Chapter 25

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"When you try your best..."

"But you don't succeed.. When you get what you want..But not what you need.. When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep.. Stuck in reverse.. And the tears come streaming down your face.. When you lose something you can't replace.. When you love someone, but it goes to waste.. Could it be worse.. Lights will guide you home.. And ignite your bones.. And I will try to fix you..."


"Turn left then take the next exit out." Harry speaks as the rest of his gang talk about weapons and such stuff, which I could care less about.

I attempt to push my self off of Harry, but his hold on me tightens even more. I don't even know where we're all going, but I can tell it isn't anywhere close.

I haven't opened my eyes once since we got in the car. I don't care for anything anymore really. I mean, why would I.

"Stop at Louis house. We need to pick him and whoever the hell he has with him up." I think Zayn speaks. I sigh and realize that I should open my eyes, considering that I am curious about where we are.

I look out ahead of me and see as we pass by, tree by tree, in the middle of nowhere. I look down to my left and see Harrry's one arm wrapped me keeping me from falling to the car floor. I look up at him and his phone in his one other free hand.

The car haults to a stop in front of an average size house. Everybody in the car steps out, leaving only me and Harry left in the car. He looks down at me slightly pushing me off, so he can get out of the car.

He holds my forearm taking me out along with him. We walk in slilence into the house. Once we reach the inside, he lets go of my arm and places his large hand on my back pushing me further into the house.

"Are you hungry?" Harry breaks the silence between us both. I look up to him and nod my head. I don't know the last time I ate, but I still don't feel hungry. He sighs then takes me to what seems like the kitchen.

"You have to eat. You haven't aten in days and I can see your bones starting to sticking out." He says opening the fridge searching for some food. He grabs a plate and warms up some leftover pizza for me.

"Louis and that chick will be down in a minute. We're spending the night here, then taking off tomorrow for New York." A boy with brown hair says.

My eyes instantly widen at his words. New York. There's no way I'm leaving my family here and going to New york with these murderers.

"Eat this." Harry hands me a plate and tells me to sit at the table with him. The kitchen is empty, leaving us too alone.. again.

I stare at the food. My stomach churning just at the sight of it. I don't want to eat it. I don't want to eat anything anymore.

"Eat. Nobody likes an anorexic." I immedtatly back away from the food once that last word comes out of his mouth. So many memories flood back into my mind.

"Maella! How are you?" I ask walking next up next to her hospital bed. She looks weaker than before. Which defiantly cannot be a good sign.

"The same I guess." She replies. The same thing I've hear since day one.

"Maella.. I'm worried for you. You have to eat something." I take her hand in mine. She can't die. Doctors says she will, if she doesn't eat soon.

"Beth, seriously. I'm fine." She blankly replies.

"Mae.. Doctors say, you might not make it this way. I can't lose my only sister. You can fight through anorexia I know you can. Don't let this disease take over you." Tears start forming in my eyes. The thought of losing my younger sister is devastating.

"You don't understand Bethany. It's not just a disease." Maella looks up at me. She lies back down.

The color from her face starts to drain out. I start to panic knowing what's next.

"Bethany. You'll always be my big sister. I'll always love you." She says and the monitor slowly goes to a straight line. Her eyes close and her breathing soon stops as well.

"No. No. No. Maella. Wake up! No you can't die. Mae. Listen to me. Wake up- Nurse! Mae. Wake up-No! you can't die! Mae!" I scream and cry. I fall to my knees, facing the cold hard truth.

Anorexia killed my one and only sister.

I hadn't noticed tears were flowing freely down my cheeks until Harry cleared his throat.

I look up at him, tears in my eyes. He hold his arms open and I gladly walk into them, needing the comfort at the moment.


Hoped you liked the chapter!

I don't know when I'm updating next. A lot of family problems have come up and I just can't cope. Thanks for understanding. (:

QOTD: What's your guys' name?

Mines Seher.. (:

Thanks! I hope you enjoyed.




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