Chapter 12

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"Here I am..."
"Feels like the walls are closing in.. Once again.. It's times to face it and be strong.. I wanna do the right thing now.. I know it's up to me somehow.. I've lost.. My way.. If I could take it all back I would now.. I never meant to let you all done.. And now I've got to try.. To turn it all around.. And figure out how to fix this.. I know there's a way so I promise.. I'm gonna clean up the mess I made.. Maybe its not to late..."



"Hi my name is Bethany Moto. This is my first video and I am really excited about starting/ making my own YouTube videos." I start off.

"I will be doing tutorials, DIY'S and loads more on this channel! So please subscribe, and look forward to more videos coming soon! Thank you! Bye guys!" I finish off then close the camera.

"Bethany come downstairs or your going to be late for your first concert, gig thing" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

I laugh at her choice of wording and check myself in the mirror before grabbing my vans and rushing downstairs.

"Ready mom!" I happily cheer giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Ellis is waiting outside in her car. Your father and I will be there before you perform!" My mom says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay mom. I love you! Bye!" I say and give her a peck on the cheek.

"Bye honey!" She yells back as I shut the front door.

I jog over to Ellis' car and hop in.

"Hey babes! Are you excited!?" She happily says as she starts the car down the road.

"You know it Ell. I'm really nervous too!" I say and turn on the radio.

"Don't be. Your f*cking amazing!" She screams.

"Language." I say and playfully hit her arm.

"Hey, learn to let loose sometimes Beth." She laughs. I lightly roll my eyes.

" 'Cause that's what makes you beautiful." Ell and I sing along.

"We're here!" Ell screams as she parks and gets out of the car. I join, having to jog to keep up with her.

We enter the building and go backstage. I find my guitar and lightly run my fingers over the cords.

"Your on in 5." James says to me and then wonders off somewhere else.

"Ellis, what if I do bad. What if they don't like me!? What if-" Ell cuts me off.

"Beth! You are so amazing! They're not going to hate you. I promise. They'll love you. Just like your parents and I love you." Ell tells me reassuringly.

I give her a slight smile and grab my guitar, ready to go out onto the stage.

I look back at her one last time before walking out on stage.

Dominance**Editing**Where stories live. Discover now