Chapter 17

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"I feel so numb, staring at the shower wall..."
"It's begun, the feeling that the end has come..And now the waters cold..I tried to eat today..But the lump in my throat got in the way..In this time..I've lost all sense of pride..I've called a hundred times..If I hear your voice i'll be fine..And I..I can't come alive..I want the room to take me under..Cause I can't help but wonder..What if I had one for night..For goodbye..But your not here to turn the lights off..I can't sleep..These four walls and me..."


3rd person

Her lifeless body lays on the bed, her blood staining the white sheets she lays on. Its too late. She''s dead. Nobody wanted to help her.

They didn't even try to save her. Well besdies Ellis. He didn't want to save her. He left her there to die on her own.

To die a slow death. Funny thing is how nobody came to her rescue. How here mom never came to save her. How her dad didn't even bother putting in a missing person report.

She just wasn't good enough for anyone. She knew that for herself. She had scars on her body that nobody could heal. Even if they tried. She was badly broke from inside.


Bethanys P.O.V.

Everythings dark. My head is pounding. My body is aching. Nobody did anything to save me. Harry left me here to die. He didn't care.

'You're stronger then this.'

A voice in my head replayed over and over again. I can feel myself breathing. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. You worthless peice of sh*t. You failed once again. This is why you deserve to die.

A different voice spoke in my mind. But I didn't care. I was still alive and I was going to save Ell and myself from having to live here.

It takes all my power to open my eyes, but soon get blinded by the bright light. Once my eyes adjust I look around the room and see Ell and Grisel sitting by each other, sleeping.

"Ell, Grisel." I try and speak, but my voice is cracked and broken. But it was enought for them to hear me and wake up.

They both come running to my side, tears running down both of there faces. They smile at me, and I do the same.

" Bethany! I was worried sick! I'm so happy your okay! I would have died if anything would had happed to you." Ell screams. If only they know that something did happen to me.

The door opens and reveals Harry. Ell and Grisel immediately got up and left the room.

He walks over to me and grabs my hand. Anger rises over me as I put in all my strength and pull my hand away angrily.

"Don't touch m-me." My cracks and is barely above a whisper.

"Bethan-" I cut him off before he can even say a word.

"No. Don't you dare say anything after all of this. Your a-" My voice gets louder, but he cuts me off.

"Your still f*cking mine! And I can still punish you." He harshly says.

"You don't think this is punishment enough! I would rather die then to have to live with you." I cry.

"You are pathetic. It's to bad you didn't succeed in killing yourself." He says, then walks out the room.


Ahhh 8k reads!!!! Thank you sososososososososososososososososososo much!

Sorry for the short chapter!

Guys I just want to say.. THIS STORY IS NOWHERE NEAR OVER YET! Just want to make that clear.

Thanks for reading!




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