Chapter 4

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Believe, believe, believe
I don't know how I got here
I knew it wouldn't be easy
But your faith for me was so clear
It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
But you knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at me now
~Believe, Justin Bieber
I heard a car door open and slam shut and at first, I was confused at to where I was. But then I remembered that Harry Styles kidnapped me.
That's when I started to freak out again. I opened my eyes and tried to scream, but I there was a strip of duck tape on my mouth.
I attempted to open the door by pushing against it. If you guys forgot my hands are tied and so are my legs.
My body is aching from the uncomfortable position I was thrown into, I was currently balled up on the floor next to the door.
My frail body barely fitting into the tiny area I had to myself. I groaned in frustration.
Leaning my head back, I tried to get used to the uncomfortable position I'm in. I know if I even try to escape.. I'll end up dead. Either by the government or...him.
It's terrible knowing that I'm stuck with him.
It's terrible know that if I even wanted to leave I can't.
Or else I'm dead. It's just terrible.
A tear slides downy face just at the car door opens and I looked up to see his face. It's was a bit hard to tell considering it was pitch black outside. And honestly by the looks of it, I knew I was miles and miles away from home.
He looks down at me with a smirk on his face, I felt weak and hopeless under his control.
I couldn't help but look down an let tears escape my eyes. I don't want to be here. I don't even know what he's going to do to me.
All he did was laugh. I couldn't believe him. It angered me so much, but I knew I couldn't say anything to him. Mainly for two reasons..
1.) My mouth has duck-tape on it and
2.) If I did for all I know he could kill me.
"Don't cry kitten." He said coming down to stroke my tear stained cheek but I flinched back from his touch.
"So weak. So innocent." He started. "And so mine." He finished.
He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his - I guess - house. I hated him touching me. But again...I had no choice.
The house on the other hand washuge. Knowing myself, I knew I would get lost in it.
Harry opened the door to reveal a very nice and cozy looking home. I scoffed at the thought of a criminal having such a nice house, looking as if it was a familyhome.
"What's the matter kitten? You don't like it?" He asked sitting down and pulling me down on his lap. "Cause I can assure you, if you don't like it, you'll be seeing the bedroom far more often."
"I-I do. I like it." I squeaked, hearing my own voice after a while.
"Good." He smirked, kissing my cheek.
"C-can you untie m-me." I cannot bring myself to stop stuttering.
"And why would I do that kitten? I don't want you running away from me." He said, like he was scolding a five year old.
"It hurts." I say never making eye contact.
He looks at me and smirks. I swear if he smirks one more time I'm gonna kill him. (Probably impossible for me though)
"No." He simply states getting up making me fall to the floor, which he just looks at me and walks to the kitchen.
That's it. I'm gonna show this bastard a taste of his own medicine!
I struggle to get up but eventually do so, so I walk towards the counter to where he's sitting.
"Listen here you son of a bitch! Don't you fucking dare tell me no! You're the one who fucking kidnapped me! And you're the one who's forcing me here! You're a bastard who kills innocent people and girls you've used as a one night stand! " I screamed at him.
He gets up and walks towards me, anger was written all over his face.
"Listen here kitten, you don't know a damn thing about who I am. So don't you fucking dare go out and say those things!" He yells and walks closer to me.
He grabs my arm and pulls me to his chest. I noticed a huge height difference, seeing as I had to tilt my head up to look at him.
"I swear to-" I cut him off before he could continue.
"You what! You swear to God? How's that possible?! Do you even believe God?! Your a heartless monster! You fucking kill people for a living!" I screamed at him, spitting on his face.
He whiped the spit off and growled, "Listen here you bitch-" I stopped him again.
"You may act all tough and scary, but the truth is your nothing bu-" I was cut off by a huge impact on my left cheek, causing me to fall to the floor in pain.
"Don't you dare act all tough Bethany! You're nothing but a-" I stopped him.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed at him.
Right after, he kicked me in my rib and pulled out a gun. My eyes widened at the sight of the barrel pointed at me head.
"Say something else...I dare you." He spits at me.
I knew he wouldn't shoot me, so I stupidly decided to challenge him.
"Or else what!? You're gonna shoot me?" I laughed hysterically at him.
I realized how stupid of an idea was when he started kicking me in the ribs, once, twice, three times, all the way to twelve. Twelve kicks to the ribs. He picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and stomping up to my new bedroom.
He threw me on the bed. "You're right. I won't shoot you. But get this in that pretty little head of yours. This is a game. A game of Dominance. And in this And the loosers always pay the price." He said before leaving the room and locking the door.
I laid there in pain just thinking about why I had to be taken out of the billions of other girls out there in the world,I just laid there and thought why it had to be me.
'Why me? Why does he have to be after me. What's so special about Bethany? I don't want to live a life with a criminal. He murders innocent families for fun.That's wrong. It's cruel. I used to think about it before. Who would want to get stuck with Harry Styles. I used to feel bad for the girls that had a one night stand with him...then died the next day. But now look at me. I was tied up in the back of his van...hopeless. I could be the next girl on his list.'
Thinking about it makes me realize that I'm next. I'm the next girl dead found rotting in an old motel bed. The next girl that gets a missing report on file. The next girl who gets tortured by this monster. I'm the next girl...who's family is in tears because they know that there baby girl is never coming back. I'm the next girl...I'm the next girl that gets Harry Styles.


Well thanks for reading!!!

I hope you enjoyed!!




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