Chapter 21

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"There is a girl in the front of my class..."
"Who I swear I'd never seen do anything, but laugh..She's tall and she's smart..Beautiful and strong..And when someone's down..She tries to fix what is wrong..How does someone so perfect..Feel so insecure..As to scar her skin..With cuts and burns and still want to hurt more..How does someone so loving..Learn to hate her own guts..Drawing a picture on her arm with a blade..As if her mind isn't dark enough..."





"Bethany you are dead. And I mean that." His harsh words speak and he kicks open the first door.

There are only two doors before the one I'm in and one is already out of option.

Think fast Bethany. I look around and decide to crawl into the stall to my left buying more time.

"I know your in here." He kicks at the second door. I can practically feel him getting angrier by the second.


There goes the third door. I crouch back as far as I can go. I hear his footsteps ready to knock open the last stall.

The tears start falling out my eyes just as he kicks open the last door revealing me.

His face his red and fists are bawled up so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He takes a step closer. Inch by inch soon enough we are only mere centimeters away from each other.

I cry out as his hand slaps across my left cheek. I slide to the ground trying to protect myself.

I scream as his boot collides with my rib cage. Tears blur up my vision, but I'm not going down with out a fight.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I scream out. Unfortunately Harry right then pulls out his phone and gun.

"Say one more f*cking word and I will shoot you." He spat. He starts up his phone and dials someone calling for backup.

I try my hardest to kick him in his shins, but he reacts fast and shoots, purposely missing by an inch.

I scream right as the fire what shot. But most of all I cry. I cry because there's nothing I can do. I cry because there's nobody in the damn store coming to help. I cry because I'm done.

Soon enough Harry grabs me up off the floor and forces me back outside where a black van awaits. He shoves me inside following behind me.

He sets me on his lap like a 5 year old child. I look around and see that his whole gang is here. I look and see maybe Ellis showed, but she didn't.

"Drop us off at the nearest hotel." Harry demands. I shiver at the thought of what he has planned.

"Your dead when we get to the hotel." He whispers into my ear and harshly pulls me closer to him. I do nothing, but wait for the ride to end.


"Here man. It's the closest one." Louis says and Harry quickly grabs my arm and pulls me out with him.

He drags me inside by my arm. The hotel overall is quite nice. We walk over to the reception desk.

"One room." He simply states an gives him his credit card. I sure hope it has two beds

He gives Harry the key and we walk to the elevator in silence. I was hoping there would be more people in their, but it was only us two.

Once the elevator closes he pushes me against the wall. His eyes are black, showing no emotion whatsoever. I cower back in fear for what he has planned.

"Once we get inside, take your shirt off. And don't you dare try to stop me." He says and the elevator opens. He grabs my hand and drags me to the room.

Once he pushes me inside and locks the door he takes off his belt and stares at me waiting.

"Take off your shirt." He says. I look down, tears swelling in my eyes. I reach for the hem of my shirt and slowly lift it above my head.

I throw it to the ground and look up at Harry. He's still raging with anger and I know I can't do anything to stop it.

"Take off your pants and go lay on your stomach on the bed." He doesn't look at me, but I knew I had to before it gets worse than this.

Once I'm done I slowly walk over to the bed and lay down. I can't help, but letting the tears flow out knowing what he was going to do.

I hear his footsteps come closer. He reaches over and ties my hands to the headboard and my feet to the bed posts.

I let out a shaky breath. He's going to whip me. For who knows how long. But I have a feeling this is not the only thing I'm receiving.

"Just wait till I'm done with you." He angrily states.

I let out a loud scream as the first whip hits my lower back. I let a few tears escape.

"You worthless little b*tch." He shouts then strikes again.

Then again

Then again

Then again.

My vision starts to blur as the whole backside of my body was acing badly. It felt as if deep cuts were made letting a bit of blood rise to the surface.

It has probably been 10 minutes and he hasn't stopped. Tears don't stop rushing out of my eyes.

"S-stop!" I whimper as he strikes the back of my legs for the 20th time it feels like.

"I'll stop when you learn to behave yourself." He shouts then keeps going.

That's it. I just let him go until he feels as if he's done pleasing himself. I mean that's what everything is right?


I hoped you liked the chapter!

I'm probably going to be updating a lot! But how many chapters should this story have! Comment what you think!

Qotd: What are your opinions on the story!? What should I change to make better?

Thanks! I hope you enjoyed!

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