and carried me up to bed as Tom followed.

"No ones stopping you, princess," he chuckled, tossing me into the bed as he and Tom climbed in next to me and both kissed my cheeks.

"Both of you just go to bed. It's late and you can argue tomorrow," Tom laughed, smiling down at me. I playfully rolled my eyes and kissed their cheeks, quickly falling asleep snuggled into them.

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